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Posts posted by Batman

  1. funny, @Lord Vicious that you keep cornering @TommyShelby with "revising history", but can only bring up achievments of SORRY that happened when exactly? 2016?

    We never saw your 150 active members "painting it black". Remember George Town? Screened by British Pubbies, must be a shame. The swedes picked up what was left behind. Remember the port battles against the danes ( @Anolytic, @Cornelis Tromp) on the northern coast of Hispaniola? When was the last time SORRY achieved something worth mentioning?

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  2. The game crashes when I enter a battle. I am stuck on Enter Battle screen. I can hear cannon fire ect but don't see the actual battle. When I close the game on taskmanager I can log back in but still cannot enter the battle. All I get is this:


    Is this still an issue with AMD Graphics? On Sapphire Radeon 380 Nitro here.

  3. Wenn man vier Jahre im Alpha/Early Access Status hängt, sollte mir das als Entwickler schon zu denken. Aber wenn man in einem halben jahr ein halbes Dutzend mal das RvR System umkrempelt und alles andere unangetastet lässt, braucht man sich nicht wundern dass einem nach jedem Patch die Spieler weglaufen. 10.000 Kopien sind laut Admin im Summer Sale verkauft wurden - geblieben ist von diesen Spielern aber scheinbar keiner. Jetzt werden dann also erste, zaghafte Schritte unternommen damit neue Spieler nicht genervt nach dreißig Minuten den Refund-Button drücken.

    Trotzdem sehe ich da ohne neues UI und ein Tutorial für neue Spieler kaum Chancen, dass diese lange bleiben. Als ich damals am 21.01.2016 das Game gestartet hab dachte ich nur "WTF ist das? Was muss ich machen? Gibts hier kein Tutorial?" Bereits nach zwei Minuten war es nurnoch mein Interesse für Segelschiffe, dass mich im Spiel gehalten hat.


    @Aegon Targaryen welcher von den Jon Snow bist du denn jetzt? Der SORRY Jon Snow? Spielst du noch Warships?

  4. The constant fighting-only-state of the game has become boring for me. There is nothing but fighting in this game. Even the traders fight in ports outbidding each other.

    The economy is a joke,  everything is based around a few resources or materials, there is no real "need and disease".

    No exploration. Why no exploration?

    For me, the devs have to introduce some more besides new RvR mechanics to keep me in the game.

    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, seanjo said:

    Is this what they used in Master and Commander?

    Yes, and she is quite different form the orginal HMS Surprise we have ingame. As the ship on the pictures is a replica of HMS Rose.

  6. I would recommend slaughtererer. He served in the Royal Navy , was in battlegroups with USS Iowa and USS Missouri. And is now teaching in the Royal Navy. Probably the number one guy in terms of naval warfare knowledge you can get your hands on. if you unban him.

  7. 37 minutes ago, Captain Lust said:

    Pretty much here. I suggested higher reward for pvp because pve is way more profitable and without risk and you dropped this bullcrap in response?

    Look. I have been in a shit ton of port battles and open world battles. I dueled people like @TommyShelby, @HachiRoku, @Silfarion, @Liquicity and had great fun in these battles. Is it that what you want to hear?

    I want to play Naval Action with my clan mates and have a good time. Maybe we have some laughs in a mission, maybe we sail around the OW to GET SOME PVP - last time I did this, enemy decided to run, despite the fact them having double the numbers, btw.

    And then there come some guys who think pvp is the only way and everybody else should bend the knee to their opinion. It's always the same, in every online game. PVPers want to create a game that fits their playstle and the rest is just carebears.

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Captain Lust said:

    Not sure what you're trying to say here mate but if you want to play pve only you might aswell go to the pve server? Can't be right that some carebear pulls a mission in greenzone and gets xp/gold/upgrades with basically no risk while pvp players have to look for hours to get a decent fight, risk their ship and upgrades and all and get as much for sinking a player as for a bot?? ...on the pvp server? I mean what are you guys smoking?

    Where did I say I want to play pve?

  9. 11 minutes ago, Fargo said:

    You cant distinguish it no matter if the ship is sank or capped. The question is what happens when 4 ships join and it becomes an even 5v5. 

    The attacking side (Gankers) get cold feet and turn around, making it a ninety minute chaining-running battle. A few days ago we lowered hostility in a certain region of the map against pirates. We saw them. We had less ships then the pirates, but some of our ships were heavier. While the pirates still had combat capable ships (yet all speed build ofc) and about double our numbers, they decided to run away as soon as the saw us. They want to fight, but only in their advantage.

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