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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. na it is good .....we don't need hotfix for the shipbuilding now ship building has a good purpose finally its better to craft a ship than to buy one i think it is a good patch
  2. we do not have reputation, or flags in the game , yet... (criminal reward system) but i certainly would not object the idea... it's probably on the wish list for the defs (i just don't know) perhaps they can give a answer ,but i doubt it. it is not in the game ... now is like, .... sink the emperor and who cares who's doing it, (and nooooo!..) dont give him.. grant a award or honor for it. for me, one of the reasons i do not go sail out for criminals ..lol.. there is just no reward for doing it so..(hint)
  3. for sometimes not knowing or seeing which ship performs better to one another perhaps it wood be nice to have a compare ships tool for ships accessible with the right mouse button in the home tab where you get a multiple pop-up on your screen where we can see the turning time ,speed , hull strength ,thickness guns hold and so on so we can see the difference between the same or other ships ..
  4. dont worry to much about it .. the other side has the same problem (if it is a problem) if you are in hunting mode you will hunt. if you are in trade mode you will evade the fight ,(any fight)
  5. so ...start whining ? we can even handle a million for one port no problem there.. you want to conquer the map for no reason at all and i t will cost you upkeep...
  6. You talk silly? (now i know why we never had a peace treaty for 385 years lasting war lol) barancourt is absolutely spot on
  7. what about docks are we going to see more dock space? changes or upkeep for docks anything on that ??
  8. I see that you have the need for more diversity. "give a pusher a dive installation and you can explore the ocean." I think more that differences in the upgrades, on a boat, more to your request, than a different name to a boat, and then there is no difference in the same upgrade, with a different variable. we need different builds and more different upgrades ,and not same types with different names (to short true the corner) besides ,merchant vessels where (at least for the dutch) also navy ship for instance the indiaman (64? gunner)
  9. . increase the amount of dock space in ports (20 total ) to 35? because i can not build mercury ships for my second lieutenants ITS always the same thing"" your docks are full "", there are more ships to sail than i can posses , or CAN build for new members. . Increase the number of ports . by 3 extra ports because the fast territory in the south needs more strategic ports all over the map a possibility is to make a extra port available perhaps by putting in upkeep for docks space or port space for gold i am willing to pay for the upkeep, for extra ports or docks . . tip.or increase the dlc on steam by premium" 3 ports and 6 docks "in a "docks and port pack" (hint )because the restrictions are killing my game play.. out of order: . increase gun types. because we are in need of more types of guns like bronze guns, swivel guns typical nation guns ecc.. . increase dutch ships . because we have none. ps. the poods are fine > good guns
  10. the game can provide a option options > do not reveal rank problem solved for the guys and girl who gave themselves a ranked name
  11. perhaps you should adapt to the mechanic when the structure is a 30 % the ship is going to turn and slow s down in speed at that point it is better if you want to loot the ship, to sail in his wake... ( and turn to come behind him ) you don't have to shoot the whole ship to complete destruction and loot after that it will do the trick to get the loot ,but be patient, and smart. read your wind . Are you smarter than a Ai or........
  12. lol , to us [ 7 up ] = [7 united provinces] hereby declared as lemonade in a bottle it taste sweet. not acid and bitter only salty (some do not know their history)
  13. first of all... success (you need it) [7UP] and spanish .do not end up well.( its a od combination) it creates a 80 years war (https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachtigjarige_Oorlog) and your tag will not help, it s contra productive tag (but correct in history's timeline) you will be assimilated in the long run... by the dutch. but i wish you all the fun and happy fights .. for all the dutch sailors who joins the spanish pls join the [7up]
  14. o.0 it is google translate you should use google translate lol i'm done here...
  15. all true, but what matters is the novice player that is the one who should give you a challenge tomorrow it's about the novice player the player who can sail a frigate, but does not know to build one
  16. we all try ,but there are more captains who do not clan up ,and those are the one we have to keep in the game or we must make a mechanic wath give benefit for joining clans. (like clan build ships + slots in the clan warehouse (clan docks) for example [[+ clan warehouse logs [before i forget])
  17. true , but you know where i am going to wright,,
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