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Posts posted by Batman

  1. Das spielt erklärt einem aber leider bei der Charaktererstellung nicht was einen erwartet. Schön, es gibt einen Schwierigkeitsgrad, aber der sagt nicht "Max Rank Spieler werden/dürfen dich wiederholt alle fünf Minuten angreifen". Das Frustpotential ist sicher sehr hoch für neue Spieler.

  2. 14 minutes ago, monk33y said:

    Were these great port battle victorys against the usa non contested or close fought battles!!


    If these port battles were contested, I woudln't ask if this war is still a thing. The only port they had players was Las Sabinas yesterday - five of them.

    I'm wondering if we can expect the US to fight back at some time - as it was them declaring war.

  3. 1 hour ago, monk33y said:

    The game has always panda'd to the biggest playerbase/nation.

    Brits complain about kpr ganking... Devs install forts every ten feet on Jamaica.

    Brits complain about kpr ganking again... Devs introduced the stupid greenzones.

    Sweed/French/Spain/Danes complain about night flips... Devs make eu and global servers...

    The Russian players just get on with it and get rewarded. I don't see any problems with this... Iv not seen the Russians threatened boycott etc!!

    monk33y complains about players..

    monk33y complains even more about player..


    Wonder what the devs will introduce to make monk33y stop complaining??

  4. 59 minutes ago, Dragonfire said:

    Right, the shame is they only attack a badly damaged fleet that just came out of a Port Battle they were in to find EDR sent 4 rates to further damage a enemy that fought you with honor despite the odds.

    That you find this just a correct thing to happen speaks volumes about your insight to how the game has lost what use to be honor in battle.

    I'm my opinion it was a cowardly act to overbalance a 18-10 advantage in your favor with 9-11 more ships with some 4th rates way overpowering the odds.

    And ppl here wonder why port battles are empty and no one wants to pvp it is because of asshat cowards like that.

    5 coward French EDR jumping 1 damaged pb rattlesnake that just came out of a port battle with bigger ships is stupidity and the damn game br should never allow it, something needs to change. 

    You want to hit this game till it becomes a pve game 98% keep doing shit like that your well on your way ppl are getting fed up.


    Catching strugglers after a Port Battle existed since day one. I guess when the US got smashed by SORRY there were hardly any strugglers to catch, so you are just making your first experiences here. @rediii can tell a story how Brits nailed their screening fleet at La Navasse. Yet they didn't QQ but instead came back and catched the british captains after the battle on the open world.

    Do you see british players complaning about the US joining Denmark after San Jose to engage strugglers? Get your act together.

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  5. San Marcos Port Battle - GB against USA


    Battle was fought at B circle, with the fort NOT in range for the most time.

    Numbers (also end result):


    Initial stage:


    Battle stretched out and was carried to the south, away from B, where the fleets pulled together again on a smaller floor.




    After the Port Battle several strugglers were caught on the open world, some players from french EDR clan came to support the british.


    Earlier this day brits lost at San Jose. Brits were outnumbered by two or three ships, one danish ship sunk, I think four or five brits sunk.

    Also Brits lost the defense of Alacranes due to low numbers (10 vs 7 or something like that from what I heard)

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