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Everything posted by Batman

  1. The game differs an O and a 0 (zero) with the zero having a tilted line in it. edit:: nvm. I took two comparions screenshots. You can barely see a very litte difference, so it really seems to be a zero instead of an O.
  2. I asked him who he is after he was trying to sell his LH in trade channel, did not get a response. Also nobody in the clan knows him.
  3. As you can see in this screenshot, there is the player Earl of Halifax having a ROYAL clantag. But he is not on the clanlist ingame. Our member John Cavanaugh filed a F11 report about this. Is this a bug or what is going on here?
  4. What means "forcing an alliance?" You still sail under your flag, but as a protectorate of a larger nation? You have to obey what a captain from the conquering tells you? This definetaley needs a better explanation. Even if it will only come MAYBE to the game, I think plaers need to know what might happen. I like the idea of regions, but if you make capitals open for capturing this will totally kill smaller nations playerbase. Forcing people to join something they don't want to join is not a good idea. It is just a game, don't go hyper-real.
  5. You threatened the dutch, swedes and french to reduce them to one port if they do not sign up?
  6. Who is this Batman of yours? I cannot Accept such witchery!!!
  7. I'm pretty sure I made a post about my disconnect in that battle earlier. Where did it go? edit: nvm, I was blind. It is in your other Thread.
  8. Last week I was in a battle when my internet and phone went downdue to a storm. I had no internet for five days. When I finally was able to log in I was still in battle result screen, after FIVE days not playing. Thats bad luck of course, but if I would get punished for this I simply could not accept that.
  9. I was just in battle with you guys outside Port Morant and had a disconnect shortly after the battle started. I was in the login screen when i heard on TS my ship just escaped. This wasn't supposed to happen of course. Sorry about that. o/
  10. ^Same for me. This could be a very frustrating factor on the passive end, just like the leaks.
  11. She is a damn fine ship. I already love her. But the rudder seems a bit offset? Also the 24pd long guns on the upper gun deck seem to be a bit short compared to the 12pd on the weather deck? It's the same visual bug like on the bellona. The 24's barely stick out of the gunports.
  12. Dear Vicky, may I suggest you shut up and just play the game - or leave it?
  13. You keep complaining about port imers set by british players. If it's just about port battles - Why don't you simply go fight someone with more comfortable port timers if the british timers keep getting you upset?
  14. Can u please turn that screenshot in the right direction? It's very hard to see what you try to explain.
  15. Reinstalling the game did it for me, thanks.
  16. Haha, no - when you mentioned "driver" I thought you meant the GPU driver. I feard a re-download had to happen sooner or later. It's a four and a half download, but oh well. When I veryfied my game fies everything was fine, so I guess downloading the game again is the only way to see if it helps.
  17. Installing Crimson 16.6.2 didn't help. What I noticed: In Win7 compatibility mode I get normal ping, game goes slow at player selection. In Win10 game get slow already at shards screens, server selection screen shows me ping of 3500ms+ for every server. x86 build is also very slow from the shards screen. Oh and my game keeps sending the same crash eport every time I try to log in. Maybe there is a hint for you guys somewhere if you can take a look?
  18. Compatibility mode didn't work. As soon as I come to player selection screen it gets slow again. Win 10 i7 870 Sapphire Radeon R 380 Nitro 4G 8GB RAM Ingame Name: Batman
  19. I upgraded to Windows 10 yesterday and since then the game is extremly slow for me. First I get stuck in the shards screen, then the player selection and when I am finally ingame, I can siwtch from port to port (with some patience) but my ships are not loading, so does the chat and everyting else. how my game looks atm:
  20. It's not that there many british players left. Hop around the Clan's TS Server and see if you find some players online. Many of us left weeks ago. Kind of Navalexit
  21. Who is France? I never heard of her. Is she important?
  22. thanks, you're a man (or woman) of clear words. Not so much blah blah like the frenchies
  23. Is there a tl:dr version of this thingy? Cuz I'm Batman and I don't have time to read all that text.
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