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Everything posted by Knobby

  1. Who's gonna give me a ride to the after show?
  2. Is there currently any way to know how many lor protector status you have?
  3. will that new stuff include undocking?
  4. Arrakis wasteland of the Empire, and the most valuable planet in the universe. Because it is here—and only here—where spice is found. The spice. Without it there is no commerce in the Empire, there is no civilization. Arrakis home of the spice, greatest of treasure in the universe. And he who controls it, controls our destiny. — Princess Irulan, Frank Herbert's Dune
  5. With these new more realistic sailing mechanics, we really need to be able to separately control the spanker (clew up, or haul amidships) so it doesn't work against the maneuver. For example when wearing, you would clew up the spanker, otherwise it would push the stern away from the wind. When tacking, you would haul the spanker amidships to increase pressure on the stern and help with turning into the wind.
  6. I must agree. It just doesn't make sense. IMO the only good that can come from this change is that now at least Christendom will stop hello kittying spamming every damn thread of the forums with off-topic MERGE propaganda shouting.
  7. so to combat nightflips you bring back timers, but at the same time allow hostility raising BEFORE the timers to immediately trigger PB's... Have you thought this trough? I will christen this mechanic the 'office-flip'.
  8. Ah yes you are right. I'm sure it's not used at the end though, but i must have been mistaken about the beginning
  9. Nice, love the old newspaper style. Just wanted to say though that the 'long s' ,or 'f without crossbar', is only ever used when in the middle of a word. Never when it's the first or last letter of a word.
  10. Get over it, calling you out for talking non-sense in a thread that has nothing to do with you is not an attack! You going around the forum posting your relentless swede bashing every chance you get can be considered harassment however...
  11. So even now you know that it was not our intention to schedule at that time you still call us cowards?
  12. All I ever heard from the Swedes that were in the screening battle vs the Dutch was 'thanks for the fight' In case of a PB kiting is playing the objective. It worked, you could do the same. Where were we even kited and who attacked who about it? All I saw is ppl hating on the swedes here. Haven't seen anybody attacked for losing a pb. Not turning up for a pb is just disappointing for the other side, so you can expect disappointed reactions. Only you would call that an attack though... It's bad either way. Nope, right of the bat Scipio was accusing us of cowardice and deliberately planning PB while he was eating. We laughed about; 1) that he thinks we need some edge to win and thus attack him when he can't defend; 2) immediate assumption of bad intentions even though it's an inconvenient time for us as well. I have no idea when swedes begged for this. If you are talking about asking for pb window in general, then that's the whole of EU server. If ppl liked nightflips they would be playing on global Remember 'Swede bashing rule #1'; See wat you want to see, not what's actually there.
  13. You have shown me the pointlessness of reason, so I already gave up.
  14. I'm saying do to others as you want them to do to you. I'm well aware you don't have absolute control over what other ppl do, but I want you to speak out against such actions. So I want you to give out a signal, in general terms, that you do not condone such behavior from you friends, teammates and allies. Like I have just done about CABAL's use of alts. Again, this is not about proof or punishment or who did something first, it's about calling out shitty behavior when you see it, regardless of who is doing it. Like I do in the text you just quoted. That's the whole point of my post. Would be nice if you did the same. Once more, it's not about punishment or banning. It's about speaking out, telling your friends and teammates that what they are doing is shitty and asking them to stop. It's called 'sociale controle' in Dutch (i think it's similar in English, social control) and it's what keeps most ppl from doing shitty stuff, even if there is no real threat of punishment. I'm sure you know what I mean. TLDR; Everybody who witnesses shitty behavior, regardless of sides, should call it out and condemn it. Especially if the ones doing it are your friends or teammates or allies. Disapproval of those close to you is the most effective form of stopping shitty behavior in societies. I can't believe I really have to explain this 3 times to get the point across
  15. I thought we did? Like mentioned many times before, we are all in the same timezone, and 18:00 is not a good time for us either. You missed every point I was trying to make here. Point one: you expect a favor of your enemies, for them to behave in a gentlemanly way. Then return the favor, and instruct your captains to refrain from cheese tactics. Make it a general memo, without calling names. 'They are doing it too' With this I mean, when you see shitty behavior (even if it's done by your own side!) call it out! Don't defend your own shitty behavior by pointing fingers. That others are behaving shitty does not make your own shitty behavior less shitty. This goes for everybody, including your/my own nation. So you say CABAL players are using alts as spies, that's been ruled as allowed by the devs many times before. You seem to know who these alts are so if you see them you know you are spotted, act accordingly. You say that these alts are used to avoid battle. If this is true I will go on record here and say that is bad and I do not condone it and will in fact raise the point inside the clan and let my friends know I think that is shitty behavior. I expect everybody who has ever accused anybody else of using exploits or shitty tactics to do the same. Only then can we hope to have a nice environment in our game. Saying it is a mechanic and thus allowed is disingenuous. It is clear by the actions of the devs, by changing the way old outlaw battles worked to how they worked in the most recent incarnation (can join anywhere and green on green allowed in outlaw battles), that tagging friends to avoid battle is not how it is supposed to work!
  16. So the Dutch can ask the Swedes for a gentleman's agreement to not plan PB's during dinnertime (which is clearly a real mechanism and, other then that the time does not suit you, is being used as designed). But when Swedes ask Dutch and French not to use cheesy tactics to avoid a fight (which I agree is also a mechanism, but it is NOT meant to be used like this) we get ridicule and forum PvP. Why would we facilitate our enemies when this is what we get in return? How about you allies do what allies are for and fight those swedes together, instead of using cheese tactics to avoid fights on a PvP server? Well said. @ScipioTortuga You could be proactive and communicate to your nation's pvpers that if you as a nation ask for a favor from your enemies in portbattle timing, it would only be common courtesy to return such gentlemanly behavior in other pvp engagements... but I guess that would require you to have a secretary... Some other reflections on this thread: 'They are doing it too!' is no excuse for shitty behavior! I personally have not seen a swede do stuff like this or stuff that was mentioned in this thread, but if i did you can be sure I would speak out against it! And I would expect the same from everybody in this thread. The recent removal of Outlaw battles was for a different reason I agree, however the latest outlaw mechanic (can join anywhere) was created specifically to counter misuse of tagging each other to avoid battle by pirates in the old system. So it is clear that the devs think this is not how it is supposed to work! People arguing otherwise are being disingenuous because this time it was used against the nation everybody loves to hate on. People need to take of their blinders and try to look at this issue from a somewhat neutral perspective. It is clearly not the way this mechanism is supposed to be used, and ppl misusing it should be called out for it, regardless of which flag they sail under or who's friends they are.
  17. i quoted it right there in the same post: to paraphrase you (guess i have to be painfully precise talking to you) "if you can't see it there then i'm afraid i can't help you"
  18. and yet you seemed so sure advantage was being taken! Fantasy on my part, or simply what you wrote mere hours ago? My wife and I play squash together. She goes to drumming lessons, I go to meetings of the local home brewers association. My neighbors' kids have football training in the evening, my mother sings in a choir. We all plan our dinners around all of these hobbies, how is a computergame (one that is not single player) different? And who made you the 'Judge of worthwhile hobbies to plan your other stuff around'? And to be totally clear, I'm not suggesting OTHER people HAVE to plan their shit around my playing schedule! I'm calling you out for insinuating that ppl who DO sometimes plan their shit around NA are somehow less than ppl who won't or can't do the same. It seems to me that you are an expert in calling out hypocrisy in others, but utterly blind to your own. The amount of mental gymnastics is impressive, but it makes it utterly impossible to have any sort of reasonable discussion with you. I will no longer allow myself to be dragged down to your level. Good day Sir.
  19. Maybe you should complain to the devs that they didn't adjust the timers to daylight savings... You honestly think we are purposely looking for moments when your 8 guys can't be in the battle, that we need an edge like that? Besides, we are ALL in the same time zone, when do you think we normally have dinner? It's a simple matter of mechanics. Saturday we were raising baranquila, because we wanted a PB on sunday. Unfortunately we didn't manage it in time. Hostility mechanics means that if hostility reaches 100% after the PB window closes, the PB will be set for earliest time 2 days from then. Thus monday at the opening of the pb window. You can blame the devs that is at 18:00 and not 19:00. Hell we even had ppl who were to late because they didn't realize the window had shifted with wintertime.
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