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Posts posted by Batman

  1. 43 minutes ago, Quineloe said:

    Wrong, the hostility window ends at 22 Server Time. The hostilty that created the port battle was made half an hour beyond that point.


    Wrong, the Port Battle window ends at 2200 Server Time. So You can go raise hostility until 2400 Server Time to set a Port Battle @ 2200 Server Time next day.

    Maybe you have not noticed, but HOSTILITY can be raised the whole day. Only PORT BATTLES will be scheduled between 1700 and 2200.

    Deal. With. It.


    @rediii you don't have any other "source" then the assumption a mod made in a chat comment? You know mods are just normal players, volunteering to keep the forums and ingame chat clean from any misbehaviour?

    • Like 1
  2. Unlimited repairs don't punish you if you make mistakes. Lost 200 crew to a good sternrake? Nvm, let me consume my rum to fix broken sailors!

    in the same way it does not reward you for playing good. Killed 200 men with a good sternrake? Nvm, enemy just consumes his rum to fix broken sailors!

    Brought down a mast after a couple of minutes? Nvm, I have spare masts that I can attach mid battle! And don't bother sniping more masts, because I have more spare masts (and sails!) lying in my hold!

    • Like 5
  3. 9 hours ago, Lord Vicious said:

    or maybe they not where good enought, lets face it brit pvp capabilities are proxime to 0.  So maybe you where bad enought for make them shine compared to you.

    I will happily 1v1 you. But I know you will find excuses to why not to or only do it around MT.

    • Like 2
  4. Similar happened today on EU Server at Cartagena. About half a dozen British players suddenly found themselfes on the open world. I was one of them. There was no sudden ping spike or whatever would make it look like a hiccup, just been thrown into Open World. Bug report has been sent.

    • Like 1
  5. Interessanter fände ich den Ansatz, die 42 Pfünder aus dem SPiel zu verbannen. Haben schließlich alle Navys auch so gemacht. zu groß, zu schwer, verbauchen zu viel Pulver. Würde man die 1st und 2nd Rates auch nur mit 32 Pfündern bepacken, müssten die 3rd Rates nicht mehr so übel Prügel einstecken von den größeren Schiffen und könnten zB ihre (etwas) bessere Beweglichkeit und Segeleigenschaften besser im Kampf gegen die großen Jungs nutzen, ohne bei jeder Breitseite direkt nen Reloadshock verpasst zu kriegen. Eventuell noch die Thickness etwas überarbeiten und gut ist.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, [SORRY] said:


    Your action where so disgusting that an entire clan after that pb, contacted us and moved pirates,  sick of brits passivity and fear . Congratz, now that clan is PlanB , working with us



    I have heard at least four stories by now why they joined pirates.

    Now I have to quote myself

    21 hours ago, Batman said:


    (ok, Lord Vicious cares)

    • Like 3
  7. I still don't see your bittnerness. It was the same surprise to us that the Pbs got scheduled. Yet you had a all day to get your players out and start working against hostility. You didn't because you wanted to drop warsupplies the next day. That was your decision. It didn't work due to the bug. But the devs reset the battles to 2200 Hrs - I think to reward the british players who worked all day in those regions. You simply should have reacted earlier, but decided to wait.

  8. 2 hours ago, Jorge said:


    I wanted to reply in another thread but it is already closed but this thread is also appropriate.

    Ink, now is too late for many of us but thx.

    To our dearest brits, the trouble here is not port timer at same time, this is a nice strategy. The trouble is the bug allowing any nation put timers at night, out of window timers (17:00/22:00). Since last wipe most of PBs  were obtained later than 10:00 PM, but the battle was not until 5:00 PM the following day. It is a fact that after each reset said hostility drops by about 10%. So if after making the effort to reach 100% in salamanca at dawn, after the reset said hostility would be at 90%, as has well said some of the English captains who have written in this thread.

    For Redii, that post to which you refer does not represent the thought of Vltra, I assure you. I'm sorry you understood it that way. Maybe when it was written, after the subject of the basic cutters, we were too angry and the words were not chosen well.
    Vltra and I can almost say that the rest of the Spanish nation does not want any more nation to go through what we spent in previous times, we know what that is and definitely does not benefit anyone.

    I sincerely believe that Vltra has played the best, we have been loyal to our allies and even to our opponents. We have never underestimated our enemies, when we knew that we had superiority in quality and quantity of ships we have not used it to capture any port because we thought it would be possible that this would affect the number of players playing the NA. Now it turns out that the last two big bugs that have come up in the game affected us more than any other.
    The way to solve them has been unfair and does not fit the rules of the game. We do not want those decisions to benefit us, but do not harm us.

    In short, all these facts lead to the decision to the great majority of us not to take part in the RvR fight, turning all our ships to Havana after the battles tonight.

    To the Devs, I think it's hard to screw it up as many times as you've done, lurching every time you do something about RvR. It's a shame that a game with infinite possibilities like this ends up being played by 200 people .... again.

    Thank you, greetings and good luck to all.

    You can just surrender.

    • Like 2
  9. 12 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

    It's hard to have proposals and diplomatic approach here, since Spanish nation declared a total war on us and erased all diplomatic relations with us.


    next time you declare a total war plis gib us a manual so we can understand the rules of your total war.

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