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Everything posted by Batman

  1. I didnt refuse to use and ship. Just told you what ships I had and what not. You lost, deal with it. I'm out.
  2. Even Robin could sink you. And don't even think about asking for a 1v1. We dueled in the past and you lost, so that point is already clarified.
  3. Well this thread is going in one direction only. These problems have been borught up earlier by other players, but real problems get overlooked and more nations are added to solve all problems. So more nations will do
  4. Didn't you ask for PB timers so you could sleep at 3am? Instead you stay up to 3am in the night to create port battles
  5. Never seen you on combatnews or pvp leaderboard, neither in the evening or morning before maintenance. So yeah that leave me with only one option.
  6. I appreciate the effort, @Admiral Horatio Hornblower, but as long as you don't reveal your ingame name your opinion means very little to me
  7. If we would have the numbers, but as long as we have to deal with Spain in Louisiana, Florida, Yucatan and South Cuba there is not much else we can do. You may think different, but Britain has lost quite some players
  8. If France would get their act together and start working properly with EdR they could do the same.
  9. Well you must have had some more guys ready on the docks, by the looks of it
  10. Looks a bit like the old SLRN recruitment video. Just back then everybody was in throwaway 3rd rates
  11. Solange Schiffe im Spiel über Geschwindigkeit und Manövrierbarkeit gebalanced werden, solange wird es auch vorkommen das Fregatten im alleingang Linienschiffe auseinander nehmen. Und weiterhin wird so auch der Großteil der vorhandenen Schiffe nutzlos bleiben in der OW. Genau wie sich in Port Battles gerade die neue Meta aus Bucentaures und Wasas zu formen beginnt.
  12. Will the rest of France also help EdR when they need help? Sorry, but you just gave the righ presentation here
  13. The 85 minutes were just set as an (extreme) example, of course. I'm actually talking about real fights, not the "running-pirate" pvp.
  14. Cayo del Anclote Spain (Attacker) against Great Britain (Defender) - 2400BR Port Spain was very nasty here, initially Belamy was the last who made it in (and soon lost connection)as Spain had some first rates sitting on the dock, tagging people and actually being able to get them inside a battle. So the battle started as 11 v 7, but the people who joined later sacrificed their ships in the outside battle to be able to join the port battle. Edward Teeach bought a Cerberus with medium cannons from the NPC and hunted down the mortar brig, sitting on the north side of the port trying to destroy towers. I kept two spanish Wasa's busy at B (South side) until I got support from two incoming british wasa's. Interesting fact: the C circle is located to the west, straight out of the port, and not north, where spain joined.
  15. You engaged in a pvp. the fight lasts for 90 minutes, you inflict some good damage, but in the end you sink after 85 minutes. Why should you not get a pvp mark?
  16. Several new midshipman have been sent over the last few days from the Admirality in London to the headquarters of the SLRN. Once these new midshipman have acclimatized in the caribbean waters, their training will begin. If there are more midshipman waiting for the officer career to start, don't hesistate to join the SLRN. Contact me (Batman) or Edward Teeach ingame!
  17. Just ignore that guy @Pitxagorri @Celtiberofrog. Nobody in Brit Nation knows his ingame name and he refuses to reveal it.
  18. You sternrake someone, a mast falls. Immediately the guy starts to repair and has his mast back before you can turn around. Now he sails at his best point of wind for the next 12 minutes waiting for the repair to cool down with you chasing him. Meanwhile he also uses rum to repair his crew. So you don't rewarded for a good sternrake and your opponent doesn't get punished for making a wrong turn. I'm ok with limitig reparis to two each. And ffs remove the ability to recover crew when in boarding!!!!
  19. Tribunal hardly ever served a different purpose than players getting some steam off.
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