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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. you dont see what i mean , ----------------------------------------------------------------- i am not ganking ,but if I want to gank> anyway but who is ganking who... its about the cheat and the possibility to fight on equal terms somehow cheat (read rig/hull repairs are not helping ) but perhaps you like to cheat
  2. NO it all about the feeling they cant win a game if the cheats on ship are to much... sailing for hours to catch up ..will turn them away shooting on ships and almost full healt in a zip ...will turn them away that has nothing to do with how valuable ships are logic is key in this matter
  3. well....... if you sail only a surprise like pirates do.......(Huu-Uuh....how on earth is that possible ) you are done in two weeks... how about that....and that is allowed..and other casuals are allowed nothing. ohw ...and i have plenty to do...after two months i have only one slot open from the indefatigable still 30 ships to go...it is to much for the first 4 slots
  4. ingame you have a circle what is going in the fog in the distance perhaps a bigger circle when looking true the spy glass would be great now it is restricted to your seeing circle (for what you can see)
  5. for instance the trait ease on the spy glass(book) where you get a better Spyglass without water on the lens or a better spyglass or telescope (upgrade) in general (further seeing the distance> instead of the same distance, but bigger ) or different kind of spy glasses or telescopes the spy glass/telescope is a underestimated and important tool in naval history for reconnaissance ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- or for examples: more sorts of cannon upgrade types
  6. if you box it you can move it around ,by picking it up and change it manualy see in settings for full screen and box or just switch the plugs on the monitor (back side) easiest thing to do
  7. Hi all it seems trade-winds are not going to be introduced... but we still can introduce them as a simulated comparison in what we have now for the double speed if we look at speed, we see the average vessel is going 12 knots more or less give the speed a 5 knots boost the trade winds speed are about max 17 knots, what means that the double speed comes to a max speed of 34 knots after 30 seconds for average vessel speed the benefits are obvious the game speed is increased a bit and it has the same speed as trade winds also, you will have a better overview on surroundings (you don't have to use [home] that much ) it will probably have benefits for your fps on your pc as well @admin ******** >> if it looks strange (fast speed) we also can have the look s adjusted(towards ship and surroundings) by having the view on the ship altered a little bit back more, (zoom out a tick extra )> the ship and the surroundings become smaller and it will have an effect on your experience for realism....****** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------translate to rus всем привет кажется, что ветры не будут введены ... Но мы все же можем представить их как симулированное сравнение в том, что у нас есть сейчас для двойной скорости Если мы посмотрим на скорость, мы увидим, что средний сосуд идет на 12 узлов больше или меньше Дать скорость 5 узлов скорость торможения составляет около 17 узлов, что означает, что двойная скорость достигает максимальной скорости 34 узла после 30 секунд для средней скорости судна преимущества очевидны, скорость игры увеличивается немного и он имеет ту же скорость, что и пассаты Кроме того, у вас будет лучший обзор окружения (вам не нужно много использовать [home]) >> Если это выглядит странно (быстрая скорость), мы также можем настроить внешний вид (по направлению к кораблю и окрестностям), так как вид на корабле немного изменился,> корабль и его окрестности станут меньше, и это будет влияние на ваш опыт для реализма ....
  8. well after good consideration, and seeing a lot of battles i believe that the sail repairs should be only one 1 time in battle and not multiple times from what we have now also, the chain shot has a too much impact on the sails in one broad compared to the speed of the vessel after bin brought under the 80 % from 100-80 it does do nothing when under 80-60- the half of your speed is gone even in real time they did not repair in battle so i think,: remove the constant repair or just one time and that's it..... or reduce impact on damage to sails significant.. no ship has a chance to escape when outnumbered and everyone is shooting sail at you it's actually very lame let's make tactics and balls important again
  9. That's exactly what i mean ,the second explanation is far more better than we have now it shout actually be like that
  10. @admin well upgrades need a better explenation where they are used for can you figure out this in a sec: MAST_PHYSICS_MAIN_SAIL_FORCE_BONUS -- slot:NONE; base:0.03; 0.00%SHIP_TURNING_SPEED_RHEAS-- slot:NONE; base:0.00; 3.00%MAST_PHYSICS_JIB_SAIL_FORCE_BONUS-- slot:NONE; base:-0.03; 0.00% or this one : MODULE_BASE_HP-- slot:ARMOR_ALL_SIDES; base:0.00; 20.00%SHIP_MAX_ROLL_ANGLE-- slot:NONE; base:0.00; 20.00%SHIP_MAX_SPEED-- slot:NONE; base:0.00; -15.00%SHIP_PHYSICS_ACC_COEF-- slot:NONE; base:0.00; -15.00%SHIP_PHYSICS_DEC_COEF-- slot:NONE; base:0.00; -15.00% for all the new players it needs a good explanation i get to many questions form people who can not exactly interpretate the use of it it needs a rework for the right more usefull language
  11. New content : >> story content [Tavern tab] interaction pve/pvp the opposite what is proposed here; not some one who is listening to you but you asking something ; the story goes on you sometimes encounter a captain who is not as friendly as they look in the first place when you see them at the horizon and you end up with the surrender of your trader's vessel or in a very bad moment a total destruction of your crew and vessel any way you end up in a cutter full of holes and have to sail back to your capital you end up later that day in the pub/kroeg/Tavern were you meet a halfdrunken sailor you ask him if he has some information about a bad captain: of course after paying an amount of gold for his huge drinking account in the tavern... he tells you [ when the captain is online] where he last saw him sailing in a vessel (actual sailing position) when the bad captain is not online he tells you he never saw him it's then up to you to engage that bad captain with a brand new bought vessel to engage the bad captain and pay him a little lesson ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- second proposal: also, you can hang up a note for some information and place a bounty on the bad captains head visible for any other captain who sees the bad captain sailing on the waves of fortune when a other captain sinks the bad captain you will be notified, and pay the bounty to the bounty hunting captain ([you have to pay on forehand] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thirth proposal : and just a bounty list in capital Tavern. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- discuss: if you like it :, please like it and/or leave a comment please stick to the post no other proposals in this thread...
  12. i agree on : the trader who is not into missions and trading for his nation does in practice do not acquire cm for doing 10 battles first and then takes a war officer the 50 cm for the perk is a to big of a strain for the trader captain also a captain must freely choose his officer or is the next step 50 cm for changing his chip ??? because the Admiralty wants him on a trader or just a Cerberus you can ask anything in a game but it does not work in rl that way he mostly took al his officers with him when transferring to the other ship perhaps a fee of gold must be paid ,but not cm or totally free, or aquire cm for doing trade..... also think about it a trader who must pay combat marks really makes no sense
  13. well maybe a percentage, of let say 50 % of the daily tax income> what must be paid to the government of the nation every day after maintenance --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- also, a nice PvE edition: perhaps some silver fleets who sail with huge amount of silver back to the homeland what can later on the day be captured in some event (just simular like the storm event)
  14. i know the feeling mate, i am in the same condition as you are lets, try to make it work. its alpha we are not there yet, where we all want to be, but i think we are on track for the first time... that why we need balance for solo and rvr, but some aspects are not there.... yet..... (like a good economy, for example, it still needs polish)
  15. Here you have it ; rvr means realm vs realm (or parts of a nation like clans) and you as a solo player who wants to do RVR on his own you can do port battle , but you must make your own clan and accomplish hostility to trigger a battle you will soon discover doing battle on your own against 25 agas is a monster operation, and if you survive that, i will call you super-captain fox2run in capital letters. so yeah you can do it but that won't work,> the rules on this on is that there will be maxed 25 people in the battle (and you will ... meet them ) and yes they are open for you, if you and yourself made clan> joins the attacker group so the answer is: yes and sigle player are not limited to do battle , maybe futile , but not limited ..... if you want to conquer the world on your own, that is a to big undertaking that will never happen.. -------------------------------- sorry mod: did not see that one coming, my bad now, it is now a troll indeed but just to give an example of a PvE player (one of the few) but no input on balance, just many questions we have to solve first ,((one at the time (perhaps)
  16. I also believe (maybe a troll but i don't think it is) that the whole conversation on the forums has a misinterpretation for what is going on in the game for what i see in game on people, who want to do PVP fights (that is 5 %) fights when they get sunk they rage and quit (they miss the reward for playing and get sunk) only 20 % of clan members are into PVP, and 80 % are into PVP because they have to defend themselves and must fight and will lose most of the time because of the force they have to face what means that 80 % is actually a PvE player who has to fight sometimes what is see on the forums is the PVP player, who wants it all, and is eager to accomplish his goals even by putting his thoughts on the forum (and there is nothing wrong with that ) but the 80 %pve players are mostly a passive player and do not share their thoughts on the forums, i see it when i overlook my clan and look for forum input on the forum and what they say in chat so my conclusion is that the forums are overwhelmed by thoughts from a perspective (PVP stuff) what is not representing the whole player base as a whole i also see PvE player who put input on the forums, who get roffle stumped by PVP players because it is not in their intrest we all have to stop doing that and make a discussion about how things will work out for balance and not your personal goals from the perspective how you would play the game, and have all the benefit you need to play this game comfortable for you if you are a PVP player think about the PvE player if you are a PvE player put her some thoughts and think about the PVP player maybe that helps to have a balanced discussion i sometimes see discussion and it goes about nothing ...really
  17. well you can have it also in the ship tab in ow next to manage crew for example but in the harbor, i think we need it in the upper section but that is what i think is for the new UI
  18. feedback what i heavenly miss is log files in the warehouse are they coming, or do we need a clan clerk perk ...
  19. the fleet and the perks and trade :feedback i would rather see the fleet perks removed from the perks and also made a separate tab for them it disables my schip and ability to sail for a next dedicated mission ------------------------------------------------------ also, the permit to change the officer should not be in permits it does cost the trader his entire fortune on cm s just to accomplish a change in the> officer section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ just make the permit for changing the officer to GOLD and or make the perks change free >or an amount of money (gold) i can't even test it atm... ------------------------------------------------- also if i want to see the trader tool I have to go to the map first but what has nautical stuff has to do with trading also, remove the trader tool in map > to a single tab in the head section (so noobies have direct access (they see) to the trader tool)
  20. i would rather see i can build more buildings in any port it cost money and you have to visit them once in a while and only destructible when visiting port so just a suggestion 6 standard buildings, and 10 in enemy ports as restricted dependance buildings, only destructible when visiting
  21. yes just as a spectator only when you are the only person in the game it's done and over, but in a group, you must have the ability to stay ....perhaps a pop up in groups, to make a choice what you want to do,>>> to harbor or watch would also be nice..... (of course that after a couple of seconds) EDIT: made a second run blow up and saw when pushing HOME just before the final blow >>you will stay in the game
  22. Just made a test explosion with the prince it struck me hard to see the hull disappear very fast and the sails deterioration in a fast way i could not stay close enough at the target vessel ((the damage done to the hull is to much,,,.... i sink faster than i blow )) aslo when i blew up the second it blows i see a split second the blast and than direct in harbor i rather would like to see the full blast en 2 seconds later a faint and then in the harbor to add a little drama to it tip if you like the lynx this is your bigger brother if you always sail with the wind in your face ,this will be your soul mate
  23. sailed the wasa feels like a SantiSMSA looks like a thirt rate and sails a little bit slow could not get a ai fleet in ow it did 20 knots optimal speed the AI (4 ships in fleet) was faster and outruns me huge turning circle, pro...: is the guns they are great and devastating accelerating turning and speed is to slow for a 4 rate it needs a little bit more the balance is good this time
  24. found this in the discussion (the answer to your question you were wondering about) War corporations can fight other war corporations in the same nation ONLY in port battles
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