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Everything posted by Wilson09

  1. Small bottle system reworks suggestion: Here my suggestion for the “bottle system”: Status-quo: Main purpose: - Move players around the map, - not the “core” of gameplay Right now, the player’s decision is: “Do I want to invest time sailing down there”? All found out, it is best done using a Trader´s Lynx. You get hardly capped by anyone. Devs scaled distance from narrow to very far away. Players go short distances avoid long distances, works as long as all gold-upgrades are "farmed". Risk: hardly any, afk sailing, high reward golden upgrades virtually force players to sail (to get golden powder monkeys, carpenter teams and so on)… ------------------------- Reworked system: Using a bottle with 9 possible outcomes, 3 differ in cargo space needed, 3 on distances, all randomized. A window might “pop up” saying. You found plans for a wreck, it is (1 narrow distance 2 Medium range 3 Long range), and it is likely that a hold (A SMALL B MEDIUM C LARGE) is needed. Alternatively, no pop up needed, just as fleet missions. Details on the UI. 3 (ore more) stackable missions varying on distances. Range? Self-explaining, you have already tested it. Randomized distances, from the point where you used the bottle. Small / medium / Large (1/3 chance). If I get long range, I´ll likely destroy the bottle as an experienced player and do the “gamble” again, open another bottle. New players might go. Depending on outpost distribution. Hold? A Small (varies between 500 and 1000) useful ship: Trader Lynx B Medium (varies between 2500 and 3500) useful ship: Traders Brig or Traders Snow C Large (varies between 4000 and 8000) useful ship: LGV, Indiaman The question might have to be: Am I going to invest the time AND am I going to risk it on my own? (cold prickle vs. warm glow) So, if I use a bottle as a player, I get 9 outcomes. I might not use it at all and sell it (no one is forced to do it, no core-game feature). Narrow/small: most go for it Narrow/medium: depending on outpost location Narrow/large: most delete it; casual, new players might not, depending on outpost location Medium/small: see above, fleets? Player coordinating? Medium/medium: see above, fleets? Player coordinating? Medium/large: see above fleets? Player coordinating very likely Large/small: fleets and coordination likely Large/medium: fleets and coordination likely Large/large: coordination essential Case 9: I use a bottle and get long distance / large loot. As a pirate I need to sail to the west of Port Royal. How will I go there ? : OFC, I go on a speed-boat, sail to the nearest outpost, and cap with the Indy on small ships, teleport there. Still I need to sail from the outpost back and forth. Also, I might just take the risk and sail all the way not using a speed-boat trip option. Finally, it is all about logistics. Actually, a pop up is not needed. Can be done like mission. You can stack up to 3 loot-missions (maybe 1 small trip, medium distance, large distance). Loot? Varies with cargo size. You know it before who big the package might be, but not exactly (right now) what´s in it. Still, the loot needs to be linked to the player’s ranks. Only highest rank should be able to loot “gold” upgrades. Even big clan players now, might think of going for big cargo-loot missions, if it happens they have similar in the same area. There are many other points, which can be explained and so on. Due to lack of time, I end this first approach and ask for comments on the 2 main feature? 3 distances 3 hold sices (or more) needed. W.
  2. Ja ja ja, ich bin ja nicht blöd. nochmal genauer für alle: Naval Action is an exciting, realistic, and beautifully detailed naval combat sandbox. Banastre? Jetzt bitte nochmal nachlegen bzgl. des Punktes "exciting" !
  3. 2 kind of pictures popped up into my head: 1. Boagrius and Achilles There is more of Boagrius in him as he would like to admit. Finally, we all want to be smart, invulnerable Achilles? Consider, Boagrius is the true human warrior. He does not talk ! Whereas Achilles uses some sort of "exploit", right? (or NA-specific: he stays in the battlescreen, whereas Boagrius is outside all the time) Boagrius temper should certainly been clear, but also the first two lines of the Iliad read like this: Sing, Goddess, of the rage of Peleus' son Achilles, the accursed rage that brought great suffering to the Achaens. Pellasgos´ (the Bogarius) battlecry infront of his 7UP clan? 2. How would Pellasgos´ battle speech to the 7UP´s be like: More like UAHAWW Boagrius or the more "wordy" Achilles-type? But be sure, he want´s all Pirate land as Achilles wanted glory at Troy. Pellasgos´ (the Achilles) war speech infront of his 7UP clan at sea? Only the 7UP can tell me, how he is like before a battle. We see us on sea, try to catch me next time 7UP !
  4. Nur Spaß, nicht persönlich angegriffen fühlen. In das Spiel "einführen" ist auch nicht besser.
  5. ...den neuen Kollegen einarbeiten / einweisen in sein neues Aufgabengebiet. Vermutlich stammt "einweisen" aus dem alten preußischen Beamtentum, keine Ahnung. Wo sind unsere Linguistiker?
  6. Einweisung. Das Wort hört sich in meinen Ohren so schrecklich an. War hier eigentlich jemand bei der Bundewehr als Wehrpflichtiger? Deswegen zucke ich immer gleich zusammen....oder. Klinik? Anstalt? Da wird man auch eingeweisen... Uaoaoaaohhah!!!!
  7. Don´t understand why players discuss off-topics. On the topic, The Three Admirals Treaty PvP1. As there is no music implemented in the game, I suggest you let this run in the background as soon as possible when you realized the Admiral Michiel de Pellasgos is with his 24-fleet on you.
  8. LOL! Ja...wo ist der Hugo abgeblieben? Ich brauche den....ich will gerade mein "Opus" vollenden: Wie kann der Krieg gegen die Piraten gewonnen werden? Frei nach W. Churchill: "If you kill the murderer, the quantity of murderers will not change." Also, muss man die Piraten "austrocknen", und ich behaupte das geht. Sogar sehr gut. (jetzt gibt es nur ein Problem, ich bin Pirat auf PvP1). Ein Wirtschaftskrieg ist auch ein "Krieg", nur mit anderen Mitteln. Naval Action simuliert das goldene Segelzeitalter. Und da gab es Piraten, die haben nichts anderes gemacht als Händler abzu"farmen". Flottenkampf gegen das Weltreich Großbritannien? Eh.... Handel gibt es nur, wenn Knappheit herrscht. Nur dann entstehen Preise >0. Preise variieren, Güter werden von A nach B geschickt. Ohne Handel kein Transport. Ohne Transport keine Piraten. Im Übrigen, gerade die deutschen Spieler scheinen mir immer sehr erpicht darauf zu sein, dass die Wirtschaft funktioniert... Von dem selbsterklärten Ziel der NA-developer, "ein allein von den Spielern betriebenes Wirtschafts- und Handelssystem zu etablieren, sind wir meilenweit, wenn nicht gar Lichtjahre entfernt.
  9. Yes, would be nice to have. But those things to implement in a MMO, a tough task. Right now, I´d say, the best "trade missions" you get are: loot the wreck A by sailing to location B. All the rest is player driven trade.
  10. >>Schiffe die du fahren kannst, werden meist verschenkt--- Das ist okay und gut gemeint. Bedenke aber, dass man neue Spieler damit auch schnell demotivieren kann. Die meisten wollen doch erstmal Ihre Brötchen selber ehrlich verdienen. Deswegen sind auch die "sealed bottles" der overkill für Neue. "Wie bitte, gleich gold powder monkey und weg damit für 3 Mille?" Sehr mageres game design. Meine Empfehlung: Neue Spieler nicht zumüllen mit Gold, Gold-Schiffen und gold-items. Hilfe im Notfall, lvl-Hilfe und "guter Rat".
  11. Man sollte doch einfach jedem seinen Spielpass lassen. Ob PvP, PvE oder PBs. Jedem das Seine. Gerade bei den "power-gamern" (engl. Forum) oder im global chat. Dieses Ewige "dieses und jenes ist das einzig Wahre....alles andere ist schw***, ga***, puss*** und Ihr wisst ja was dann kommt. Alle spielen hier um die goldene Ananas. Ja, und alle sind "viel schöner" als all die anderen...wer Kinder hat, kann NA viel besser verstehen.
  12. Moin, mach Dir keine Sorgen. Alles wird gut. Ich warte erst mal ab, was von den anderen (Mod) kommt, dann schaue ich ob ich noch helfen muss. Nicht verzweifeln. Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat.
  13. I tip my hat to that player. Usually being critical, I cannot find a bad word in this posting. Interestingly, he drops out of politics. Exactly like the great Michiel de Ruyter did ! When are you going to raid the British river Medway, my friend? P.S: Jeheil (the guy who does the letter to the king!), this is a fleet commander for an interview ! P.S2.: You Dutch guys should consider granting him Dutch citizenship ! (But only, if he raids the Medway) P.S3: Did you fall in love with the French? (pirates are loveable creatures too !)
  14. Had the same idea. But races can be more "vicious".
  15. I dont´know, if this has been suggested before. If so, great. If not , please consider. I suggest the wreck loot being tied to the player´s rank. I just don´t get it, that new players are able to loot gold carpenter teams and then be able to sell them for 3.5kk. It kills the incentives. I do not wonder, many / new players have no interest in PBs. (reward: blue upgrade?). As "selling" should and cannot be restricted my suggestion: programme the loot according to player´s rank. Rank 1: no upgrades Rank 2: basic / green upgrades Rank 3: fine / blue upgrades Rank 4: mastercraft / purple uügrades Rank 5. excep. / gold upgrades Did not check the ranks (how many do we have) and so on... Something like this should work.
  16. Just have a look at the battle screen and at the statement of this bloke. 1 sorry, me, 1 random....1...2....3....eh....no comments anymore. useless to discuss. Wilson, and thats the reason you went to univ., right? Hm. May those folks rest in peace. I am out of this. My brain...
  17. And you guy tell me, stop posting on the forums??? Only the "gods" know the truth about this battle... If I were like this guy "bounty something", who chases with 2 others a Dutch Merc breaking away....sure you never sink. For this guy, even 10 microphones would not help... My biggest mistake, not ensuring before a battle that this "xxx" is in it. I thought only casuals and CODE defend. Honestly, you expect me to go TS3 with this guy? How am I going to reproduce my brain cells after? No port battle with "bounty...xxx". Despite, I can say nothing bad about the rest, as long as all guys shut up and fight all is fine. Battle was okay. I always go full-attack at shallow water. On carronades, I take at least 2 with me, break the lines, and I sink. Sure. XP and Gold is always massive. So this time. Who does not want to have the suicide commando in a team? As this "bounts something" guy called me a "tw***" over the ingame chat, I lost my composure and got too many leaks. Should have stayed alive. Down to 1 officer life? What for? To save the arse of an ****. Nope. No PBs for me anymore with this guy in it...have fun. This guy needs to be kicked. If you cannot keep your clan "clean", it is not my cup of tea anymore.
  18. was just posted in global chat: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1614923862767904076/25E26CB6DA4B86301F27192592917B7EA3AE97DE/ It´s about time Lord XY returns to the guns, this ain´t looking good... at least this time the Sorry´s stayed in battle.
  19. >>The devs decide that only Landlords can vote in National POLITICS. >>Many players do not have a SAY. Eventually, Landlords run their Nations and Clans according to their whims and preferences. Alternatively, like in real life. EVERY player votes for a council or LANDLORD to be in a council and run the national affairs. More complicated. Could work. Like in real life, not the best solution ! Either way, the nation´s going be bankrupt.
  20. If so, that´s good news ! And it explains increased prices at Mortimer town. Now, give me no. 2 and 3 ! I want to get ouf of this mess, sign a "peace" contract, relocate to Nouvelle-Orleans and fight all they way back to Mortimer Town (going over Charleston) !
  21. Sorry, I forgot about no. 4 / 5. 4. With Santa Cecilia going to be implemented. Here comes the chance to "test" the idea (stated and discussed several times) 1 specific ship being sailed / crafted by one faction only. It is a beautiful ship, but nothing superior to all the others. Why not give it to the SPANISH only ? 5. Those guys pushing non-existant cannons on my Traders Lynx have to go.
  22. No problem, if I am wrong. I´d be happy if it won´t work, ais it simply means suggestion 1 is already being implemented ! Let´s test it. Anyone out there with production buildings at captured ports?
  23. Want to bet on this Otto ? Ofc you can. You are not able to teleport anymore to that port. But I "smuggeled / "sailed into LI, extracted tobacco from my building and sailed home. Right now, I don´t have any production buildings at enemy ports, so I cannot show you any screenshots for evidence. Furthermore, I´d argue that only the big clans are affected most. They´d run out of ressources, finally forced to sign a treaty and relocate. The casuals would not care that much as they might not even notice...or. They even benefit, as the "war" has gone somewhere else and peace will be around Mortimer town. They won´t be able to capture ports, but only be a "sting". Implementing "capital switch" might scatter pirates around the map. Right now, even if ALL nations attacked the pirates = zero effect. If all major clans decided to just wait, so what? Basically, it is a question of honour and pride or "lets get this port back", but pirates are not forced to fight back due to severe economical scarcity. That´s why so many go fishing and hunt bottles. Who cares about territory ?
  24. I try to make it short and simple: I suggest the following: If a port is captured all production buildings are being destroyed / eliminated or are deactivated for the time of capture. (I´d suggest deactivated). Activating the smuggler flag automatically deactivates the “fleet” option, that is to say, no smuggler should be protected by an AI fleet. Nations (at least the pirate players) should have the option “change player´s capital to XY”. This may cost money and may include auto-transfer of goods and ships. I assume, all suggestions can be implemented very soon and with no great ressources taken from the dev team. Reasoning: To 1) It has been stated several times, that PBs are meaningless (map painting argument). Looking at the current state of the pirate faction, it is easy to see why. Critical ports have been taken around Mortimer by the nations. It does have no effect to the individual player as long as one can sail into his port (example: assume I have an outpost and a tobacco plant at Little Inagua) using the smuggler flag, I sail into this port on an Indiaman, extract tobacco, pick up goods using a buy contract, sail home safely being well protected by an AI fleet. The only downside of loosing a port is that NEW players are not being able to set up an outpost, that’s all. And oh yes, it is not so comfortable anymore as you need to sail there to extract ressources and not teleport. Loss of comfort, but that´s it. Same reasoning leads to frustration and disputes within the faction as the "killer-type"-players and leading clans give it all to get the ports back. As the indivual (and mostly casual) players don´t "feel" any severe effect or limitation on their income / play, most don´t see the point engaging. To 2) It does not seem very realistic. A traders snow sailing deep into enemy territory accompanied by, eh, two Constitutions? Disabling AI fleets to enter enemy ports would set the incentives right and encourage RvR. I´d might be dangerous and costly having a try to pick up critical ressources deep in enemy waters. Example: Little Inagua being captured. No tobacco produced any more at production buildings (assuming i) is implemented). I sail in on a basic cutter, put up a BUY contract on tobacco. A few days later, I want to collect them. I have to call up some mates to protect my Indiaman to get them safely home. Of course, buy contracts tobacco might be, and should be heavily contested now by the enemy factions. They should put in “shill bids” being high enough that pirates can not even think of buying tobacco there. They need to look somewehere else or get the damn port back at any cost ! To 3) Implementing i) and ii) could result in pirates “loosing the territory” and just finding themselves in a bad spot. Why not give a faction / or any individual player a chance to switch the location. This might be unthinkable for nations but might be handy for the pirate faction. Why? Pirates are not always a "band of brothers", keeping the pirates can attack pirates mechanic usually can lead to heavy disputes within the faction or individual players. Personally, I have been “picked” by a certain clan, blacklisted for no reason and tagged several times. KOS (kill on sight) they call it. So, what is the individual supposed to do? Exactly! Relocate. Right now, players are more likely to quit then relocate. The game mechanics do not support easy relocation. OFC, many pirates already operate in the west of the map. But, the downside is, you loose the valuable teleport to capital feature. If you are time-limited, you don´t want to give up this mechanic. Imagine, all pirate clan relocate to the west (somewhere). Nothing being lost, just the "green zone". Swedes can expand and hold territory. The Mortimer town "green zone" would still be there, and provide a safe haven for new players. And moreover, being beaten badly, the pirates might dream of going back one day to their spiritual home. Nothing being lost, just the "green zone". ------------ Any (constructive) comments welcome !
  25. Ingame gambling? No legal problem with that, as long as you don´t enable to introduce real money transactions to buy ingame stuff. As long as you gamble virtual gold = legal. If you can buy virtual gold with real money = illegal. Still, implementing it would be tough, sigh.... But, wow. Let me have a "heads up" game of Hold ´em with a top rated Santissima on stake at Mortimer Town ! Basically, you win or loose a Santissima. It is the same then entering a PB and loosing it. Different story, if you are able to "buy" the Santi with real money and then gamble for it...
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