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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. 9 months ago and it's almost the august - 2 0 1 9. and after release... but there is nothing the common community knows is there no news about the ships? can development give some update on this matter.?
  2. there is a solution ; FACT: At start: Neutral ports( in old) situation can be attacked by everyone (nation). when captured: >> solution ; if a nation clan captures a port and put it in neutral >> every same nation clan is entitled to get supervision of that port by raising hossility on that neutral port and capture it for their own nation ... (now a clan must see how much credibility they have in a nation ,to put a port in neutral and keep it that way ) . >> The PB is like Ai PB . . when a other nation attacks a (in clan possession) neutral NATION port there is a pb against players [ RVR ] . also it provides a easy way to transfer ports from one clan to the other (the peacefull revolution ) Neutral ports are vulnerable for all kinds of political hazards. (people of the port want strong nationalisme and central government) ( also it reduces alts / and international/ conflicts( like pronouncing cheating and other forum idiotery) @Admin
  3. is there a comment from the admin ? on this matter..
  4. History[edit] The first kuruc uprising[edit] The first kuruc uprising occurred in 1672. The kuruc army gathered in the Partium where many refugees of different origins took shelter from the religious and political persecution occurring in Royal Hungary. They called themselves bújdosók (fugitives). Their weapons were mostly pistols, light sabres and fokos (battle-axes). Their tactics and style of war were typical of light cavalry. The main subgroups were Protestants, who were disgruntled by Habsburg ambitions of the Counter-Reformation; nobles (from the minor nobility, holding on to their privileges, while the Habsburg Court made attempts to deprive impoverished nobles of their nobility) and soldiers from the végvárs (frontier castles) who were sacked by Habsburg generals. Later, when the Turks lost ground to the imperial armies and Austrian despotism intensified, Habsburg oppression of Hungarians played an increasingly important role in the motivation of the kuruc. Initially, in August 1672 the kuruc army invaded Upper Hungary where they conquered the castles of Diósgyőr, Ónod, Szendrő and Tokaj. After they defeated the Habsburg army of Paris von Spankau near Kassa the towns of Upper Hungary surrendered and many disaffected people joined them from the Slovak and Ruthenian population of the northern counties. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- emerge to take a deep breath ,and hiding from my angry mermaid (because i did not take pearls with me) well its good to remember your history and feel committed to it (seriously i tip my hat for that) but: that worked in hungary ... but not in the dutch territory your former rulers in history would be turning in the ground for what you tried to do. so please keep them out of it and look at your own intentions. if you want to be a refugee in our territory ,adapt and act like one ,we all are refugees at a certain point .
  5. Remember :to proceed. Poseidon changes very quickly from his weapon ... it will be more look like something .....Thor uses as a Tool. (just a small warning) that said : [let me dive under the waves to find my mermaid who can protect me now from bad unhealthy comments.]
  6. well it needs more love for sure atm it works horrible and looks horrible as well also the pre wipe bleu screen is a remnants i dont like as a released game...
  7. Thonys

    a paint job

    no need to say anything just watch
  8. i think every clan who own the port should have clan warehouse by default should be one of the advantages of owning a port by a clan and every clan should be able to buy a clanwarehouse in a port (weekly tax generating for the port owner)
  9. Don't look at the dutch look at the devs... "Dutch leading clans disagree with the KURUC clan."" if you are not participation in the big picture and think you can do what you want ...to hello kitty the dutch simple we take it back.. and that's all we tried to talk.... we tried everything. this is our answer .
  10. As FAR as i can SEE Tom i See no Drama ^^ just a plain joke from reverse" you can see that from a far distance"
  11. well at least we would have seen big kaboemba s and flying dutchman's every where
  12. You Troll.. Russia is most of the time our political ally but perhaps you throw some books and Frigates and all nations .... pew pew...
  13. This is national Caribbean news A Fake clarification. and many contradictions Fake news and yes i am a one man clan ( spokesman . and not even the diplomat of my clan ) i see what you are trying to do we saw your real intentions when you were attacked for your acts...do not think it stays unpunished (isn't it not funny when a on man clan says you will be attacked and later on you scream on the forums you want help from every pirate and criminal in the caribbean waters. i see what you try to do ... we don't fall in your funny little trap. next time our ships will sail to the walls of your forts and blow them from the coast line and bait with it you see you showed us the true nature of your empire we do not need your .org diplo channel . we don't talk to enemies. you messed with us , and we messed back.
  14. let me give you some correct answers. 1. yes i call you disrespectful in this threat, and it did not show you where respectful. you clearly do not know who i am. 2.disrespectful again ,he did more than one attack yes, the thirt i believe. he won the battle. 3.france is the best . 4.huh...you don't like tulips? 5 i don't have to show you anything i am not a showman. 6.well great for you if you were in the last one .you have lost that one... i think , (if you were there) besides that i was there as a screening commander of the 3 waves i send in , participating in the last wave .i was there but you did not see me in the pb because i was not the fancy man collecting goodie goodies... like you !. i was the screening commander of a ungrateful task . And now you want to Tell me i was not there? i call it not only disrespectful but also false.
  15. How disrespectful to say we are poison... you say:" we bark " and all are jojo s. And blablabla jajaja .. some never left the nation , so to who are you talking to ? >>or are you talking to the french privateers who changed enemies s sides ?? the french showed their true face ! you invited your enemies , you become very unreliable . we also saw things we did not expect like BAIT ( unreliable now (?) now thats what will have a tale of its own.!
  16. "Even pelasgus or whatever his name was, was a complete useless port battle leader. " Hmm.... very disrespectful..and it shows your true face. you take that back captain.! we the dutch are the only one who can hate him because he send us to the frontline you on the other hand can only be respectful to our navy leaders. shame on you for insulting our former pb leaders who can not defend themselves. ps. He was the leader of the port battle of cartagena de india , it seems you forgot. or where in a tavern with some guys playing tik tak to . besides that i liked the captain very much as a person and as a captain. it's a shame he is not around.
  17. i know .0.0 still i was referring to the french
  18. you will here us when your boatsmen sounds the alarmbell.
  19. "Be back" is a big word .let us not go in to that we left your traders at peace in the past..... don't forget, or where you one of those who attacked our traders ... you mean suppressed by russian zerg... well in the dark days the home fleet with no more than 10 captains controlled the complete eria of the dutch and they never knew.
  20. i warned you all in the past. but you all didn't listen or read very well you saw a little from what was told to you . and suddenly a suppressed nation must be Hubble ?? i don't think so... we call it : "The Golden age" our time has come !
  21. Ah yes on the side note, what was very strange and remarkable as well the bait (BR) clan suddenly screening for the french so our eyes were suddenly turned to the west by surprise ...something to remind us tomorrow .
  22. Let it be a warning to the french leaders the Dutch will not allow unfriendly enemy ports in their surrounding water ( or any other nation ...for free) also the port BT must be closed or otherwise the PB fleet will not stop at the gate of mercy again. in the past we had good relations with some french and it kept the peace for what is was but now, if you spill the wine we will not drink it from the tray because you like it that way.
  23. well it will not hit me,,,at all. and i mentioned it already (if you read carefully you will see it : ) ((( its not only the dlc but also the little bugger who had problems before,, [perhaps for him 250 dubs ] )))
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