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Everything posted by Eldberg

  1. If you are part of a clan, your clan can join. Any decisions are made as a group, not individuals. If you were not here or did not seek to join, then it is no ones fault but your own that your opinion has not been shared. So, in that case... Good to see you are leaving, don't come back
  2. If a clan uses it's clan recruitment thread to directly insult clans and lie about their feats, then it is perfectly acceptable for those involved to call them out on it. If you don't like it, purge the cause, not the result.
  3. Requesting this post to be locked. This post is going no where, the issue has been dealt with in a way that the developers seem fit. Any further discussion will clearly achieve nothing. But please, leave the post here for everyone to read.
  4. I fully understand that the rules have been changed, and I thank you for doing so. However that does not deal with the actions of these particular captains, it only deals with future captains who decide to attempt this again. We have here two captains clearly abusing mechanics, that is without question. They did so knowingly of multiple tribunals highlighting the issue where you have dealt with offenders swiftly. Do you not understand, players like these are hurting your game. The frustration shared by the players involved last night is abundantly clear... Circumstances like this lead players to leave a game out of frustration of other players abusing mechanics unpunished. This is your baby, right? You are the sole investor of this game. You have poured blood, sweat and most likely tears in to this game. So why let players like this continue to exist in your game, why let them go unpunished? You don't want to ban them, fine. Remove a durability from their ship, speak to them directly and warn them, just do SOMETHING that lets them know what they did was wrong. That is all we are asking for here, it is perfectly reasonable.
  5. To bring this post back on topic. In the past Captains have been punished (sometimes severely) if they have done something that is not against the rules, purely because the rule has not existed. You are a small development team working on a game that is a new experience for you. We cannot expect you to think of every rule possible, for that you would need to know human nature on a level that is simply not possible. What I ask is that you treat everyone the same. Everyone is accountable under the same stern hand of the law, everyone should be delivered the same justice as anyone else, regardless of who they are. You have asked for a forced apology for crimes less than this, you have branded people with a final warning, circumnavigating the warning process posted in your rules thread. So when two players who know that they are clearly doing something wrong, despite many warnings, helpful posting of links from yourself etc continue to act inappropriately, they should be handled as severely as anyone else. We have had our differences Mr Admin, but any frustrations from both of our sides have come from our shared passion of the game. We are half a world apart, two very different people, brought together over our love for something as simple as a game. Let us continue this passion of ours, while removing those who seek to deface it. These two players deserve punishment for what was done here, changing the rules is just not enough.
  6. I can confirm that I did not attack the cutter in the second battle. I had him highlighted but did not click attack, or have any sort of countdown. I did however in the 3rd battle, where we proceeded to run his pirate tooshkie over.
  7. Following this incident, we found them again and they did the same. This time we managed to tag the St Pavel and a battle ensued. During this battle, Lukish (in the Ingermaland) did everything he could to disrupt our capture of the St Pavel, including shooting, ramming, blocking, and ultimately boarding the St Pavel to save the prize for his friend. If this does not result in a ban of both players at the very least, compensation and apology at the best, then I seriously question the justice system of this game. P.S The video is below, it may take a while to fully upload but it will displace here when it is complete.
  8. More to come, moderators please hold on locking the thread.
  9. Yet another post about Pirate on Pirate tagging. How many will it take for this to be fixed? For the love of god, turn off Pirate vs Pirate combat until you can fix this. Player Names: Lukish and Usub
  10. Any honest opinion, feel free to remove it if you don't like it. This is a thoroughly complex solution that has been solved by much simpler alternatives. It is a good start, but needs streamlining. Keep it up!
  11. For an easy solution you could us Adobe Flash. It is simply setting keyframes, using motion tween, and moving the ships as you please while progressing down the timeline. You do not need to do every frame, as motion tween fills in the blanks, smoothing out the animation. Otherwise your best friend would be Autodesk Maya/3DS Max. A little more complex, but you can use 3D models and it opens up a lot more options.
  12. I made this suggestion along these lines directly to the admin a long time ago. My idea was that when you log in, before you can proceed in to the game, you are prompted to vote on an active poll.
  13. Indeed! It was a good fight, loses on the US side were restricted to two captured 3rd Rates and a Pavel, a loss that is deemed more than worth it for the capture of San Sebastian. On the Pirate side two 3rd Rates, a Constitution, a Belle Poule and a Frigate were sank.
  14. I think one of the biggest things here that needs to be adjusted is the XP/Gold for PVP. At the moment, you can make a lot more money and a lot more XP farming AI... Being a game that is meant to be PVP-centric, this does not make sense. The rewards for captain vs captain combat needs to be increased, otherwise there is little reason to engage in PVP other than for fun.
  15. They are indeed, but come at a price. MSI do some pretty good laptops too. I guess the big question is, what is your budget? Here are some options for you on the lower end of the scale. Asus GL551JW-WH71 - £780 Asus GL552JX-CN182H - £806 Asus G751JT - £900 Edit: I just realised, these links to work fully. There are some additional options, for example, different HD sizes and types. I would recommend going for the option with an SSD HD (at least 256GB). The 960M is a decent laptop GPU, however for that little bit of extra umpf (or quiet a bit actually), I would go for the 970M at the very least.
  16. I'd much rather that the time and effort of the development team goes towards fixing the broken mechanics and bugs that populate the game before working on new content. You've done a good job so far, why stretch yourself thin?
  17. There are some captains that indeed kept their ships in tip top condition. They flogged their crew for bad presentation, painted, polished and scrubbed every square inch of the ship. Realistically though, not so much. With the average ship maintenance, there would still be signs of ware. Paintings would not be a true representation of the ships, it would not allow for small micro details such as ware and tear unless the artist truly spent an age doing so.
  18. The simplest thing to do is to simply change the game launch options via steam. For example, I use "-fullscreen -w 7680 -h 1440".
  19. Well, they have the "Days at Sea" function. Start the opacity of the dirt/wear and tear overlay texture at 0%, for every day at sea, your ships condition slowly deteriorates.
  20. Even enlisted navy ships faced wear and tear. Maintenance on the open ocean was a constant job, but they did not paint the ship every day, or even every week.
  21. Forgive the fact that this model is almost quad-ripple the polycount of those in Naval Action, but the textures show exactly what I am talking about. With maintenance the effects would not be so profound, so maybe this is an extreme example but you get the point.
  22. Greetings, This is a bit of an odd suggestion/complaint, but it is something that can be very quickly adjusted with very little effort. In my opinion, the games textures are just too clean. It needs a bit of dirt, a bit of grime, a bit of character. When creating 3D assets the question any good 3D modeller needs to ask himself/herself is "What is the story behind this asset?". The dents, the scratches, the dirt, the rust, the grime... It all tells a story. If you take almost any object in reality it has a story. From a computer desk with a corner chipped off, to an oil barrel with a dented side and scuff marks where it has been rolled. Naval Action's textures are so clean, there is no character to them. The planking on the sides of ships would have variation in colour, cause by anything from bleaching (from the sun), variation in colour of the wooden planks, dirt, decay, damage etc. Imagine, a plank is blown loose in combat. Later it is replaced with a fresh plank, one that has not been painted multiple times before, the paint would be fresher, thus a slightly different colour. The sails may have patches on them, discolouration from where they were stored and folded, dirt built up from cresting waves. The decks would be worn from constant use, the ropes partially fraying from where they have been rubbing, the anchors dented from where they have snagged on rocks and dug in. Every single little thing adds variation, every single little thing adds a little piece to the story, every little thing add's character. Heck, just grabbing a grunge brush with a dark brown and low opacity and slapping it on top of the already created texture in select parts would be a huge difference. However realistically the textures need to be created from scratch with the character mentioned above. Regards, Stephen Decatur
  23. I know that you have logged thousands of hours in-game, so you are as much as a player as any one of us. Tell me, how many times have you accidentally had random fire selected when you didn't need it? How many times have you actually used random fire in comparison to front/back? My guess is, that like most of us, you do not use it in comparison anywhere near as much as front/back. From my experience, even with a SOL's with more than 50 guns a side, your broadside fires quicker than the enemy can turn.
  24. I disagree to a point, but get your argument. Back when games such as World of Warcraft were relatively complicated (number crunching/fine tuning for maximum DPS output), the levelling up process was there to teach new players their character abilities/traits/limitations. Arguably that is one of the reasons that levelling up in MMO's is valuable, especially in Naval Action. It gives new players a chance to learn mechanics and how to essentially play the game (which some people certainly need more than others). The opinion on what is considered damage farming changes in a daily basis (or so it seems), perfectly illustrated by the removal of re-enforcements. The admin, who is the big boss around here, says that it is not illegal. The next day, they remove re-enforcements saying that there was a flaw in the mechanic that was being taken advantage of (which is the literal definition of exploiting). So on one hand they say it isn't exploiting, then on the other they say it is, but at no point are they going to take action on the people who were exploiting but not exploiting but actually exploiting. Go figure
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