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Everything posted by Barbancourt

  1. I think that's the one we encountered in a privateer and chased from Castries back towards Carriacou tonight.
  2. Alts should always be sunk, on principle.
  3. Yeah, you three guys are always hanging out drinking beers together!
  4. making money is super easy, but does take some time to do the sailing. Yesterday I was jumping between two ports literally right next to each other which each had an item that made profit at 100 per at the other
  5. There goes my steady income... It was good while it lasted. Hello 6 hour round trips.
  6. It's been good for getting things going though. A lot of players would have been cleaned out early on by losing a very valuable cargo on a 6-8 hour round trip sail. Eventually it does need to change and then it will require quite a multi-player fleet and coordination to access some national resources.
  7. I have not heard of any such thing. Do you just mean the fact that we didn't waste our ships contesting the port battle outside their front door?
  8. There were a bunch of port battles yesterday that seem to have spiked the population. I've been playing hardcore the last couple weeks trying to build my character, but I need to get my game hours under control very soon. I imagine the same will be true for a number of other players, so hours per player may taper off soon. I hope we pick up new blood to fill in those gaps. I do see new names sailing in my area every day or two.
  9. Did you play on the old US PVP server?
  10. I got the elevation screws and pleasure hammocks or whatever it is from a cutter yesterday. I have to sink over 50 lynx/cutter/privateer and trader brig type ships to get one of these oddities. edit: speak of the devil, the next battle I get a skill book off a lynx. No idea how to use it, but there it is.
  11. I got copper plating from an AI lynx day after the wipe
  12. If you want more player interaction a clan will be essential
  13. That's not what I said, so I'm not sure where you're coming from. Check my signature. I was pointing out with a good-natured LOL that contributing to hostility doesn't mean you're going to get a place in the PB.
  14. There is still action with 150-200 on the server. I don't feel screwed. You don't want a player ship around every corner anyway.
  15. You mean the 25 players who don't have to go to work or please the wife that day, LOL. It seems like this is bound to create bad blood between those few who get into the PBs and progressively start to dominate this part of the game and those who don't.
  16. Sounds good in theory, but it can be hard to find people headed the same way at the same time as you are. If I log on before work and want to squeeze in a three hour sail in that time window, it's going to be random chance for someone else to have the time and inclination to go along for hours at just that time. If they remove the teleport to capitol in future an escort is going to also have a long return trip. If I get the urge to hunt traders in a distant county, what's the likelyhood someone else will be interested in that too? Is there a reasonable amount you could actually offer someone to get them to do not much else but follow you around for hours?
  17. I'm sure the idea of the game is that they're skimming off you instead of completely crushing you as a trader, but yes a players losing their only trader brig and what they think is a make-or-break cargo certainly brings the potential for rage-quits. I've heard people talking about "If I lose this cargo I'm just gonna quit" in game.
  18. Is that today? At least until a couple days ago that would always happen to me if I looted the ship. PVE marks didn't show and the shop was completely empty until I restarted the game. It didn't happen to me in the last couple of battles, so I'm wondering if it's still an occasional problem.
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