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Everything posted by Mrdoomed

  1. Hahaha. its ok im used to hate . im acually a Sith Lord Pirate . But what part makes the hate flow through you? It wasn't your lgv i captured Wednesday that had 400 fine live oak on it amongst other goodies was it ?
  2. Dont know if its been ask but if crafting with fine wood is going to change or not be needed what do those of us with tons of us do with hard stolen goods? Will it still be needed in some form or another or offer a bonus or different ship apearance or is it just gone?
  3. Ive suggested about 50 times a rookie server for new accounts only. optional of course since some people dont need training wheels. A small server with small fictitious map and just a few fictitious factions to play. cut off at say level 3. you can play and learn after that but wont gain gold or xp etc after level 3. Crickets so far on a perfect solution .
  4. Meh, we will still be true pirates but with better perks and acually be able to disquiese ourselves with french flag. Probably wont have a single french port lol. Just better access to goods and no black flag stigmata .
  5. After wipe if we are still on a english speaking server we are going to swap to France . unless some drastic chsnged happen to pirates to acually make us pirates again.
  6. Ive suggested this very thing half dozen times and never had one person support it. Face it almost every player wants to gank and newb hunt. The constant bitching about timers is proof enough . This rookie fish in a barrel zone is exactly what I said it would be weeks before release .
  7. If you ever leared how to play you would not be such a broken record .
  8. Well the pvp server is basically pve unlessyou enter a port battle .
  9. So basically you are a advocate for ganking. i see that now. thanks for at least admiting it.
  10. Ha. you acually think those same people wont be waiting to gank instead of joining in when there is a chance they will get hurt?? hahahaha what game have you been playing ? They are all still going to gank. youre trying to apease gankers by giving them a " fair" way to gank. Im sorry but ow any game is about ganking. The more a game prevents it the better. The battle lock no timer is perfect. this way you only deal with one gank at a time.
  11. I have another question/statement . Since this game is basically going to become a lobby game ( congrats to the moba crowd) and rewards will mostly come from there and there is apparently no risk to lose ships or durability or officers basically 3/4 of players will play there. This means pvp2 will have a population of about 7 players. Can the ow pvp servers be merged into a CENTRAL server? otherwise pvp2 is gone and i have no intention in restarting to build my small empire just to get wiped again before launch . Any legitimate idea on servers or what is going to happen to the players who enjoyed the ow?
  12. Since the new social perk will grant the ability to greatly effect a solo player and his ability to use strategy and smarts to attack foolish targets thus making once again the game less fun for solo players and the super rare real pirate. Shouldnt there be a perk that counters social ? Call it privateer , or hunter perk or something . Its not fair to constantly stack the deck againsts solo hunters. There are going to be a potential lot of them after release . Yes the social perk BETTER BE expensive and fairly rare but it has huge potential to be greatly unbalancing in a smart players hands and should have a counter perk.
  13. When we had the long timers before it was a nightmare because every battle was open to everyone anywhere practically and it let asshole try hards who would sit in battle screens and set up massive ganks all day long or 50 players sittig in port doing nothing but waiting to gank and that waBEFORE no cooldown teleports . With no cooldown teleports here is how every battle will go. You tag a ship. Entire server teleports to your battle and since you was out looking for pvp youare near enemy turf ad the battle is 25vs you. yeah ill pass on that. The players already are here crying about open missions not being fair because people can keep joining. Imagine every battle being open for the entre server. Maybe like alot of players youndont care ablut solo or small groups or casual players but its just another nail in thier coffin.
  14. I WISH pirates where different but the last uodate acually pushed them more towards being a real nation. Sure we are spread out and the " idea" was to probably try and promote pirate republics here and there instead of one huge faction. Good luck with that . been trying to get pirates on pvp 2 to split into different regions since February 1st. Not one single taker. Now is no different . you will never change the modern gamer unless yiu force it. As it is my clan of true pirate players will most likely roll national after wipe because we can act more like pirates playing france than we can playing pirates now.
  15. The most popular way to play on pvp2 is to avoid all pvp at all costs unless its a scripted lame port battle. global chat is nothing but endless insults from people being attacked. Ill take the op style of the current pve mission port battles only carebears we have.
  16. No offense or offense i dont care. In this game there really is no "ganking " like most games. There has never been in a year ONE POST about ganking that wasn't because of player error or a secret cry for " i dont like ow pvp help me please ". that is why he is saying they dont leave because of ganking. They are leaving because open world pvp rvr isnt for them.
  17. Doing ok so far, sometimes great ! There are alot of things i would do differently but before this last big update i would say the game was pretty fun and i could spend a long time playing it. It could definitely be more fun and attract a better player base for long term success if thingswhere a bit different but all in all if the newest patch was changed i would re buy the game to play it but this last patch....meh i wpuld wait for a sale and i personally dont play much now. hour or two a week instead of a day.
  18. Ive still not been able to make a mastercraft or exeptional ship ir fine for that matter since the fine wood started. i dont play very much now because there is no pvp so that hurts but im not a building maker kind of guy i try ad act the part of a pirate. I dont know if this is good r bad in long run of the game. Can never find pvp so it really dont matter.
  19. So True. the same xx people didn't like long timers , short timers , no timers, BR timers etc. Seems like a common theme . When will devs realize certain people want zero ow pvp but dont have the stones to say that. Devs stop listening to squeeky wheels.
  20. I would make it even easier for rookies . make it in the Bahamas but only a small section of Bahamas . Mayve just one of the new regions and divide it only between say US,Britian , france andSpain . this way each "starter faction" is allways full of plenty of people . give each faction 1 or 2 ports than can be captured and the rest safe. Once decided to go full server they can reselect a faction and lose no gold, ships,xp etc. reimbursement for buildings or outposts lost. And if you dont want to form a national affection during rookie time simply make the factions colors not factions.
  21. Hahaha im pretty sure all players but me are already concentrated in rookie zone. Newbs getting killed near capital waters is 90%thier and thier factions fault 10% guys who for some reason would rather waste time killing a rookie for 5 xp. We were all rookies and survived and most of us probably were never picked on. But if its true and my friends and i are the exeptions to the rule and the poor younglings are safe nowhere then a rookie server makes even more sense. I think there should be 3 servers 1. pvp 2. pve with port battles only 3. rookie up to level 3 server.
  22. Best way for fast travel is to just play the damn game for a week . If players don't slowly spread out ports or strategically stage a few ports in spots that allow them to be everywhere in the atlantic in minutes then its there own stupidity . If its because they went way far away to get a resorce then it must be one of a few things thats super rare not to find close to a capital and they SHOULD have to spend time getting it back since its going to make them rich or powerful or are we just handing out trophies to everyone still ?
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