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Everything posted by SoulPYTHON

  1. I am opposed to set Winning conditions on an MMO(RP)G, i dont see the point really Let say Nation x gets steamrolled by Nation z, the players in Nation x have a couple options Give Up and Quit the nation and Re-roll (loose most of your stuff) Dont Give up and fight the opposer, ask help from allies etc Concede to Nation z and become a vassal state of Nation z until u grow stronger again and fight Nation z or anyone else Why would u need to restart the game/server there is always a possibility in this game to conquer/pvp Keep most of your stuff in a free town Capitals cannot be conquered, always the ability to buy a conquest flag from there It is a self sufficient mechanic unless people that want Turn based style conditions and cannot deal with no conditions Why would u want Winning conditions in a game like this ? I can see that eventually with such a small map that a couple nations will have global control, but that is one big word, there are always those that revolt and start something
  2. I dont know what to think of this Personally coming from Eve online where there is the no winning condition/endless gaming and it works fine-ish i cannot fathom that people are having a hard time in this game, Sure u have the grinding here which is hard baked in the game to progress to better ships but that u have in all other games to, and this is still an alpha game and in development so all for more improvement on that system But to splinter this game even further into a PvP, PvE and a Hardcore Server i dont see the point really. 1 server for everything would be much better: More people to socialize / interact with Casual Players can do their thing if its PvE or PvP, with more people u dont have to go far to do something It is a game where u set your own goals as a person and a nation, to conquer the map, have pvp, do pve with people Your Poll options are somewhat Biased tho, no 1 server option to vote for where everything RvR, PvP, PvE is mixed, i guess that is not your cup of tea for a true MMORPG Doubting between option 4 and 5 at the moment.
  3. I think i know where u coming from but if player build ships are to expensive in your area, just get a group of people together and start making your own ships Enjoy the market pvp But simply removing a part of the game because some people are greedy thats just insane So i must follow with the previous posters, that will be a no for me to
  4. I am all for the single shard mmo playstyle like eve online but i hope people know what this will mean for your assets The clean and fastest way for them to do it is a server wipe of assets and a map reset, so this lovely game can start over again from a clean slate
  5. To bad u teamed up with the Danes to do this but so is life i guess Congrats on your Conquests
  6. I guess u can add this in your initial statement just to evade further confusement by the populous of this server
  7. So surprise patch today, no information given by admin/devs, I know its still early Whenever u got your coffee/meeting could we get some information about it Thank u
  8. Will there be a soundcloud upload for the "sate of the Union" ?
  9. +1 for lower ranks not being able to buy flags, will evade certain issues but dont agree with the banning/wiping/refunding of account On the whole flag exploit it all depends for the devs to figure out what kind of alt meta level they want in their game. Spai's have always existed through the ages, now its up to the Developers to figure out what they want alt accounts to be able to do, if they want to create a whole meta game around/in their game like eve online, where a spai can disband a whole alliance or make it somewhat milder where spai's just look for insider information but cannot disband clans/guilds that is up to them. flag exploit if u want to call it that is just a part of the game that needs to be explored and fool proofed in the duration of Early Access The ball is back in your Court Admin/Developers, we the community should not pass judgement until u decide what u are going to do with alt accounts.
  10. Puerto-Rico was in the hands of the Danes before this mess, where did they go ? ow i can see it now they are in the hands of the Brits... Explanation who knows lets just take em U good sir need to go scroll a bit to see what the Swedes had in plan to give back to the Danes ones the Danes contacted the sweeds and told the Brits to go back where they came but the Brits decided otherwise and went east Was planning on typing it out again but u know what good sir, read the whole thread, watch some funny vids of Swedish Chef and then come back and post your next troll post Have a wonderful day, SP
  11. It is totally for QA, just keeping mister Spchancey honest in his dealings with us, so he doesn't need to come here on the forums spewing other stuff then talked about ingame If u find this dishonest towards him or any other party that is your derogative and personally I do not care what u think, do or dont Good day to u Sir ps Posting stuff with your IGN Mister YoWilly is always nice ( no idea now who u are in game)
  12. Dear Mister Middleman, I may sound like a broken record but i am not changing my view point. The Danes asked u to withdraw, that did not happen either but on wards As this was just a conversation between 2 players and it was my personal opinion about the matter and i cannot speak for the French Empire but blatantly saying that we want to wipe out the smallest nation on this server is total bullcrap, it shows that we want to resolve this with the Danes but without the Brits in their neighborhood as U Sirs are up to no good at all. Some final words from me cuz to discuss this and repeating it over and over its just not going to End We do Not accept your proposal at all, u heard our proposal and u do not agree to it. So we are at an Impasse. We will try to defend our Ports, We Will kill your fleets in OW battles. Lets Rumble! To the Death! For King and Glory!
  13. So Brits are so offended that they brought back people that are fighting the US to fight Sweden in the battle of Pasaje just want to say LMAO The battle was won by the British Empire
  14. Getting tired of this BS Mighty British Empire wants to take One of Swedes Ports to combat the SE Pirates even By Force Swedes say no to that offer Brits then take one forcefully of the Danes (frederiksted) Our Danish Brethren phail cascade after this Blatant show of Bullying by the Brits Most Danish people flee to the British Empire (why i have no idea) Swedes decide to take the Danish ports as the population of Our Danish Brethren had come down to 5 players (which cannot defend ports if Pirate or Americans or Brits decide to take them) Danish population grows to about 20 players Instead of just starting up a conversation with the Swedes the Danes Contract the Brits to take the Swedish ports and give them back to the Danes Brits attacks Swedish Nation and gets this mess rolling Our French Allies come to our Help and put down an Ultimatum to the Brits to not go further East, which they blatantly ignored and took Pasaje A talk between the Danish Diplo (Bjergsen of DNN) and the Swedes starts up as we the Swedes do not want the Danish population to suffer and make a deal to give them 4-5 ports back (Coral Bay, Road Town, Spanish Town, The Settlement, possibly Pasaje (we want to keep amalienBork just for the namesake)) British Empire takes Spanish Town and Declares that it will not give it back to the Danes, Sweden Response it will take it back and give it to the Danes Danish Clan CN ignores DNN diplo talks and helps the Brits in taking San Juan from the Swedes (due to miscommunication ^^) British Empire is divided and puts up 2 offers for peace talks WIS clan wants peace but at a cost to the Danish and Swedish Empires ( They want 2 portsof this list: Spanish Town ,The Settlement ,English Harbour ,Saint John's, BasseTerre, CharlesTown)Reason behind it so they can PvP the Swedes and the French but need resource ports to do so TCF clan wants peace but requests that the Swedes/French evacuate from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands/British Virgin Islands Swedes/France do not want any Brits in their waters and we do not agree with the sole claim on Puerto Rico by the Danes (old sore) Swedish Diplo gets called on to the Communications Channel of the British Empire and gets told that the reason why is because of resources to the Danish people, Swedish Diplo tells the Brits that there is already a deal underway between the Swedes and the Danes, the Brits did not know about that (bs) but find it not satisfactory enough and are staying with their original offer for peaceSweeds/French do not agree with the terms: Sweeds take Guayama in response of the Brit taking San Juan, France takes Frederiksted to have a port closer to the fight Hearing rumors of Danish Players moving Assets to La Tortue "Re-Rolling Pirates for the Weekend" Some British players Re-roll Danish just to attempt to take Fort Baai Fort Baai Assault by CN and the Rerolled Brits fails due to BR difference due to one captured tower being able to destroy the other tower (working as intended ^^) BORK vow to Burn down the CN clan but spare the DNN clan (no issues with them) If there are errors pls point them out in a civil matter and let see what this mess will bring up next
  15. of course that was what has been asked for to make it more balanced so that every player that is currently crafting ships to get a bp at some point. but from a constitution that u get 3 separate bps and even the Pavel that is not in direct line of the constitution is normal ? In my opinion only 1 bp drops whenever u are lucky to drop one and a gradient system for higher tiers, can be anything that is in direct line of the current BP but its whatever u guys find "normal" So it is more people get bps for smaller stuff and gets more difficult over time with higher grade ships
  16. To the Admins (game breaking) Something is clearly not right in the next picture (hearing from multiple sources) Gradient system the higher ships u manufacture to get the Blueprints is necessary
  17. The Brits Brought it today in a expected battle, they had their bigger stuff docked up and came out with a surprise to us all Maybe later we get something of a nicer fight where we all sink our ships for glory and other stuff Ah well what u expect No people where severely injured in this battle, Only Two Nut Bob lost a Nut
  18. not that it so important But i got no life so i think mine are over 500 ish, but i am a terrible player so low level in crafting and an ok level in rank
  19. At the moment with the game still in alpha there are not a lot of ships, capturing NPC ships is just part of the game and it give something different to do in the game besides trading, pvp, pbs, and missioning to the argument that alot of people are using them in pbs, well no1 is stopping u from doing the same
  20. ah yes that is exactly what has been said in another ports somewhere on this forum but a possible requirement for that to happen would be that the current danes stop all hostilities towards the swedes and any other demands just gotta find that one diplo person in the Danish people, whenever they are online And as Poe stated spchancey with your kind around this subject is going to be not just a simple task
  21. In my opinion this is not only a Spanish issue, its more like an issue for the factions with lower player amount, but i can see why Spain is getting the attention As some people already mentioned before, getting your ports constantly hammered and seeing clearly in the game that others are taking your ports and u can do nothing about it is demoralizing and with the current meta of the Re-Roll without punishment people are taking the easy way out and going to another nation (more fun) An alliance system would be amazing with port entry and participation in port battles but then u have to modify a couple of things to make it really player driven Removing the NPC production of resources in a port Only members of the nation can build the resource gathering buildings in their nation ports Reason behind the above 2 is clear, only nation players are able to produce the resources and can put them on the local market so that other nation members and alliance members can buy them of the market hereby creating some pretty good market pvp in the process in the bigger capital/trade ports. The issue I have with the current game is that the map and the land the nations hold at the start is not player driven at all, in this case Spain holds huge amounts of ports but cannot defend them Why dont u start with only the capitals are nation controlled so everyone starts out with 1,2,3,4 starting ports depending if u want to keep the difficulty level on the nations but when u start the game u have to choose a nation and a starting place and they cannot teleport to their other capitals only to the one they chose at the start. All the other ports except the Free Towns are Neutral ports, this will ensure (when they think about it) that every nation captures the amount of ports that they can defend hereby insuring that there is no demoralization from just unable to defend empty ports across the map. Now there is another issue with capturing ports and setting up the vulnerability timer of said port, currently it is on a player basis(steam account?) which means with the current meta of people re-rolling to another nation, that those ports become inactive and are unable to be changed, same goes for when the person goes inactive in the game. I dont really know how to fix this issue when its tied to the steam account but if its tied to the player name, whenever that player goes inactive for x amount or deletes his name the port changes back to its neutral state and can be recaptured by anyone and set a time. Limitations of flags: I personally would not limit people in grabbing ports i would just increase the price of the flags with the increased amount of ports they currently own, this will slow down the port taking after x amount of ports. Spanish recruitment ? This counts for every low player nation. there might be a solution to this if u recreate the free town people, for the people that are not sure which nation to join and create a recruitment ingame application posted in the free town ports, whenever an advert is posted in 1 free town it will be posted over all the free ports so u can reach enough people. Maybe add a local chat, advertisement channels Hard limit on nations: just no, free world and all that (if there is a Zerg then it is up to the smaller nations to team up and beat the Zerg) and with the increased cost of the flags this might be less of an issue. Underpopulated Nation Bonus, yes but only for Capturing Ports, i mean by this whenever a bigger nation attacks a weaker nation to price for a flag would go up exceptionally making it harder for a Bigger Zerg to attack the minion and walls over him.
  22. So some stuff happened, we took a port back from the brits, not much defense on their part but most of them got tagged up in battles outside the port thanks to OMG and AUSNZ for assisting us with this, then we had some cool OW fights afterwards which lasted for about 5-6 hours After a couple of scraps where we much overpowered the mighty Brit Empire that they had to call in NPC reinforcements they assembled a fleet of 12 ships and attacked just outside the Harbor of Vicques Some screenshots below from my last battle Thank u for the support of OMG And a big thank u to Spchancey for blowing up in the middle of our group killing most of our crew ^^ but i guess that is life A battle between OMG BORK[14] and the Brits[12], here u see that the Brits took over a French trade(rl) which is running away Some more chasing of people running away ~ So the Battle is still going on 0:37:35 on the clock 4 brits kinda alive being chased and tagged after some more time passed we run out of people to tag the last ship alive [Anera] So we brought some mighty warriors to keep him busy till the fleet gets there 20 minutes left on the clock, the fleet finally arrived and trying to board him BBQ Battle Over Finally Thank u all for the good fights and hope we get the same tomorrow
  23. We do not condone those actions but all is fair in war and with the Danes sighting with the British Empire u sir are fair game With all our love [bORK]
  24. How many reasons u going to give for taking our ports 1st: was we going to take them to later trade back to the danes, but then why would u take danish ports (called bullshit) 2nd: we will take no further ports east, we just want to build a buffer between us and Sweden (Called Bullshit) 3th: Spanish town was originally British so we gonna take that (i guess thats Bullshit to) Does your reasoning mean that u will take back BasseTerre, CharlesTown, English Harbour, Saint Johns to ? Just tell the truth u wanne stomp on the little guys cuz u can
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