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Everything posted by Eldberg

  1. Let me see if I've got this right. The Spanish nation gets almost near destroyed, developers hint (are they still actually doing this?) changing the mechanics to help them. The pirate nation does not work how a pirate faction should, developers say it is out of their hands. This is rather distasteful, alpha/beta testing or not.
  2. It would indeed be a shame if the developers buckle because it may make people unhappy. Let us hope that they have been paying attention to the various posts and threads that the vast majority seem to agree with.
  3. But you are pirates, no? It was not uncommon for various groups of pirates to steal from one another. While the saying "There is no honour amongst thieves" comes to mind, which is the concept of "professional courtesy," that even the disreputable and unethical do - particularly among themselves - adhere to various sorts of moral codes of conduct. However this is an online game... People seem to be under the illusion that because they sit behind a mouse and keyboard they can get away with practically anything without any consequences. I guess you have learned an unfortunate lesson here.
  4. Bravo! These newspapers keep getting better and better. I love the short little stories, twisting historical references and role-play together in a superb manner.
  5. Using unity it is actually relatively easy to create a randomised global wind system. As long as the wind variables are not static and do not inherit from monobehavoir (otherwise this would create a unique wind system per player as opposed to globally) you can create a seemingly random wind system. Anyway, I won't go in to detail, I'm sure the developers know exactly what they are doing. It is most likely on their list of things to do.
  6. While it cannot be said with 100% conviction that Koxan was well aware of what he was doing, there is always a chance that he was not aware the consequences of his actions. As there is proof that the battle was won and the port should have flipped, I implore the developers to step in and correct the issue caused by this bug.
  7. Take a look at Novatech mounts. I know they do a nice sturdy dual mount, as well as triple screen mounts.
  8. Gaizka, the Spanish have set timers with the sole purpose of being impractical for the US players. On the other hand, we set timers when WE are the most active. Why should we set them to a convenient time for you? They are our ports after all. Great job fighting the pirates, I am glad to see the Spain is united without RAE. Good luck!
  9. This post lightly touches on the raiding subject: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8329-pirate-mechanics-vote/ It also offers a vote on what ships should be available, along with some very good suggestions about how pirates obtain ships (capture + re-fitting through crafting = a pirate styled vessel).
  10. Let's cut the bullcrap here guys... We all know there are tools out there to give you your exact map position. Even without said tools, it is not a hard task. So why bother fighting an in-game position? Will it give us something we don't already have? No. Will it save us a few seconds? Yes.
  11. May I just clarify that the timer was set at the time of conquest. It was set, confirmed, and checked again. For some reason, whatever it was, the timer did not activate after maintenance. Either way, congratulations and well done
  12. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/10733-news-from-the-north/#entry190600 Just making sure that this post is known of, and is recognised by as many Spanish players as possible.
  13. Actually, it was fairly common for ships to have spotters looking at their fleet to report damage. While it would be nowhere near as advance as health bars (of course), it was a tool that was available to keep an eye on allied ships relatively easily. Ships also communicated via signals during battle, an old school teamspeak so to speak. Ultimately, you can already check allied ship damage via the map, or by looking at them. This just streamlines it for the sake of playing a competitive game.
  14. May I just point out something here to the Spanish complain about the US taking ports... 1. Both the US and British have similar numbers of ports 69 / 70. 2. The vast majority of these ports were taken from the Spanish (despite Britain being allied with the Spanish). 3. The US do not just attack at their prime time (your night time), we have attacked many times at your set port timers, resistance appeared, then vanished after the first few fights. Moving onwards from this... 1. Port Battle system is deeply flawed. A map re-set, every port being neutral to begin, or even buildings will NOT fix this. The flaw is in the timers and the fact that this is a multi-national game. 2. In-game player voted diplomacy (enforced by hard coded rules) is necessary. Unfortunately one group in the Spanish nation has caused so many issues... The actions of few bad apples should not affect everyone else.
  15. Oh don't start that stagnated rubbish again. We offered peace and created a NAP while talks were in process, a rogue French clan did not recognise it, and derailed the talks. Nothing more, nothing less. You know it, we know it, so why come on to the forums and act like a puerile infant who has lost its toys? There is role-play, and then there is this spew of faeces. Your source is clearly not reliable, as your information is not correct.
  16. I want to make this very clear. Grim DeGrim is doing nothing more than starting rumours. I don't know who his source is, or if he even has one, but I can tell you that this thread is based on a lie. Take it as you wish, it has little effect on our operations.
  17. Good to see you stirring the pot as always Grim, do let us know when you want to start behaving like an adult.
  18. A valid argument. I always knew some people would be against the HUD, but personally I feel that as this is a competitive MMO this sort of information is valuable when fighting as a group.
  19. If you truly do some back up this way, we will try our best to give you some good fights. It is difficult with time zones, but we do have a fair few European players. I look forwards to it
  20. It's only fair that players know what they are getting in to. Look forwards to having some good battles, let's hope you bring the heat!
  21. Last time I saw you, your bow was receiving multiple shots as you ran away from a fight that was in your favour
  22. The tittle pretty much says it all. Larger groups (maybe 10?), and group ship information like that shown in the map while in battle. An example below:
  23. It is always an uphill struggle to enforce such a rule, as there are always ways around it. One method would be to limit an I.P address to a nation (so that family members/housemates can still play together as long as they are on the same nation), however there will always be the option of using a proxy to circumnavigate that. The issue at hand here is people using multiple accounts to cross-team and sway the tide of power. For example, there are a group of British players in SLRN who have second accounts that are Spanish. This potentially allows them to switch accounts when they see their ally under attack and defend it as Spanish players.
  24. A couple of custom dirt brushes used to dirty up and add damage to the ship textures, job done. Love this suggestion.
  25. @Admin Why does this matter anyway? You already have people with multiple accounts on different nations. The way I see it is that you have two options: 1. Let everyone have multiple characters 2. Limit everyone 1 to account and ban those using multiple accounts.
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