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Posts posted by Batman

  1. 9 minutes ago, Flash Jack said:


    What's wrong with you that you let people make 400 mistakes and keep coming back.

    Practise to punish those mistakes.

    You sternrake someone, a mast falls. Immediately the guy starts to repair and has his mast back before you can turn around. Now he sails at his best point of wind for the next 12 minutes waiting for the repair to cool down with you chasing him. Meanwhile he also uses rum to repair his crew. So you don't rewarded for a good sternrake and your opponent doesn't get punished for making a wrong turn.


    I'm ok with limitig reparis to two each. And ffs remove the ability to recover crew when in boarding!!!!

    • Like 7
  2. 2 hours ago, Fluffy Fishy said:

    Why not make it more representative of 64s as a whole, they had neither the speed not the punch of a 74 which is why they became obsolete

    Yet it was little HMS Agamemnon who engaged the Santisima at Trafalgar:

    Once engaged, she was firing both batteries, eventually pounding the great Spanish four-decker Santísima Trinidad until that ship was dismasted and, with 216 of her complement dead, struck her colours. (from Wikipedia)

  3. ANother solution would be to spawn missions around Jamaica and the other Safezones actually ONLY inside the safezones.

    Make them pay like 25% or 50% less and offer also missions outside the safezone with full rewards but advice new players that these missions are more rewarding because the possibilty of being engaged by enemy players.

  4. 28 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

    The issue is that players don't know what is safe and what is not. They don't know what are the borders of safe zone and often leave it. They don't know how to use reinforcements. They don't know that tagging AI leaves battles open. They don't know that if they attack, it's not safe anymore. 

    This. Only hope for new player lies in the tutorial coming with next patch.

    • Like 2
  5. 6 minutes ago, Cabral said:

     Eléazar I'm not surprised with that, some days ago 3 PODW pirates (Klava Pupkina, Karl Evertsen and other) jumped on a battle player vs AI inside british reinforcement zone (east entrance to KPR bay), they jumped on the british player side and they capped his ship. We said on global chat that they were gonna be reported for cheating, Karl answer was: "in KPR all ships are pvp ships". It's easy to see that his IQ is low but that's not excuse for cheating.

    The British player later provided screenshots though and in fact they didn't join the british side. He even admitted he made a mistake. So we should keep this case out of here.

  6. 55 minutes ago, Liq said:

    Got a fulltime job :)

    If you start a new job, there is usually someone explaining you what do to, how things in this company work ect.

    Naval Action doesn't have any sort of tutorial. In help chat you see the same questions over and over again:

    How do I put cannons on my ship?

    How can I get repairs?

    How do I get more crew?

    How to find my mission?

    How should I win against three ships in my mission?

    Is there no navigation in this game?

    Why do I have no money?

    How to enter a port?


    New players get frustrated even before they leave the port.

    Veterans farming midshipmans outside Shroud Cay may technically be correct, but from a morale point of view it's just low. These people are only after their own fun, clearly not realizing (or they don't care) they ruin someone's experience of the game within the first ten minutes ingame. ggwp - the playerbase just went down one more - permanently

    • Like 6
  7. 1 hour ago, rediii said:


    Before repairpatch it was a grind to destroy a ship. You HAD TO ram the side and shoot for minutes until you saw something happening.

    People are still ramming to cut of bowsprites and to push the opponent into the wind for boarding. Another mechanic that needs to be reworked.

    Completly bullshit and very frustrating on the receiving end because you simply can't do anything against it.

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