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Everything posted by SoulPYTHON

  1. no no, all players that want to switch over not just the American ones, #makeGlobalGreatAgain True PVP should be with open timers not just specific EU ones - 23/7 madness, alarm clocking for fights etc
  2. As a fellow European the dark side is much better, more chillaxed, less drama, less salt we welcome u with open arms brethren! I know u want to, stop listening to your clan leaders and take the plunge, come join us, let the dark side embrace u
  3. ow dear admin u are so funny, u cant fix humans with code ? what about removing conquest marks to get ships and just put painful resource requirements for those ships that deal with conquest marks. U can even leave your precious pvp marks in to be able to build em. no conquest marks no pitiful bs like this where friendly nations team up to farm them and get an unfair advantage, the worst part dear admin is that u knew about this mechanic and u found it wasn't necessary to address it.
  4. there just needs to be a 24-48-72 hour cool down on those teleport so there is some consequence of being stuck in that part of the map if u decide to teleport
  5. Those 1500 people played the game they all did not look for specific possible wrong game mechanics or other things (sure figuring out exploits :)), the 100 people on testbed mostly do look towards those mechanics. Your comparison between Game-Labs and Creative Assembly is wonderful, CA has what 500 people in total working for them and Game-Labs 10 to 20 people ? Yep u totally get how game development works Lannes. Now back on topic (sorry admin/mods for this sidetrack)
  6. it is called a test server for a reason, there doesn't have to be tons of people on there just a couple 50-100 people who are willing to invest the time and effort into making it a better game, to see if what they deploy does actually work and report things when they don't so that they can fix them before they deploy it on the live server so U Lannes can have a carefree Live Server without all the major and minor irritations that happen on the testbed server.
  7. Take all the time u guys need, proper way of doing it will hopefully avoid a massive headache (and all the other stuff people do) later
  8. It might be possible to do somewhat exploration if u implement something like the journey map from minecraft modded, everything is blacked out on the map unless u explore it it would give the added feel of not knowing where u really are but still with the coordinates know where u are exactly so u can inform friends where u are and this together with the above suggestion of adding steam achievements would give another dimension to the game for those interested in getting all the achievements in a game possible
  9. take all the time you guys need, we can in the mean while have some fun on the test bed with things
  10. I really don't know what to think about the removal of smuggler, sure it will increase the trade in freetowns by all means that u have, but when u are reduced to a one port nation that smuggler flag does a great deal in building up your ships again to conquer the lost territory
  11. I like your middle ground proposal but u have to limit it in a way to avoid the force projection of manpower, the idea of using the marks system sounds great in this case and a time limit on those TPs (24 hour cool down for example)
  12. don't u put everyone that currently voted for this on one side of the world map, I am European and i voted for the 1 global server, why because more excitement, more things to do, on only 1 server, even put the PVE server in the global one, they don't need to do pvp things but it will increase pvp action and increase the player based economy and so much other things, there are so much advantages for 1 global world server, they just need to figure out some things to make it somewhat balanced on port battle side of things
  13. when i first heard that they were going to merge the server I was happy, but then i saw that they just renamed them and put some more conditions on one of the servers to avoid the bitching/complaints of night flipping etc imo 1 server and with invulnerability timers for ports so that night flipping is not quite as easy anymore but this can be to much effort for some of us as it requires some more organization that they are willing to put time into it and then it becomes a second job and then they gonna complain/bitch again... oh noes what shall we do.
  14. I cant wait to play this game again with my french brethren @chailang i love u
  15. @admin while i love your comparison to eve and their building of a Titan 1st rate that takes 5 weeks (much less time with alot of alts) to build from start to finish u might want to rethink that approach, building titans and other supers in eve is quite easy nowadays, mine the resources in the same system, refine the resources in the same system/structure and build the ship in the same system/structure. In eve u have local chat if u ever played eve online there is at times much "toxicity" in that local chat but its part of the game, u don't need to monitor that at all just let it flow, it hardens the players. I also don't understand how people from 2 different factions are going to trade with each other and come to an agreement for a price etc, your way of just auctions is to much effort between 2 parties trading To be honest create a local channel, not server wide just a certain distance from the players locations so there is still the aspect of a social game to interact with others that are not your nation
  16. While i look forward to come and play this game again when the next patch hits I find it somewhat sad that u do not wipe the XP. The grind to get to the higher level ships was something i enjoyed it gave u something to look forwards to and in the mean while achieve small/big victories in smaller ships wipe it all please
  17. After an effort on my behalf to hear what both parties wanted and to come to some sort of agreement between the dutch, Swedish ISN and BORK the decision has been made by BORK not to continue the Dutch alliance after receiving some damning evidence of group in the Dutch nation. Screenshot of decision mail send to Tulip and Taurus Having alts in different nations is not a crime i think but Chailang speaks the truth, evidence ^^ below response from badbenny (dutch nation) to mail send to his dutch account earlier I know its gonna be difficult for some to play with their friends in different nations but the majority of the leadership in BORK has decided and so be it Lets all have a some nice PvP out of this and less of a flame war on NN maybe in the future something more positive comes out of this. Teutonic his/her (we dont actually know ^^) door is always open to discuss stuff
  18. it would be handy but i think they are not over the whole discussion of 1 or 2 main servers and the players posting in NN can mark [PVP1 or PVP2] in the main title so people can see for which server it goes for
  19. I have no idea where u get the war part from, there has been no war declaration AFAIK, just gonna be some shooting in OW as we apparently burned the bridge we had with the dutch according to BadBenny, still no clue why tho its all a bit too fuzzy for me. But as u said #care is a good answer
  20. Some stuff happened in Global on PvP2 which honestly i want the answer from and might explain some stuff i dno Dear Taurus if u would like to give an honest answer to these questions it would be so helpful for all of us to better understand u
  21. loving the Thunderdome idea but do new players spawn in with the capital outpost from the get go so that they can easily tp to their home capitals after the initiation
  22. yes this is very true but back in the day there were no Timers and the fight was open to all so why close it after 2 - 5 - 30 - 60 minutes.... scared of reinforcements This is Open World everything should be Open I personally would like to see OW battles never close, u want to gank some people afk sailing go right ahead... some other people join and either kill u or u run or u kill them, the fight keeps on going, dont have any friends or nation doesnt care tough luck if u do or they care u can get some help... Its all up to the ones that are more organized. look at another game like eve online there are no separate instances Devs should keep it simple
  23. I don't get it Spain Declares War to support their allies France and break the 3 admiral treaty, which is fine. Enemy comes up with a plan to attack Spain in the weekend and take back most of the ports they lost in that 3 admirals treaty + some others Spain does not want to surrender, (that is a choice u make but that is also that u accept the consequence of that decision which is that u will be brought to a 1 port nation) Spain complains about that? Look don't complain to your enemy about it, go complain to your leaders who made the decision not to surrender. If u want to take ports back then do it on a Weekend like they did, put some effort into it and talk with your allies about it.
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