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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. i dont think so , they are forced to build their own ships (to give them some more depth to the game) they dont stay in the game if it is boring for them (the only thing they see is get a ship and get bullied by otto) give the young captains ,something to do build in the first place and afterwards doing pvp with them and not the other way around think about it a young captain with cartagena refit in his upgrade ...ever seen one ...well i didn't and if he does he does not know where it is good for a other example :a given ship with northern carpenters in the upgrades ,the captain removes it for a useless pump because he sinks to much (ftw)
  2. i see your problem привет всем ибо видно, что молодые капитаны не строят свои собственные корабли они получают от членов клана, чтобы как можно быстрее присоединиться к битвам или расти как можно быстрее это нормально, но ... некоторые капитаны часто пропускают самую значительную часть игры, а именно: 1. Строительство судов .. 2. а также стоимость судна Я хочу сделать предложение, чтобы начать, для удаления кораблей над базовыми ножами, только основной резак и рысь - это сборка, которую можно купить в магазине от ИИ и удалите остальные корабли ... девиз создайте свой собственный. просто ради любви к построению и уважению ценности кораблей, особенно для молодых новичков в игре доступен только основной резак и рысь трейдера если мы хотим держать корабли в магазине: это довольно высокая цена >>>>> утроить текущую цену судов ИИ в магазине Сделайте корабль великолепным снова
  3. No ship building from scratch > no balanced game in the end also restricted upgrades are the pvp killer , so stick to your own pvp game please... i sometimes wonder are you 2 here for the likes only or are you also thinking about the game (let me give you one+) but let me give you a good one you can buy a bellona in the shop for 50ooo gold and you would be happy ...also the upgrades are for free(i bet you vote yes)
  4. hi all for what is see is that the young captains do not build their own ships mostly they get ships from clan members to get in the game as fast as possible to join battles or grow as fast as possible that's fine on it self but ... some captains miss the most significant side of the game to often ,namely: 1. building ships.. 2. and also for the value of the ship they sail i want to make a suggestion to start with , to remove the ships above the basic cutters ,only the basic cutter and the traders lynx is a build you can buy in the shop from the AI and remove the rest of the ships ...motto build your own . just for the love of building ships and learn to build and respect the value of the ships , especially for young newcomers to the game only availability from the shop is the basic cutter and the trader lynx if we want to keep the ships in the shop:: well than it has a pretty high price tag>>>>> triple the current price of the AI vessels in the shop Make ship building great again
  5. sorry for the psychological approach i hope i did not insulted you here...

    Regards Thonys

  6. well, i do not agree ....first of all i love every woman and almost every captain, even ........ after 500 hours (random number ), i am still not bored to the game ,what's wrong with you people..(little kids ,where the pigeons must fly into the mouth ? ) regarding the map , perhaps you should interact with your woman more , and look a bit more in the eyes , and talk more, interact and get wise ...from your lady.. threaten to slap her around the face, ....so low... you want to beat up a woman and the kids to,....i don't believe you ... or don't you have balls.... don't listen to players ,listen to you wife.........if you are bored. Sometime: you buy stuff for your wife ,and at first glance you like it ....but you will regret it........... later on.........(even when the batteries are down) @admin> tip make :make disengaging a perk (the captain with the five rings without marines is disengaging to easy ,lets buy it herself........ greetings the schidzo
  7. the captain master boater (dutch ) and alt farming for the danes as a alt for the danes he was in front of ws with 3 danes as a center target pursuing the (our)battle fleet all the time and at some point hanging on the enemy tagged circle as a point of recognition for other danes for looking the battle entrance (not entering) when at another battle he was tagged by the danes as a escape target where we have to enter the battle by the circle to create distance he did nothing and even at some point sailed away in the opposite direction in a third battle he was laying steady in front of the harbor where he was alone (sails down) and tagged in reinforce zone and dit not even called for the reinforced fleet after 2 minutes he was boarde and sunck what is a clear evidence of alt farming 15.26 15.27
  8. "allow stacking of these mods, but make it hardly worth it by making it diminishingly stacking: first one is 100%, second 50%, third 25%." that what we have in EVE in the low slots, (but in this game it does not matter you will have nothing else what gets a buff ) also the gains of a upgrade is so minimal now , if it is diminishing it is not worth stacking at all not even 2 upgrades so just keep this system, but. i rather see all the upgrades craftable i still look for a particular upgrade ,that i know of, but can not produce HOW LAME IS THAT.... this is more of an issue, than stacked upgrades ... if the pve ai ships dropped more of the good stuff , it would not be such a problem , but it only drops shit i stacked 55 pumps, and can not even sell them for free .... when i find a pump in the captured ship i don't even bother to take it out of the ship HOW LAME IS THAT (i did a boarding for nothing and lost valuable time ) funny how everybody complains about: no pvp ... well before i do / pve , i have to get my ship ready and if i miss the upgrades i do not go on a pvp /pve mission no good ship , no pvp so take measurements ps:,..perhaps in the north and in the west and east it is all shiny (i don't actually know), but here in the south,... even the devs sell you rotten wood, and fake upgrades
  9. well it is a very good idea i would like to see them in the distance ,as a first glimpse of coming home
  10. yes i follow your thoughts. but it is to easy to think ,that officers of a clan will forbid to do so. there seems to be no punishment in the tribunal for it , although is is a unwanted situation. a default enemy joining the other side , can look in chat , and also can act as a "disturbing" factor in the fight, it should be made punishable even when making a mistake (what i don't believe) the captains who are sailing under smuggler flag ( or at least some of the group) is a intended act of foul play, where the meaning of cheating in a deliberate way of playing they are cheating and using the bugs who are still in the game as a allowed game play it seems to be new in the game and Increasingly used more often it should be addressed fast .or we will end up with more complains about this highly unwanted situations
  11. date 21/02/1718 On behalf of a Nation captain: Ration S Silvery clan HOWL Dutch nation (for not having access on the forum) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BY ,The prosecutor of the dutch nation : want to bring to the stand: Hachiroku : clan EXILE for deliberate green on green and sinking of the vessel owned by; Ration S Silvery evidence is delivered by a F11 report, and a screenshot below For doing this 2 times within 2 fights within the hour: by members of the exile clan as a deliberate action: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artikel of law: sea trial section 2346: This rule has been posted in the official rules thread: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2346-forum-and-sea-trials-rules [ do not backseat moderate or act admin/dev, we are aware of the rules - the moderation team ] During trial: we do not comment on questions from the press or audience , we leave it to the judges to proceed..
  12. no it does not it sucks or are you just like me a pve player.. look they fight around the corner , you can join the mcdonalds store and eat chicken for a while you have plenty of time
  13. well it mostly end up in shit winds whit a distance from timbuktu to brazil....your call speed meta all over the place, i go play a race car game...
  14. @admin when going in battle we get 2 circles why not 6 circles , 3 for the enemy and 3 for the allies why : battle circles on land; so you can choose another circle on water. and to overcome bad winds with huge of distance ... and timers with bad winds... what give you the opportunity to choose a better course discuss
  15. op perhaps: secret missions.. to evacuate people after a port battle who spawn for only 2 days after a portbattle only (only visible to the defeated party [ looks like similar to bottles[ ) like : wrecks , evacuate people, specials goods, gold and silver, books, upgrades, paints.. like: xp for carrying out the mission, or pvp points or victory marks or any valuable . mission; single player mission ; clan based: with at least 3 player mission nation based : with at least 10 players if you accept the mission , but not fulfilled in a certain amount of time (within a day )> you will be punished for treason (money, and if no money a random ship by admiralty) and don't get another mission for 3 days [ bad standing ] you cannot simply leave your beloved ones in enemy hands can't you .. greetings , happy hunting , and one more content cent.
  16. In eve : a small ship has a tag of 1-3 seconds.. and for the larger ones it is 10-15 seconds (in general..and l let take the signature out of it for the moment, just in general) tag ships should do, what tag ships do best >>tagging it is possible to make .: 1...: -counter mesure modules should be installed somehow (double distance modules when tagged ,or instant tag module for example, or defensive tag module for 15 seconds[ to get away and flee] to make distance from the fight 2...: - we leave it at the current systems (and adjust it ) and reduce tagging by adjusting for different kind of ships where a cutter tags a lynx tags in 3 seconds and a pavel tags a victory or lynx in 12 seconds (for example) -perhaps ,it is worth testing this kind of upgrades or features. the question remains ,must we install this kind of feature.. and it seems there is probably a need for both options it seems in both cases it will increase the learning curve to a higher level of the captain skill i personally do like option 2: small ships have a faster battle readiness, than a huge ship with many things to organise >> going into battle. what means, a small ship has a shorter tag time, and bigger ships have a bigger tag time to tag.
  17. Jack (flag) A jack is a national (originally naval) flag flown from a short jackstaff at the bow of a vessel, while the ensign is flown on the stern. Jacks on bowsprits or foremasts appeared in the 17th century. The word "jack" is said to result from the signature Jacques of King James I in whose reign (1603–1625) the Union Jack was designed.A country may have different jacks for different purposes, especially when (as in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands) the naval jack is forbidden to other vessels. The United Kingdom has an official civil jack; the Netherlands has several unofficial ones. In some countries, ships of other government institutions may fly the naval jack, e.g. the ships of the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the case of the jack of the United States. Certain organs of the British government have their own departmental jacks. Commercial or pleasure craft may fly the flag of an administrative division (state, province, land) or municipality at the bow. Merchant ships may fly a house flag. Yachts may fly a club burgee or officer's flag or the owner's private signal at the bow. Practice may be regulated by law, custom, or personal judgment.
  18. Courtesy flag[ A courtesy flag (or courtesy ensign) is flown by a visiting ship in foreign waters as a token of respect. It is often a small (that is, smaller than the ship's own national ensign) national maritime flag of the host country, although there are countries (such as Malta) where the national, rather than the maritime flag is correct. The flag is customarily worn at the foremasthead of multi-masted vessels, the dockside yardarm or crosstree of the mast of single-masted vessels, while the house flag would be outboard. It may be flown from the jackstaffof vessels without masts.
  19. Pennant (church) A church pennant is a pennant flown to indicate that a religious service is in progress. It is flown on ships and establishments (bases). Marine Nationale The French Navy maintained a church pennant but it fell into disuse in 1905. Royal Navy and Royal Netherlands Navy The Church Pennant as used by the Royal Navy, other navies of the Commonwealth, and the Royal Netherlands Navy. History The broad pennant combination of the English Flagat the hoist and the Dutch National Flag in the fly originates from the Anglo-Dutch wars of the late 17th century, when it was used on Sundays to indicate that a service was in progress and a ceasefire existed between the warring nations. United States Navy U.S. Navy church pennant (top), and Jewish worship pennant (bottom). The United States Navy maintains several church pennants, of which the appropriate one is flown immediately above the ensign wherever the ensign is displayed, at the gaff when under way, or at the flagstaff when not under way, when religious services are held aboard ship by a Navy chaplain. Originally, the only authorized church pennant was for Christian chaplains, regardless of specific denomination. Later in 1975, the Secretary of Navy approved a similar Jewish worship pennant. United States military chaplain symbols source wiki
  20. excellent job congratulations . are in place here..
  21. Why bother learning to fight when I can just go around being a dodgem oke.... now we have wrong submarines as well and snow aswell? this is the correct vessel to use f11
  22. and don't forget the ships dedicated own nation ships. ( for example : a chinese who sails a victory ....wft) first of all its a game about ships. every kid in the world now thinks a victory is a chinese jonk (great work devs you changed history ) [ The press will, . smash you for it]
  23. well, it all begun with Forged papers, and that has made a mess of the whole situation .(if you ask me, THE biggest mistake devs made [ disaster game changer tool, with a disasterress global impact for single nations] ) -there where forged papers is also has to be a compromise, (for a mistake on a choice on a nation) what will means you have consequences when forged papers is used,. you hold your ships , but loose a couple of ranks and cost money ,and buildings and shipyards you have to make a decision if changing nations is worth it (money wise, and rank [because you will lose some high ranks above captain as well] ) when you are high in the ranks , what also means when you are a low captain it does not make that great of a impact, if you are a captain (and use FP) you stay a captain for instance. my conclusion is that , Forged papers is not in balance with the game. and at this point of existence it is a not wanted situation for the game , what ever you may think of it ,or just feeling fine because you think you are on the save side now. for this decision (when using FP) not every country or nation is the same they differ..(look at pirates for instance, they are just different.) forged papers is a not well implemented mechanic, what made a mess and will continue to make a huge threat for the game, if not balanced and implemented correct.(when around in this form in the game as a easy to use tool and no punishment on money and ranks...(you are going to use fp what is not in the benefit of your current nation, and in the meanwhile you have used the benefit of that particular nation for free) putting FP on steam dlc, is a very good thing on the other hand ,but it needs tweaking on ranks and money to... the contrast: why should you use FP. - the second answer is dedicated ships for dedicated nations only (now it is just access to difficult upgrade, you can grab certain upgrades to easy now when fp is used) witch is a too bigger contrast for stayers in certain nations. is also the answer to the whole situation .,changing nation give other ships.,other opportunities and flaws let's get a answer from the ZERG. the ones who have the benefit, and you will hear the easy greediness in their voice. for the devs : you once said it is about sailing and didn't really care about nations , well this conversation proofs you are wrong. and has to get a place in the game as well. you integraded it partly by putting in more nations , but by using FP as a bad mechanic for it (in this form) it countered in the wrong direction (sadly) now we have fried chicken instead of beef. i hope you will excuse me for bad english ,but i hope you got the big picture of my thoughts
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