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Everything posted by Wilson09

  1. Usually very controlled. But this seeems to be your personal "battlefield", right ? The reason for not finding a reason is, you did not sail an Indiaman on your own? Evidence? Here, you need empirical evidence. I cannot give you academical proof, but I did around 100 trips on my Indy from A to B and B to A. Why did I end up assigning a fleet to it, if it cost me only speed and crew (=money) if I get ganked? Because I am stupid? Irrationale? Gimmick for "single players"? Are you joking? Because i play my profit-maximizing strategy here ! And this strategy depends on all those "sharks" out there trying to swallow me. simplistic approach: my strategies A: no fleet B. 2 AI fleet situation: enemies out there, if so, they want to swallow me Situation x: an environment with NO enemies at all, what do I play ? A Situation y: an environment with 6th and 7th rates only, what do I play ? B Situation z: an environment with 4-5 5th rates and upwards only ..., what do I play ? A (anything else would cost more) So, I cannot find a dominant strategy here. The dominant strategy exists, if there are no big ships attacking. Right, i have been assuming all want to attack me. Playing B only helps me in y. By testing i found out, that my AI fleet puts the enemy off, even if there are 4,5,6,7, it is like in biology, I am too time consuming to swallow, not so "sweet" anymore. They engage only with 50% probability. OFC, even if they were not out there to catch me, it goes like: "Ey, Indy, catch him? Sure 5 min rage board, lets do then keep going and kill tha rats." You are all out there for the little nice meal inbetween. And all those, whose intention WAS NOT to capture traders and HUNT them (like you do) they are PUT OFF easily ! And this is the way, it should be !
  2. Complains? - tribunal - ingame "mute" or "report player". For open discussion about "harassement" (if this applies in your case) try to post it here... http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13454-harassment-in-na/page-2#entry295363
  3. Yeah, starting ("carebear" zone), go from PvE (pacific) to PvP.
  4. Yeah. Sometimes things can turn to the opposite. When I figured out a way to make a call for a tournament "for the fastest ship in NA" (I failed finding solutions) I re-discovered the "great race". Great film. Lord V. reminds me of "daredevil". And this video fits well. All this you are KOS, still KOS in the pirate chat. (KOS = kill on sight). Somehow, a kill on sight can turn into a "KILL ON SOUND", still KOS ! Lord V. chasing the coalition of white "carebear"
  5. Anyone zoomed into a fully upgraded Fir/Speed Rattlesnake or Lynx? This feels like....the great race. No, no. We are already hitting the upper bar. It is already too speedy. (why not taking speedy ships only? Somehow, all balances out...play pirates !) In an attempt to set the speed record on water, hunted by Pirates
  6. Always sympathizing with the underdog, somehow, I wished Lord V. could turn this around... You Brought Two Too Many (2:48)
  7. reasonable compromise: a. no AI fleets to warships b. limit them to traders and only to the ones who need them (Indiaman) c. put a limit on selectable ships for AI fleets (only be accompanied by XY ships)? This makes it more predictable for trader hunter and you should perform better. But, imho. I don´t see the point putting a limit on it. The "crew management" system balances it nicely. Do I take the risk on my own? No, okay. Then my profit will be reduced y putting AI fllet on it, because I usually loose a lot of crew. Wait, wait. New solution: AI fleet? Hiring cost. Balancing by hiring cost. The risk-averse player will take it more oftenly, the risk-lover will go without.
  8. Nice 1-4. +++ May i suggest 5) Open a ressource war on pirates (for testing reasons). Check the map... http://www.navalactioncraft.com/map Everything has been done on the pirates, but not a proper war. Wars cannot be won by PBs only, but by cutting the supply. "If you kill the murderer, the quantity of murderers will not change." (W. Churchill). So true. Pirates have been running out of ressources, no one took notice. All these arguing that ports don´t matter, they do. The smuggler flag is just an obstacle. example: Hemp/Iron/Oak are all critical ressource for ship construction. We lost all ports and therefore the production buildings. Mayag. was the last one. Still, none has made an effort to cut the supply lines. How could this be achieved? Easy. Look at the map, identify the ports: Port Howe, Watling, Atwood, Mayag. Lorimers, St. Nic., Les G., St. Marc. At least all these ports needed to be "protected" by the nationals to prevent pirates to buy cheap ressources (using smuggler flags). To aid this, a permanent blockade had to be installed at nearby free towns (Atwood, La Tortue) to prevent Tradery Lynx to sneak through, picking up delivery orders from other free ports. Still, I have been the only one putting in buy bids on those ressources (and only one other player "Berger"). Just for the sake of testing, how this would effect the prices at Mortimer. Prices are up. If I were an admiral of the nationals, i had executed that long before. A bidding-war had been started, and this had been a great, great money sink in the end. Instead, you all own 10 kk+ and 40+ ships in the dockyard. And all accuse the others to be "carebears". Im my opinion, no real attempt was made to beat the hell out of us pirates. Time to change this? We should be paying 1000+ for Oak/Iron/Hemp at Mortimer, praying for peace. To end my arrogant lecture on "ressource warfaring", may I cite W. Churchill my dear American friends? Americans Will Always Do the Right Thing — After Exhausting All the Alternatives (Winston Churchill) 6) Maybe take the last chance in this game and all factions unit and beat the British empire down to 1 port.
  9. You are out of game PAGAN ! You don´t have a say, as long as you don´t take back your "rage quit".
  10. No way. I never ever adjust my LIFE to a game. The game needs to adjust to the life of players, not the other way round. Otherwise, the game is fail If I cannot sail a trader at peak times because I get caught 100%, something is wrong. Right now, i wished i got caught more often. But I do take my 2 AI ships with me on my INDIAMAN transports. It´s been good fun so far. The good players get me, the not so good fail. On the average, the AI fleet reduces the profit, as crew cost are high and you loose many men leaving 2 Trincs behind. Basically, it´s not profit maximizing what I am doing, still a rationale choice as I enjoy my badly badly performing AI fleet so much. Someone (computer) I can swear at, with no psychological cost induced on the other side... .
  11. Yeah, yeah. You are right Krakken. Was tired reading all (reading all helps). You arguments are good and valid. Did not see all posts of you. I admit "defeat" ! Just have a nice idea. I will start a conquest parallel to the "tournament" of best players. Whoever posts me his worst ever "defeat" will be granted GOLD carpenter teams by me. Those screenshooting of "glorious victories vs. xy have been sickening me. Only superstars around. I admit I am "average" at NA, in any respect. I am too old and wise ! “With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone.” (Oscar Wilde)
  12. Answer: Don´t conquer their capital. Let them be in the same shape like SWEDEN was for a long, long time? So? Maybe the nation with 1 capital will voluntarily ask for protection as allies or vasall to regain ports? Solutions / testing and answers will be found. It is no fun being beaten down to 1 port. Let this game of Pirates run for another 2 month? It´s no fun for the players being beaten again and again. Every day ingame chat / global chat / forum the banter (hahah 1 port 1 port...hahaha...carebear...balablaba). Is it a desirable state of affairs to remain in this position?
  13. Agreed, but I have no time to explain my ideas in detail, different thread (pirate mechanics).
  14. Yes. Why not take a break? Finally, it is a game. You failed and need to wait for a restart. Why not quit and wait? What is the problem with it? It is not a hardcore PvP with a "hardclose", where you loose all ! You only lost the desire to play on as a vasall. Your exp and all this, will be there for the next try. After fierce PBs, many players complained about "burnout" and never returned. So here, a "break" would be enforced and natural way to recover. Why not? All complain about "carebear" ingame, but if it comes to test it, they all want "safety" not to be on the loosing end.
  15. With the current mechanics, pirate clans just cannot be "tied" to a nation (to work for them). That is the only save way for them to survive in the beginning attack other nations (with their protector) and then try to break free, become bigger and finally, finally, attack their own "landlord" and form their own nation.
  16. No one can dispute that they are LISTENING ! Great stuff...wow. They picked up lot of ideas from the forum (or had the same ideas). >>Capitals could become capturable. >>If nation have lost all the ports the last county (with capital) will open for capture. Losing the capital will force an alliance with the conquering nation. +++ I have no problems being forced as a vasall or something into British ranks, if they beat me before. Only, only. If there is only the very very slight chance of "revolting" and breaking free again...keep hopes alive for FREEDOME again. However achieved...
  17. >Game of Thrones as a story is great, but "Win or Die" can very easily turn into "Win or Quit" (Tommen Baratheon <Spoiler if you google for him>) And now we have "Never win" and Quit" + "come back for next patch". Better "Win or Die" + "quit and come back for next game".
  18. Sounds to me, as it is a step inbetween to buy some time. HE also said, "potential outlaw introduction". Thats the way to go....
  19. Cannot see any arrogance being involved. They have been doing absolutely the "right" thing. Some wanted revenge (USA?), others did not like specific clan actions. Others wanted to destroy the "black flag nations", others wanted to retiliate the pirate PvP. I´d do the same, if I were national. First thing to do, get rid of pirates. Then, next task. They followed the historical route, wipe out all pirates. So what? Therby, they have been doing a good service to the game development, enforcing "outlaw rules" and real pirates in the future. I hope, one day, LV has the chance to run his own outlaw-clan, capture and raid ports and expand on cost of nationals and then being able to "form" a proper nation himself. But this, listen... http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/15499-pirates-attacking-other-pirates/#entry294282 Admind confirmed: "We are removing pirates attacking pirates or nations attacking nations in the next patch We know some players will be upset - but this is going to be a good change going forward. Especially taking into account potential outlaws introduction in the future. Alliances and one nation status (even for pirates) have to be enforced. Nations and pirates will still be able to attack smugglers freely." I will be MISSING the threat of other pirates attacking me, no trolling anymore !!! meeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh
  20. LV is an integral part of this game, an important player, thats for sure. No matter who he is in real life, he can be as "vicious" and "dirty" as he wants to ingame. Does not make him a better or worse person in life. We all need such players, don´t forget it. Only if you think of exploits, if all played "carebear", no one would reveal the exploits. In Alpha (and also later) very much appreciated player for all of us. Because? There will be others and even more "vicious" following after release. Discussion of moderation removed.
  21. Angebot und Nachfrage. Ressourcenpreise steigen, weil keine Sau mehr Handel treibt. Ich brauche 1h für A-B-A-Fahrt um Mortimer zu beliefern mit Hanf/Eisen/Eiche. Profit: 1 Million. Ich brauche als "curse". 1h um 1,5 Millionen in Flottenmissionen zu "farmen". Was macht der max. exp. player? Er farmt. Er kauft Ressoucen zu hohen Preisen ein. Die Ressourcen werden von Neulingen rangeschafft. Für die lohnt sich das. Die Neulinge schwimmen im Geld. Als "curse" crafte ich mir den Arsch ab, weil ich die Schiffe mit speed und 3/5 haben will. Alles andere geht als "Ausschuss" in den Markt (oder siehst du dort oft 3/5-speed-Schiffe). Schiffe kann ich craften, weil der Arbeitsstunden-Markt durch die "bottles" mit "hours" überschwemmt wurde. Jeder max.exp.player hat 40+ Schiffe und 10kk+ auf der Kralle. Das nennt man Inflation. Und komm mir einer mit hardcore-PvP! Das ist "carebear"-gamedsign vom Allerfeinsten.
  22. I will make a statement later, to make it a better game. Yes, we DO need ports. We do need production buildings. Any proof needed? PORTS and prod. buildings matter.
  23. This all shows the very reason why high-contested games might need following things: 1. clan based pirate factions (making them special; and as LV stated, with an own flag !) (not so difficult to implement; I´ll give it a short post tonight) 2. reasonable winning conditions to bring a FULL-STOP to situations like this one. LV cannot and will not be eliminated, nor do I believe will he be p** off. The only ones you hit with this war on all Pirates are the "casuals" and the new player pouring in. And these are the ones, he certainly does not care about as long they are not in his clan. You CANNOT rage WAR against a single CLAN and their allies. The game mechanics DO not support it. You HIT ALL pirates. All this can be solved only by "peace" as pirates cannot be annihilated, only players might leave (exit). And this can never be in any interest of any gamer. Peace can be achieved in 2 ways 1. contract (3 adm. treaty) 2. enforced by brutal force No. 2 can never be achieved the game works right now, no matter how hard you try. In my view, in this game. USA has been "beaten" and Pirates are beaten now. 1st simple rule: you "lost" if you own less than 3. 4, 5 (xy) ports 2nd rule: you "lost" if you don´t own ports producing a specific ressource (as we have) Their are different ways to "scale" it. Make it simple, or more complicated based on players numbers and so on. But PIRATES as a "black flag nation" have lost, and not only a single clan, ALL lost. Game over. This "nation" somehow need to cease to exist, but might be reinstalled in a different manner. If game mechanics supported an "enforced peace" could work like this: - all last 5 taken ports are auto-transferred to Pirates again - no PBs on or by the Pirates for the next 3 weeks Only "winnning something" and giving winning points or something like this, could solve this situation. Otherwise, it´d go on like this forever......"hahaha you cannot beat us we dont need ports blabababaalalalal we NEVER LOOSE YARRRSA you need 4 vs. 1 now 5 vs. 1 carebears bababakalalaaöaaöaöaöblalalala" Rubbish. And yes, most players have accepted the "beating down to 1 port" as an IMPLICIT winning condition ! I don´t accept this winning condition, this is crap. Britain can never been beaten down to 1 port, what are you comparing here? Apples and peas? If there´d be winning condition, it needed to be fitted to the seize of the nation. As a single pirate, I SURRENDER ! (I am just showing up here, trying to point on mechanics, trying to improve the game. Nothing else.)
  24. Nice idea. The idea behind all this is, if you keep the system and rescale only amount of loot + distance = Grind. It is only farming and grinding on a Tradery Lynx. No risk involved, no gamble. First gamble, OPEN the bottle = might be nothing for me. Second gamble = Do i risk going on an Indiaman / LGV near to enemy waters? This second gamble is no part of the game, as "trade" does not work this way. The "bootle system" can be used to achieve more traders/loot being looked after and captured.
  25. Thx. Consider hold-size. An don´t forget about the fact, that it is a money-print for new players right now. They "farm" the upgrades, the power-gamer buy it (they farm the missions). As I would limit any "transfers of money ships to new players", I´d limit this on.
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