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Everything posted by Eldberg

  1. You demanded the British to give you over 20 British ports and refused to give them just one Spanish port ... Then you wonder why the diplomatic talks went so badly? There is a Spanish saying I believe... "Pedir peras al olmo" Which roughly translates to ask for pears from an elm tree, essentially asking for the impossible.
  2. I just find it such a shame that while Lord Vicious continues to dance like the monkey looking for attention he is, the vast majority of the new generation of SORRY are actually very polite and decent captains. The toxic players left, new members filled their ranks, who so far, have put on a much more commendable show than their spanner wielding leader.
  3. Oh there is no doubt we were beaten. However this whole "0 losses", "No wait, okay, maybe 1 loss", "Okay, it was 3 losses, but no more, promise", "Oh fine, it may have been more than 3, maybe 4 or 5, but that's all" load of rubbish is just nothing put pure tripe. It's pretty simple really, we knew we couldn't defend against a 25 x 1st rate fleet, so we simply became privateers. Instead of coming down to fight us in open world combat, where when the odds were even they would loose, SORRY decided to take empty ports and gank lone planers along the Eastern US coast. Either SORRY members are too scared to admit they've lost battles, or they all lie about it. Either way, it is a shameful display of gameplay.
  4. I wonder, do you actually believe the faecal matter that emanates from your mouth? That evening you took 1 port, we took 5. I see now that you say you are just "playing the villain" on the tester forums. Unfortunately, the only part you are playing is the running joke of naval action. I don't need to hide behind a large ship, neither am I afraid of loosing one. Which you should know all about, having lost AT LEAST 3 of your 1st rates to US (yes yes yes, we know, it doesn't count, it was a bug, you were asleep at the keyboard, it was all meant to happen etc). Do us a favour and just sit on your fingers, it was oh so very nice not to hear your constant faecal matter being spread over the forums.
  5. I understand that, but what would have had us do? Declare war on the British and dissolve the alliance we had with them? No... What we instead did was told them that our alliance was limited to pirates only. It was a tricky situation. We were friends with the British, and we were friends with you. Instead of picking a side we stayed out of the fight, while constantly trying to make our two friends have peace with each other. This was explained to your diplomat time and time again. If the message was not passed on, then that is not our fault. Either way, for now we are at war. We are enjoying ourselves, mostly in the open world combat (Port Battles are very boring).
  6. You mean like when we engaged your main fleet in a port battle while our other fleet took 5 ports while you had your hands tied?
  7. If the British used the ports we gave them to attack you, we would have counted it as a betrayal and waged war on the British. As it turned out, it was the Spanish who were untrustworthy, not the British.
  8. You are right Fearless, we did make an alliance with the British. However, as explained to your diplomat, the alliance was against the Pirates, not the Spanish. When we gave the ports to the British the condition was specifically that they only used them to fight the Pirates, not the British. Your diplomat was notified of the details before it happened, and no objection was raised.
  9. After our previous war with the Spanish (led by RAE) we entered a state of agreement where we would not attack each others ports. Open world combat was still permitted as requested by your diplomat. We were on fairly friendly terms, we had good fights with each other and our captains saluted each other for their valour after battle. When the Pirates attacked us, you stood and watched. Then, when offered previously held US territory by the Pirates you jumped at the chance and dissolved all treaties with the US. You saw a chance to grab some ports, stabbed the US in the back when we were at our weakest, without so much of an afterthought. Who was responsible for this? RAE. Just like the first war we had, and the second, and now the third. The result every time has been the same, the Spanish loose. In the past we have helped you back on your feet. When we were still hostile with the British we gave you ports in the gulf. We captured British ports and left them with open timers for you to take. During the 2nd war we had, we constantly offered peace, despite taking all but 4 of your ports. During our peaceful time, we acted as a middle man to negotiate a peace between Spain and Britain. The main issue were two ports... Conttoy and Mugeres. Spain did not want the British to have them and the British did not want Spain to have them. We offered to be what I believe the Spanish call "Blue Helmets" (The UN Peaceforce), allowing the two nations to stop fighting. The British agreed, the Spanish were too stubborn and hellbent on revenge. You COULD of had peace. But instead, you created a war you could not win, while simultaneously declaring war on someone trying to help you for a few yellow pixels on a map. We have a saying, it is "You don't bite the hand that feeds you". I believe in Spanish it is "No muerdas la mano que te da de comer." Well, you bit the hand. So don't complain.
  10. The Spanish nation alone is at fault for this situation. We were once friendly, but you stabbed us in the back for a few ports handed to you by your Pirate owners. Now they have left you, you will bathe in the blood of your own making. You can blame RAE for this. They were the ones who got you in to this mess, just like the last time.
  11. As a British person playing American... Making that post hurt me a little. The British by far have the best breakfast (English Breakfast and a nice cup of tea).
  12. Let's face it... No matter what the developers do, there will always be a tool to show your location. They might as well just put your ships position on the map and get it over and done with.
  13. Yes, we have done. Many times. Sometimes I would wake up several hours early before work for a port battle.
  14. The "European" server used to be just "The Server". There was only one, for a long long time. Americans made it their home, they made lots of friends. So we faced a choice when they added the new servers... Do we stay at our home server, with all of our European friends, or do we leave? Server location did not really effect the game that much, so we decided to stay. It is as simple as that. Nothing to do with timezones, or port battles, or any of the irrelevant points you make. We were here from the beginning and we chose to stay.
  15. Pffff, don't be silly. Game Developers don't sleep, they maintain their energy levels with Pot Noodle (is there a Ukrainian equivalent?) and Red Bull to remain awake for months at a time. Neither do we have social lives.
  16. Soooo.... Pretty much how POTBS worked? It looks good in theory, just a shame you could not have done it from the very beginning of Port Battles when many people suggesting a similar system.
  17. No? Funny how people remember things differently. How about you jump off the forums and come pay me a visit? There is nothing personal here, just correcting our young plumber friend. But so good of you to sweep it aside so in such a blasé fashion.
  18. Yes, let US recap US History. 1. Since i was running fleets US conquered all up to gulf of mexico, kicked France from Gulf, kicked Spanish, kicked Brit. Uhh, really?. That was me. You were made a fleet commander to command the fleets when I was not present. I organised, pooled, and led the port battles in the West of Florida, Gulf, all the way down to the Yucatan. Credit where credit is due, you did lead a handful of port battles around the Yucatan area, including buying a false port flag. The most memorable battle for me was the one you led at Mugeres vs the Australian British Clan. Remember, the one where you went out of the line, getting cut off between half a dozen enemy ships, only to limp to the edge of the battle before exiting to not lose your previous "violet" mods. 2. Manage to hold the Pirates on hold being the 2nd biggest nation after Brit. Again, claiming credit where your actions did little to contribute. You logged on, expecting command in a battle, when we were already in full swing. 3. I lost only 1 pb in 90+ports, then they gave command to Thurston Beers, and he lost 3 fight in a raw vs pirates starting usa decline. Read #1 reply. Also, remember all those ships we sunk taking the Gulf?! Oh no, wait... They were all empty ports. So you are either claiming credit for taking empty ports, or lying about leading them. Either way, this does nothing to help you. Thurston Beers led REAL battles against REAL players, not AI. He lost 3 that he led, but he also won several battles too. Remember, if your going to use facts, you need to use all of them! 4. Since i left together with the most valuable and high ranked players (Stars & Stripes) Yes, you had a lot of high ranks players and big ships. No question about it. 5. US lost most capable/high ranked clan (Stars & Stripes as well many players left TF for join us) Many? It was a handful of people, ultimately doing us a favour in the long term. 6. US lost some of this best pvpers (Tommy shelby and others are swedish) 3 players, just 3. Not because of you either. 7. US lost his coast of Florida twice. We did indeed, but it happens. We could have defended against you, as demonstrated when we tied up your main fleet with ours while taking 6 other ports with additional fleets. The problem is, it was boring. Holding 25 players in a Port Battle with the sole intention of keeping your fleet busy took time, and a lot of patience. When people only have 2-3 hours to play we couldn't justify making them sit there twiddling their thumbs while our fleets stare each other down. 8. US lost the propaganda campaign vs my clan, growing from 30 members to 140 You keep talking about this propaganda campaign, but it only exists for you my friend. Your clan grew because you could buy members and incite them with rapid levelling up techniques. I'm not saying this wasn't smart, but it isn't exactly something you want to boast about. 9. Lost Bahamas 4-5 times 3 times by my count, 2 times by the Pirate Council and once by you. But we have also taken it back 4 times. 10. Lost All remain of usa lands (-77 ports in 10 days) Pssst, no one was defending. Again, not something to boast about. You went in, no opposition, and took a port. Great job buddy! 11. Manage to not win a single 3rd rate+ engagement in both campaigns. Hahaha, now this is funny. I know YOU personally had two Santi's capture from you. One from your crafting account and the second outside of port. I think what it comes down to is this, your members are either too scared to let other people know they have lost ships, or they simply lie about it. To make the claim you have not lost a single 3rd rate or above is just nothing but pure and utter faecal matter. 12. Manage to not win a single port battle vs my clan at full force See number 7. However if you mean in a 25 vs 25 fight, then I agree with you. There was only one fight where we were evenly matched and we lost it, however all other fights we were under-gunned and up against the odds. You had a strong fleet, no doubts there. 13. Lost the only first rate fleet you manage to rally up (Ays losing 14 ships sinking 0 ) Number 12 pretty much answers this. 14. Failed to rally a first/2nd rate fleet since then, (while all other nation where able consistently to form up mono first rate fleets, Brits, Pirates, France, Denmark, Dutch, Swedish, i think also Spain) Inactivity is a bummer, every nation is suffering, including yours. Sadly the game is waning for those older players, rapidly getting boring. 15. Lost 70% of its population thx to all this failure I hate to burst your bubble, but the decline of the US nation is really nothing to do with you. We simply adapted, moving about free towns attacking in open world PVP combat. Ports mean little at the moment, and will until additional content is added. Every nation population is at an all time low. If you want to take credit for that, then there is something very wrong with you. 16. Failed to accomplish any victory whatsoever vs any other nation. France, Britain, Spain, Pirates. Actually, we've won quiet a lot. This was before you, with you as a US player, and after. Britain pre-steam, Spain from steam release for about 6 months, pushing them down to 3 ports, France in the Gulf, and Pirates both pre-steam and post-steam. 17. Failed to organise and finish any aggressive campaign you started Again... France, Britain, Spain, Pirates 18. Lost more clans to pirates (include new ones that come from pvp2) The US in PVP2 is the dominant nation there, they come over to PVP1 and have you nattering in their ear like a demented devil, and join the dominant nation. Nothing to boast about on your side, human nature dictates that we join the group with the best odds. 19. Failed to retake anything from Spain. La Anguiolla, Islamorada, Cayo largo, Cayo Bisayno. You know, just some random ports that were taken, defended, taken, re-captured. Perhaps you missed that? 20. Failed to retake West Florida from us after a very timid tentative Not quiet sure what you mean here by a very timid tentative, do you mean an unsteady disposition perhaps? 21. Failed to rally a single clan able to fill a fleet by itself (pirates got koto, rubli, sorry, brit, slrn, the ozzy etc and i can go on with almost all nations) Currently, no. However neither can most of the clans you listed. Inactivity and lack of interest. 22. Failed every diplomacy/strategical choice (like failed to assault pirate twice and lose all US territory as consequence). Funny, we are still friends with the Dutch for 2 years, the Swedish for a year, and the British for 6 months. Spain got new diplomacy after one of their key diplomats left the game, the new ones were much more supportive with the Pirates so turned on the US. Not exactly a failure, 3 out of 4 resulted in a long term relationship. 23. Become a Brit puppet (screening and serving them when we sieged Carlisle, receiving 0 help in return when US was in need) Actually, it goes both ways. We screen for them every now and again, pulling false flags etc. They've done the same. That's what partners do, you know... Support each other. 24. Alienate the only 2 nations near your borders (Spain-Pirates) Again, we were at peace with Spain, and tentatively with the Pirates for a period. Realistically we were never going to be friends with the Pirates. Spain, as you know, is much more complicated what with their internal struggle for power. 25. So tell me exactly what US manage to achieve in their entire naval action history, tbh compared to all other nations who got first rate fleets, good clans ,up and downs, in their history/territory, US always failed every campaign-fight, and failed to grow and improve. And clearly you still in full delusional mode since you still fail to realise/see all of this Well actually, as you can see... You are speaking from your bottom for the most part. Almost, if not all of the points you've made are easily dismissed with simple facts. My feeling is that you are still playing the keyboard warrior. Lying out your ass with some sort of weird intention of bigging yourself up. You want to destroy and tear apart the US nation... You can't, and you won't. Take our ports, buy our overpriced ships (yes, we know you've been doing that), do whatever you like. We can function without them, and we will always be here. You came, you huffed, and you puffed... And you didn't blow the house down. P.S Please, for the love of god, use capital letters on your "i"'s and countries. I know English is not your native language but in Italian they still use capital letters with names, countries etc. No excuses!
  19. I always thought that if during battle you've killed say, 75% of the crew, the moral should break and the ship will surrender. Imagine you are a sailor on a ship like the Connie, 450 crew in total. During battle, 337 of your crew die. Blood, guts, body parts littering the ship everywhere, literally an inch of human flesh and insides scattering the deck... and you're going to carry on fighting? Yeah, not a chance in hell.
  20. Crafting a SOL and sailing a SOL are two very different things. My hope is that provisions will make it expensive to sail around large ships, with a smaller cost for smaller ships (in a non-linear fashion). Imagine if it cost you 100,000 gold to sail a 1st rate for an in game day, as opposed to say... 5,000 to sail a frigate for an in game day. Your comment is understandable though, there are a lot of posts in this thread that address your concerns (and equally as many that share them).
  21. Even though the translation is lost a little, the meaning carries well. Good to see you back Alado
  22. Salty from what exactly? I have had nothing but great fun the last few weeks, PVP has been wonderful down at Key West.
  23. Contact was made and a non aggressive attitude was provided, however you insisted on the war, which we are now giving you. This is all of your own making my friend, or would you like me to post a recording of our talks on to the forums to prove so? You talk of honour, but have clans like RAE behaving like repulsive little children, entering a combatants teamspeak during a port battle and screaming at the top of their lungs. It is RAE who threw a tantrum at the US/Spanish relations, they forced the Spanish Council in to a war and you did not have the balls to stand up to them and their pirate allies. What it seems like from over here is that you are lacking the parts to be a gentleman, perhaps we should refer to you as gentle-ladies?
  24. This is what really gets me... We had an agreement with the Spanish Council. Borders are established, lines are drawn and respected. Open world PVP combat only, everything was fine. Spain sits back and watches as the Pirates take US ports, They then say "We no longer respect our agreement with the US", and charge in to take the ports captured by Mario and his Toadstools. Some clans from the US then start taking back ports that were lost and Spain says "Hey, stop attacking our ports that we took from the pirates that they took from you that we agreed were yours!" And the US are the aggressors? My suggestion is that you depart hastily in the direction of shove, and off (I would love to use more colourful words here). Spanish players have been crying for so long about how people keep stabbing them in the back. The US never has, and never will stab a mutual partner in the back. The Spanish nation has just lost one of their few neighbours that were actively looking out for them (as you full know from our discussion).
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