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Everything posted by Wilson09

  1. One day, I come over to your place, and play you off the table rownd... Oh, here is my loved "teaser" for 1805: Seas of Glory...enjoy ! ENGLAND expects that every man will do his duty !
  2. This is not a suggestion...and nothing to do with ...Please vote on the next priorities for the development and share your concerns if something is missing. I turn into the "forum" police now... Hm... Okay, I don´t want to be a policemen... Marques listen ! Watch this video, then you know your destiny...and see what happens to the Santissima !
  3. Oh, thx. I put it on my Boardgamegeek wishlist. And there i find.... 1805: Seas of Glory https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/23685/1805-sea-glory http://www.amazon.com/GMT-Games-1805-Seas-Glory/dp/B003WZN43A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1461110670&sr=8-1&keywords=1805%3A+sea+of+glory Maybe, I should get all of them: Sails of Glory starterpack, Flying Colors, Close Action & 1805: Seas of Glory --------------- Funny, my boardgamegeek wishlist shows 92 boardgames I "wish to have" ! And I own only 5 ! Athens & Sparta (2007) Hammer of the Scots (2002) Hellenes: Campaigns of the Peloponnesian War (2009) Maria (2009) Napoleon's Triumph (2007) And 3 of them are unopened...
  4. Expansion, this one? Blue Cross, White Ensign: The Imperial Russian Navy during the Age of Sail ?? http://www.amazon.com/GMT-Games-Cross-White-Ensign/dp/B00SCEW39C/ref=pd_sim_sbs_21_1?ie=UTF8&dpID=518m3JllbsL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL320_SR240%2C320_&refRID=0D35RTRH5CAV4BH5REB1 Maybe, I first need to find player...
  5. Oh boy, this makes me crying. I played many, many battles of WINGS of GLORY with my best friend back in 2006/07. I still have my British box, he played German, he both designed the boxes. He died of cancer recently, only being aged 51. That´s why I did not hear of it ! It is not easy to find players. But many, many thx for telling me. I am 100% sure, I am to get the STARTER PACK ! Now, I need to look out for some gamers around Franfurt /Germany....
  6. History is always a point to start from. After that, it is in the hand of the "players". The only thing, any game can be designed to follow on "historical" tracks by introducing AI-events, helping the Spanish cause...but basically, if Spanish players are 500 and the British 2.000, it is tough... The other way is to "balance" the factions by limiting the factions side by a cap on entrance...therby giving Spanish an advantage, if you allow 2.000 Spanish on 1 server, but only 1.500 British. But 4 capitals, not capturable? I am not sure about this....
  7. Man kann sicherlich an 100 Dingen rummäkeln. Aber das einzig relevante in NA sind XP und crafting XP. Was willst du machen, Millionär werden? Geld ist zum ausgeben da, und Schiffe um gesegelt und versenkt zu werden... Ein "early access"-Titel, der garantiert XP erhält, das ist mehr als generös...
  8. I suggest the following: - assign moderators / Admins to open certain subjects in development and let players "register" for this special subject, that they can take part in a meaningful manner and commit in the long run - a group of players "work" on a paper / suggestion to the developers, hand it in and get a feedback, finally, they want to know why their contribution is being considered or rejected ---------------------- ---------------------- I can only speculate about the development being in process. But still, 2 suggestions not being answered? Assume, I want to contribute to the peace & war mechanics (or any other subject) I´d consider any serious contribution on Forums being futile as a written fully worked-out statement takes a lot of time. If there is no proper "call for papers" you will not get meaningful content. Why not let "testers", moderators upen op the development and subjects ? If someones says, "we are currently working on this", any suggestions welcome...it is pretty pointless to work on something as you only build your "own" castle, given the economic environment of "incomplete information" you are working in. Can never be efficient.
  9. clicking on it...Sorry, we couldn't find that! As an example...I take the introduction of the 1.5 anti-ganking system... i) There is a huge difference, how much "brain" and time I am willing to spend, knowing I am getting "heard" in the end or not... ii) a single person may not be succesful working things out on his own...moreover not knowing what the current state of development is. In "academic" life, a single person will not do much research on his own, only group of experts contribute meaningful content... iii) no developer can keep track of everything what is being posted here... = waste of time
  10. Having followed the discussion and development for a while on Steam and the Forums, I conclude: - the player base is dedicated, want to contribute and participate in the development of the game - many intelligent "free-time" game developers and experts on special parts of the game are around - Forums tend to be a "time" and "labour hour" sink for dedicated contributors - many stop contributing as the discussion is not focused - lack of information on the "state of development" of the game in particualr fields - the process is "inefficient" in the way, as you could utilize "free labour hours" for the game developing faster and better by organization and integrating the contributors into the game development - everyone contributing on every topic is highly inefficient and will not lead to good results I suggest the following: - find ways to "integrate" contributors into the game development - assign moderators / Admins to open certain subjects in development and let players "register" for this special subject, that they can take part in a meaningful manner and commit in the long run - a group of players "work" on a paper / suggestion to the developers, hand it in and get a feedback, finally, they want to know why their contribution is being considered or rejected - the developers still are the head of development, but they will create better INPUT by the player base Any comments ?
  11. Die einzige Basis für meine Argumentation bildet die GamesLab-homepage... You can sail under the flag of nations that historically had presence in the Caribbean (had at least one port from 1600 to 1830) Spain Britain France Holland United States Denmark Sweden Brandenburg-Prussia Duchy of Courland Military Order of Malta Pirates? Fertig. Das Problem ist, dass Spiel eben eine "open-sandbox" ist, und die keinen hist. Startpunkt festgesetzt haben. Dann kann man sie auch nicht "festnageln" mit Fakten (das geht nicht, war nicht historisch usw.). Diese "Offenheit" ermöglicht Spielraum (USA, russ. Schiffe, Piraten), ist aber auch mit Nachteilen verbunden (Was soll das denn?). Weil es keinen exakten historischen Startpunkt für das Spiel gibt, liegt es in der Natur der Sache, dass das Spiel voller Widersprüche ist. (USA? Ja, aber als die auf den Plan traten, waren die Piraten der Karibik so gut wie ausgerottet, usw.) Ich hab bis dato keine weitere Fraktion gefunden, die im besagten Zeitraum 1600 to 1830 Präsenz (had at least one port) in der Karibik zeigte. Brandenburg-Prussia Duchy of Courland Military Order of Malta Wenn es Bayern gewesen wäre, eben Bayern. Oder Italiener, oder Portugiesen. Die waren da aber nicht....Punkt. Ich lasse mich gerne widerlegen...aber Fakten müssen her...
  12. Kopiert aus them PolenThread: Moderator: "Remember that orginally there was no USA in plans - devs make favor for them since they got huge player base and famous ship USS Constitution" Klick bitte auf den "link" und dann auf die Karte rechts oben, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Caribbean ja, es gibt gute Gründe Brandenburg-Preussen, Kurland aus hist. Gründen nicht reinzunehmen. Aber die USA? Die Polen sind mehrheitlich für "Kurland", weil es ein Vasall von Polen-Lith. war. Die, die dagegen sind, sind wohl dagegen, weil Kurland ein Nachfolgekonstrukt der teutonischen/liv. Ordensritter war. @Malachi. location: Bavaria Keine Saupreußen? Sag´s doch gleich...
  13. Agreed, if it can be implemented that I can deactivate this feature. It´d effect my gameplay. At too many games did I play only for the "killboard".
  14. Ja, kann man so sehen. Aber seit Beginn des Spieles fragte ich mich "RvR"? Wie soll das denn funktionieren? Dann noch weltweit, 24h? Niemals... Ich glaube aber, Vasallisierung ist ein brauchbarer Ansatz, der nicht alle, aber ein paar zentrale Probleme lösen kann... Keiner erfindet das RAD neu, und die Idee ist einfach aus jahrelanger Zockerei bei Europa Univeralis IV entstanden. Ganz anderes Thema, andere Plattform, aber Vasallisierung ist dort ein wesentliches Element. Das bringt Dynamik in das Spiel. Die Idee Brandenburg/Preußen kam mir später, als ich mich auf die Suche nach Antworten begab, auf die Frage "Was machen denn russische Schiffe in der Karibik"?, und anfing die FOREN zu durchstöbern. Dabei stieß ich auf, http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4362-friedrich-wilhelm-zu-pferde-4th-rate-with-plans/ und dann kam eines zum anderen. Sozusagen, evolutionär gewachsen... Aber ehrlich, ich glaube nicht, das B.-Preußen aufgegriffen wird...schaun mer mal. Für das eigentliche Spiel ist das wirklich unerheblich. aber: Es gibt doch schöne Schiffe, warum nicht für die "streiten"? Die Devs realisieren ja auch Ihre Träume mit der Ingermanland. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wapen_von_Hamburg_%281722%29 oder: In das internationale Maritime Museum in Hamburg komme ich schneller als nach Moskau (oder wo auch immer da Modelle zu finden sind...St. Petersburg?)
  15. Phoenix? Okay, mehr finde ich grad nicht. Von min 0:00 bis 4:11 (schöne Flagge am Ende) relevant, allerdings lassen die die Karibik außen vor... - min 1:33 Erwähnung der Flotte Sach mal John Rilley...bei min 1:07...das bist doch Du auf Deinem "basic cutter", oder???
  16. 1-2 Städte / Häfen sind im Vasallen-Status absolut spielbar. Das muss man dann einführen. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13343-conquest-mechanics-diplomacy-vassal-states/ Allerdings ist die Idee entstanden, als ich mir über "Comeback-Mechanismen" Gedanken machte. Brandenburg kam später... Sowie bei uns die "deutsche kaiserliche Flotte" (für Niederlande?) irgendwo rumschippert, haben die Polen eine [PvP 1 Holandia] CMD - Courland Mercenary Division) ------------- Alter Schwede, die Polen ! http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13352-poland-lithuania-duchy-of-courland-and-semigallia-dyskusja-po-angielsku/ "- we got russian ships already, same like big playerbase. No related to history but - hey its a game at the end. Same as polish NA community - maybe not united but that we at the end. So i still belive since heard about this game we can raise and sail under our polish flag someday in future no matter what !" Mach das mal als Deutscher (=Tribunal !) Ich such mal nach Videos....
  17. This would lead to a "mess". One capital is needed as a safe trading hub for beginners, therby lowering prices. Small factions won´t gain. major downside: another 8 ports being added, which cannot be captured... As you could imagine, I am a die hard supporter of the vassall colony game concept to solve RvR-issues.... http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13343-conquest-mechanics-diplomacy-vassal-states/
  18. Herzogtum Kurland (Couronian colonization of the Americas) und und Malteserorden (Territorial possessions of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta) sind natürlich alles andere als "unbedenkliche" Fraktionen (Bezug: Deutschorden) Aber Musterstaaten gab es zu der Zeit eben auch nicht. Oder wie bewertet man aus heutiger Sicht den Sklavenhandel? Nein, das commonwealth und die Royal Navy werden idealisiert, aber die waren auch nichts anderes als üble, mordende Imperialisten. Hm, wenn die einen Ritterorden einfügten? Könnte schon sein, zumindest besteht dann schon mal eine Verbindung zum Mittelmeerraum....ach ich bleib lieber bei den Brandenburgern/Preußen....
  19. The Italian colonization of the Americas was limited to a failed attempt by the Grand Duchy of Tuscany to create a colony in the Atlantic northern area of South America in the early 1600s. You nailed it. So, here we go. Check the link please.... http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13343-conquest-mechanics-diplomacy-vassal-states/
  20. Americans love statistics. For me, i have been at too many "ladders" and killboards all my gaming life. I want to play for a "faction" and not climb a "killboard". Please, not...
  21. Just "completing" the list...(ranked by "historical importance"). Even the GamesLab statement on the homepage does not need to be changed: You can sail under the flag of nations that historically had presence in the Caribbean (had at least one port from 1600 to 1830) Spain Britain France Holland United States Denmark Sweden Brandenburg-Prussia (vassal) Duchy of Courland (vassal) 10th faction (Military Order of Malta, (Russia) Pirates? A 10 faction game...to start out both factions (Brandenburg-Prussia, Duchy of Courland) as vassal colonies is historically "realistic", as Brandenburg only "leased" part of St. Thomas from Denmark (never had territorial possesion), and Courland is even more tricky... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_colonization_of_the_Americas No Scots on the list, no Portugal, no Italian, no China, no India, maybe anyone find someone else???
  22. just "quoting" (so I can delete my notes)....I did some reading to find out, if this approach was already suggested... Booyaah 1) We need real reasons and incentives to capture and defend ports. Right now it's just a pissing match to see who can get the most dots on the map. Losing a port doesn't really lose you a benefit or have a consequence... 'Sharpe 1- There needs to be some strategic reason for port capture. The proposed updates look generally to be in the right direction, but we're all still lacking an understanding of what "winning" the map actually means. For example, maybe the goal is that regional capitals (very difficult to take) give your nation a sphere of influence over the surrounding area, and once you influence enough of the map your nation wins. But the goals should probably be defined now, because that's as important a part of gameplay testing 2. This way, having an empire will matter. Now we need to think of small nations and comeback options. First, increase National Capital output. Increase it a lot....
  23. Nice, but this is "Tavern" thread, right?
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