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Posts posted by Batman

  1. Tbh EDR wanted to be allied with Brits since a few weeks.

    At least they tried to get the french Nation out of their corner, but looks like the rest of France prefers to stay in the Lesser Antilles doing nothing. My guess is they finally got fed up with the French Nation, similar to many British veteran players got sick of the 24-7-KPR-mission-runners not doing anything  but complaing after a port is lost.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Lonar said:


    What shall we do, i mean Spain is small maybe even smaller and we are allied.

    Well have fun.

    I have seen Sweden and France getting One-Ported.

    I have senn the VP getting One-Ported.

    I have seen the USA getting One-Ported.

    I have seen Spain getting hammered several times.

    I have seen Pirates getting pushed back all the way to Mortimer (waiting for LV to show and explain that pirates never lost a PB).

    The roflstomping may be fun for the winning side, but it never ended well for the playerbase.

    So have fun making more players leave the game because insert_reason.

    I guess HYDRA has taken the opportunity fo finish their so called "total war" @Jorge, @Pablo Frias (btw look at the PBs today. Britain does not ask the devs to cancel these PBs, lol)

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  3. 15 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

    US President last Friday answering @Batman question about US declaring a war on GB. 

    "Currently the diplomatic stance of the United States is to remain neutral during the Great Tobacco Crisis.



    Yep, not going to comment on that. You already did good. I Think its only the ex-KINGS/KBEAR who want revenge for whatever has been done to them.

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  4. 20 minutes ago, EliteDelta said:

    Also as soon as one person or clan tries to rally the nation to defend something together, they get an unbelievable amount of backlash from people that start yelling about being oppressed and controlled. 

    Most of us are fed up with it.

    True, the no-life-pve'ers have taken control of nation chat.

    Maybe it's time to finally retire from the game.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Aegir said:

    In the past losing key ports has spurned people into action, but now that we have the humongous safe-zones

    I quote one of the constant-complainers:

    Complainer: "My clan is perfectly fine doing missiony from KPR all day."

    Me: "Why not go to PvE Server then?"

    Complainer: "Because it's empty."


  6. Everyone with a British alt has probably seen the constant bickering in british nation chat. Carebears fighting over cartagena tar, carebears not coming to port battles "because you didn't help me as well so why should I help you?", carebears crying because AHOY abandonded two ports. I've tried to explain several times to these guys that it's not a clan losing ports, but the british as a whole. Of course carebears are the first to make a comment in nation chat when another port is lost.

    It's really annoying and I am getting tired over telling these people over and over to get their shit together.

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    6 hours ago, Jœrnson said:

    Don't use the P word :ph34r:

    No Premium ships?

    Pirate mechanics?

    Not sure which one you mean



    Sorry, admin - I don't understand why you have to come up with such a roleplay shite again. Like Frontier Developments Patch notes


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