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Posts posted by Batman

  1. There are ELEVEN nations present on the map. Go pick a target that maybe is not Brits ;)? I think Swedes, Pirates and Prussians also have shallow ports in the Bahamas.


    I think being able to change enemy timer is a terrible idea. Why bother with timers after all if the enemy can just yolo into your port, drop a supply bomb and thats its (We had this already in the past, remember)

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  2. Ambergrease Cay Port Battle Feb 23rd 2018.

    A fast/short Port Battle, turned into a proper brawl at one stage with several boardings happening at the same time. Raxius L'Ocean was intercepted after the PB by several Brits and sunk after one of the Brits went for a fireship attack on him. Wish it would have lasted longer so more Russian ships could have been sunk :D




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  3. 2 hours ago, Rufus Swipe said:

    Having my face smashed against a wall taught me what?  To avoid getting my face smashed against a wall?  I think I knew that already.



    Then having your face smashed against a wall shouldn't have happened in the first place ;)

    But some people learn faster than others, so somebody will have a few more cuts and bruises before he finally learns to adapt.

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  4. Cano Araguao - France vs GB

    GB wins after a long fight, in which France managed to creep up to 978 points (after losing 3 ships).

    Brits managed to get ships in circles, so French couldn't generate points anymore. One after another, the French ships fell victim to British gunfire and Brits were able to recapture circles. France did a good fight, but this kiting is kind of annoying, to be honest. I want to SMASH things.


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