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Posts posted by Batman

  1. 8 minutes ago, Stepp636 said:

    GB is funny. You have no idea about how fun playing as GB is after you have your first 3-hour council meeting.

    And in this 3 hours, no war plans were agreed on.

    Nah, you haven't lived in NA until you played brits. Our meetings now last 30 minutes and you have pvp infront of Jamaica all day.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Christendom said:


    @Hethwill could we perhaps clean up the trash that does not belong in a recruitment thread.  There's several other threads this salty anti-global players can complain on without having to shit all over someone's recruitment.


    We'll play fair when everyone else does

    1. I don't think it's trash. People should know that the clan they maybe join uses certain game mechanics to avoid ... competition.

    2. So teleporting to Barranquilla was fair play?

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  3. You have long lost the last bit of reputation you ever had (if you ever had such). Everybody know you are blinded by arrogance (_Insert_SLRN_bashing) and racism. You hide behind your safezone of a nickname, only speaking for yourself. Brits and enemies alike have realized that you and your opinion are worthless as long as you use that nickname - nobody will ever take you serious and only talk to you because you provide a little entertainment.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    Only a traitor to Great Britain would be capable of such actions.


    Tell me your ingame name and all your trolling and toxicity towards players from other nations shall be forgiven.

    Hiding behind a fake name and calling other people traitors. I would ask you what you ever achieved for GB, but that would probably reveal your ingame name. So just keep hiding behind roleplay posts, coward.

  5. 1 hour ago, Capt Jubal Early said:

    Lol who's this guy? 


    If you are interested in doing some digging, contact me ingame (Batman) and I'll give you a heads up on what we know about him. Until then I can only advise not to take this guy for full. He hides behind a forum nickname and is very toxic towards everyone who does not play in Great Britain.

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  6. 12 hours ago, Davos Seasworth said:

    We could have been friends but you had to just mess around with Poland and Prussia telling us what we can and cannot have, interfering in a place that Great Britain had no reason being at except to attempt to satisfy your greed. Plus, we know what being a "friend" of Great Britain means. Not worth any faction or individual's time.

    Just leave the guy alone. There are a few suspects who match his asshole-identity. Once we know for sure, it will be made public so the whole server can send his regards.


    @Jorge @_Alucard_ @Banished Privateer

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