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Posts posted by Batman

  1. 1 hour ago, Dirk der Rote said:

    Ja, lieber Briegel, da hast du recht schnell eine Lektion gelernt. Bei allen early access Ausreden ist deutlich zu merken, dass die Entwickler von Navel Action den Boden jedes soliden Marketings vollkommen verlassen haben.

    Ich sage es immer wieder gerne - wenn mein Spiel vier jahre im Early Access festhängt, sollte ich mir als Entwickler die Frage stellen was schief läuft. Und nicht anfangen Spieler wegen negativer Steam Reviews zu bannen.

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  2. In dem Zusammenhang erwähne ich auch gerne nochmal admin, der sagte während des Summer Sales sind 10.000 Kopien des Spiels verkauft worden. Von diesen 10.000 Spielern ist allerdings kein einziger geblieben. Sicher hat auch der ein oder andere sich einen Alt Account zugelegt, aber 10.000 übersteigt die Summe der aktiven Spieler bei weitem. Wenn ich innerhalb von einigen Wochen 10.000 Spieler verliere, sollte mir das als Entwickler zu denken geben.



    Meine persönliche Meinung: Man muss wegkommen von dem ewigen RvR-Gefummel und endlich neuen Content hinzufügen.

    Es kann doch nicht sein das nach eineinhalb Jahren Steam-Präsenz Port Battles immernoch der einzige Endgame Content sind (Nichts gegen Port Battles allgemein).

    Im Moment schnappt sich jeder soviele Ports wie nur irgend möglich geht. In der Zwischenzeit gab es zwei (?) richtige Portbattles.

    Und was passiert dann? Mehr Port Battles - meine Quellen sagen dass sich gerade vier Nationen versammeln um den Briten gemeinsam in den Hintern zu treten.

    Dabei sollte die Vergangenheit doch gezeigt haben, dass Nation-Steamrolling der Playerbase auch nicht gerade gut tut. Neue Spieler sehen da, dass "ihre" Nation an allen Ecken und Enden attackiert wird und ziemlich "Wehrlos" rüberkommt. Da verlieren sicher auch gerade  neue Spieler die Lust am Spiel - selbst wenn sie kaum bis garnicht in RvR involviert sind.

  3. To clarify. All this fighting in Nation chat was about Cartagena Tar and people intentionally blocking any sell orders by putting up stupid high priced sell contracts. While I posted @Ink post related to this issue where he said that it will be fixed you guys just threw cancer at each other and by posting this "conversation" here all people that actively engaged in this conversation with insulting and attacking each other you make the british nation look like idiots because you can't sort out who gets the cartagena tar.

    Our potential enemies will laugh at us soon as they see these pictures.

    • Like 3
  4. On 19.9.2017 at 1:29 AM, John Cavanaugh said:

    3rd rates will never be a logical choice in a port battle so long as we have no incentive to mix fleet construction. You can argue maneuverability, but we can all see from streamed port battles that people who want the turning and speed will still just build 1sts, but with lighter woods. In order to see fleets with diverse and realistic compositions a BR cap/limit to number of each rate of ship for PB, and ideally OW battles as well, as suggested frequently in the past, is the only way to do that. Even with immediate post wipe QM limitations the rush was immediately on for the old mono fleet- nothing competes in this model

    A Victory outturns Santi and L'Ocean, but it will never be able to outmaneuver a Bellona or a 3rd rate. I pushed the Bellona you build after the wipe to a turnrate of 2.8ish. Don't know the exact number right now because not ingame. Together with the better sailing profile a Bellona/3rd rate can easily sterncamp a 1st rate and angle itself to avoid most of its broadside. Yet there is no use for 3rd rate ships in Port Battles because 1st rates annihilate them in line sailing.

  5. I already said in the past I would rather have the 42's removed - as all navies got rid of them over time. Heavy on gunpowder, heavy on weight, heavy on crew. On HMS Victory Website you can actually read that she was first equipped with 42pd guns but they were removed for given reasons. Give 36pd guns to 1st and 2nd rates, hell maybe even only 32's as well so 3rd rate ships can be a logical choice in port battle and don't get reload shocked every broadside they receive from a bigger ship.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:


    This is from Cartagena Port Battle.

    Danes spawned NWish of B Circle.

    First Danes formed two lines, then reformed into one line and took B circle.

    Meanwhile Brits capped A and C, formed two lines and sailed down along the edges of the canal

    First to be sunk was DreamMaker, who tried to cut the British line, but didnt work.

    The far british line made a 180° turn to support the fightin line that was led by Raxius.

    The Battle got carried back to the B circle, where the lines were somewhat disbanded.

    DN was able to capture B circle for a short amount of time, but Brits could bring more ships back into B and managed to finish heavily damaged danish ships.

    • Like 3
  7. But then you have the problem of contacting a creator who has not been seen for I-don't-know-how-long.

    I simply don't think the solution for such a predicament (worst case only leader stops playing) should be that a whole clan has to reform. There have to be some sort of backup mechanics be implemented.

    Like if a clan has X numbers of officers they can start a vote amongst the officers if creator has not been online for Y days to elect a new creator. If Z number of officers agree to elect a new leader - well done. This could be done by %. If clan has 10 officers you need X amount to agree, if you have 5 or 20 officers same rules apply with different % needed.

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  8. Simple question - right now only the Clan Leader ("Creator") is able to promote players into the rank of diplomat.

    This causes trouble for clans whos leader has not been online for quite some time because they can be locked out of rvr.

    So should officers be able to promote other players/officers into diplomat rank or not?

    Thoughts, ideas, opinions?

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