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Everything posted by thp

  1. In my opinion, if you want to make this game more PVE and less PVP than this will be a good suggestion. No warship in Free Town means people will take hours to sail to enemy water and try to find a PvP battle. There will be less and less people that want to waste hours to find a pvp battle.
  2. For other pirates I dont know, the befenits for beeing a pirate for me: "crush our enemies, see them driven before us, hear the lamentations of their women."
  3. Yes , please do it, I dont know how for other nations but for pirate, we play pirate because we chose to do PvP, that means danger for us anywhere. We dont need a protection zone. If other nation want their protection zone for carebears, let them have it, but pirate needs none. Mortimer is kind too safe now for my tastes, it will make our fellow pirate weak.
  4. I think we should allow no limite BR from Reinforcement ships in defender side but keep the BR 1.5 in attacker side, that will allow people to help their friends if they ve been attacked. Gankers usually attack in outnumber , not defending.
  5. I cannot speak for other people but only can tell about my personal experience, I ve been ganked many times in game, what I ve learned from it ? I ve just learned to fight better , try not to sail alone, organized team and hunt the ganking people... I think trying to fix the ganking system by mechanism in pvp game can sometime make it even worse, I actually never seen one game that really succeed it
  6. Je pense que tu te trompes, c'es Hornigold qui refusait de piller les navires anglais se faisait déposé par l'équipage et voter Sam Bellamy à la place. Bellamy est surnommé le "prince des pirates" parce qu'il avait un comportement de gentleman et très magnanime envers ses captives et son leadership est plutôt très démocratique. Son equipage et lui se considèrent comme des "robins des bois".
  7. Si c'est toujours possible, il y a toujours quelque clans pirates qui veulent faire que ça et ont une base uniquement sur les free ports et qui n'ont rien à faire des ports battles, ce qu'ils veulent c'est jouer à pirates en Open World seulement, ils font des raids dans les eaux des autres nations sur les traders( c'est que les pirates IRL faisaient en général) , et la coalition des pirates n'a rien contre ça, on est contre seulement quand ils prônent " Pirate vs Pirate". Il y a toujours quelque personnes qui pensent que tuer les autres pirates leur rendront plus vrai pirates, ce qui est complètement faux. Historiquement, les seuls pirates qui chassent les autres pirates sont des pirates hunters à la solde des british( par exemple :Benjamin Hornigold ou dans les films hollywodiens ). Mais ce qui est amusant, c'est qu'ils veulent se jouer le gros bad ass gangster en tuant aussi les autres pirates, et biensur si quelqu'un nous attaque, on réplique et ils pleurent parce qu'on les combat, on les voit se plaindre souvent sur le national pirate chat d'ailleur, ils ont l'habitude de gueuler les plus sur le chat et font beaucoup d'insulte ce qui leur bénéficie quelque chatban par les admins. C'est un sandbox, on est plutôt libre de faire tous ce qu'on veut tant qu'on a un peu d'imagination et de volonté je pense.
  8. Enfait les pirates sans fois ni lois ça existait avant le Wipe sur le server pvp1 et ça existe toujours ce le server pvp2 je crois, puis on a remarqué qu'on s'était fait marcher dessus par les british qui étaient beaucoup mieux organisés que nous à ce moment là, ils venaient tous les jours à Mortimer avec leur grande flotte et tuer tous les pirates aux alentours. Donc après le Wipe on a commencé à former une coalition des pirates comprenant un grand nombre de clans différents pour combattre les british, c'était aux moins le but de départ et qu'on continue toujours à les combatte et se réunir une foi par semaine pour définir une conduite générale à tenir, c'est plutot pour les stratégies de port battles surtout, car il n'y a pas vraiment aucune interdiction officielle sauf la seule règle, c'est qu'on ne se bat pas entre pirates sauf si on est attaqué (ou un clan qui veut tuer les autres pirates). Je crois que c'est dans l'ordre naturel des choses, la solidarité nous rend plus fort, séparé et chacun pour soi et les autres nations viendront tous nous bouffer tout cru.
  9. Result Port Battle of Tiburon when the Pirate Coalition defening against the Mighty British Royal Navy, we lost 1 first rate http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=796975201604102049171.jpg
  10. [/url]">http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=865372201604102155281.jpg]http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=219213201604102049171.jpg]http://img15.hostingpics.net/thumbs/mini_219213201604102049171.jpg
  11. There are alot of nationals alts in In pirate too, but it s very easy to recognize them since they are not really smart, 90% are those who always claim in national chat that "pirate should act more like pirate" and in order to do that "pirate need to kill each others" and everytime when we announce something in national chat, just 3 sec later the enemy already know it. But we never really care and never report them, it s easy to counter spies by sending fake informations ( or even real information but pretending to be fake) anyway.
  12. It s a good point but i think somehow the RPs can also help the game developement if we correctly use it . It mainly allows people to know what s going on the current war, politics, diplomacy with other nations and give a good strategy point of view.
  13. I think it could be "moderated", all posts should be RP base it need the form that means looks like something people usually said during 17,18 centuries. it s fine if you want to use a "rude" or "insulted" word as long as thoses insult words were used ONLY in the old age, and no reference to the real world national players like russian overlords when you try to insult the dans( that s completly incorrect and stupid cause there are not only russians in dans nation anyway ). so what I suggest is : ALL posts must have RP forms and look like something people could say during 17,18 centuries. NO rude words unless all the old one that people could use during 17,18 centuries.
  14. Well RP is just the form, you can say the same thing even if you dont need to use any rude or nasty words in a RP post. People are just too lazy to do it and use the lowest commun form to insult others.
  15. I think we should restrict the National News to Role Play only, and delete all the posts that are not RP, Insulting other as RP are allowed, Insulting other because of racism in real life or other IRL stuffs are not.
  16. it hurts nothing but maybe only the rich players that cannot be more rich by selling their crafted ships and "economy" is just another word to say, let the rich be strong and the poor is condemmed to suffer. I am always for everyone having equals weapons and may the best skilled players win. p.s : i m not a poor player either and I m not the richest either since i dont focus on making gold if I do that I could be billionnair right now.
  17. 3 durabilities is a good advantage compared to caped 3rd rate ship, that allow you to bring all your costly upgraded, like gold pawder monkey, other any other gold upgraded without losing them even if you have been sunk in battle.
  18. You guys started very well that battle, staying upwind and keep defending against the british fleet. But the battle turn to your disavantage as soon as you go downwind, you guys should keep going upwind and defending against all the british fleet that will need to go against the wind to attack you. Just remenber, the british are attacking, they need to come to you, you are defenders you dont need to come to them but only try to stay upwind to prevent them to cut your line and last as long as possible, the time is on your side.
  19. the difference between pirate in pvp2 and pvp1 you ll see it by yourself: pirate in pvp2 if they see royal navy, they run pirate in pvp1 if they see royal navy they are happy like they see a treasure chest and royal navy run p.s : just joking, no meant to offend anyone sorry
  20. No thank you for your kindness good sir, I m just a poor freeman with a bottle of rum and I plan to stay like that, no gold or promise from any powerful king could exchange with the price of freedom
  21. KGB are actually british alts, you guys are really not smart, if you try to pretend to be pirate to wave war against some nations, at least try to be more low-profile and less obvious.
  22. I still dont believe what I have seen, 7 players lost against 1 player + 6 AI. This result could be happen with a random team even that s really rare and this could happen long time ago before the wipe when many of the players were just discovering the game, but you guys are in same guild .
  23. how 7 players lost against 1 player + 6 AI ? I wont believe it if I didnt see this screen shot.
  24. that surprises me, I always thought DRUNK had A letter of Marque that was issued from his Majesty King of England.
  25. That s true, that s why I am for limite max rank ships in battle, like in total war game, they used to limite 4 - 6 units at the same types ( that avoid spamming the same type units) and some limited number for elite units, actually those rules have been made by players themself when they made tournament in rome total war and later officially included in game by developers. But it was in a stategy game when 1 player control 1 nation, I think it could a be harder to apply in this kind of game. Anyway ships of line have always been used in big battle against other nations because that s how they meant to be, fighting in line, Frigate are using to patrol, escort ,or protecting the flank , hardly use in the line of battle. Maybe in future, the developers will add some battle mechanics that allow frigates to be more usefull in port battle.
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