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Everything posted by thp

  1. Right now, the rich players can afford to have first rate, second rate or crafted third rate that give certainly an advatange but the gap is still not that hug and still allow the poor people that can only use caped third rate to win if they play well. When removing the caped third rate, the poor players will have no chance against the rich anymore. Human mind never ceases to amaze me, even in game some people still believe the rich must always win and the poor is condeemed to suffer.
  2. I invite anyone that want to join FTS read this first : http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/12276-good-news-for-pirate-community-king-just-born-and-his-name-is-bigvalco/ http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/12558-the-british-lost-another-port-king-fallen/ and of course you are free to join FTS or any clan you want but at least you should know what you go to do.
  3. Je comprend un peu sa situation, quand j'avais commencé ce jeu chez les pirates avant le wipe, j'étais "ganked" par la british royal navy quasiment tous les jours, en plus ils étaient plutôt ponctuels , ils venaient presque toujours aux même heure et avec une grande flotte pour sauter sur tous les petits bateaux qui passaient par là, et aussi rejoindre nos missions orders quand on se était occupé déjà à se battre contre les npcs pour nous couler, et ça a duré apres le wipe aussi jusqu'à ce que les pirates en ont mare et forme une Coalition qu'on connait aujourd'hui. Mais voilà ce qui ne nous tue pas nous rend plus fort, quand on se fait taper dessus on a deux choix, soit on endure et on essaie de s'améliorer , se rendre plus fort pour prendre sa revenge soit on abandonne et on se casse.
  4. " ..being thrust into a highly contested PVP area with players well beyond his level,.." AkyPyrate that was to him i was talking lol, calm down bro.Also it wasnt an insult or anything like that , i will be scared myself if I put my own capital in a contested area, it wont be a good strategy unless certain specifc situation. Well i still dont understand why you are so angry and took everything as an aggresssion thou , allow me to apologize if i offended you .
  5. Well again it s just a suggestion, I just would like that the capital can be moved to center of our lands for better defense of all our borders. It just a point of view from a player like me who played a lot of strategy game before. If you are scared to have a capital at highly contested PVP area, then may I suggest something like capital should not be able to move to those borders, but only in the center area of all the lands that you have. Again it s just a suggestion from someone that love strategy game and I know how it could be a huge advantage to have a capital in the right spot.
  6. Still I dont understand why you got mad because your capital change ONLY if your lands change to suit better to be in center of the lands you got ?
  7. LOL dont get mad bro, no one force you to move your capital if you dont want to move( remenber votes from all players ) it was just a suggestion for better strategy game. Staying in the corner of the map is a good plan for defensive strategy too but just imagine if your nation want to grow up and take more lands, you wont be able to defend all your lands if your capital is in extrem border, that s why some countries changed their capital when their lands changed only.( the chinese changed alot of their capital location during their history cause of that )
  8. "It would screw a lot with a lot of people - mostly craters, traders and newbies" = "Many of strong players already dont port in Capital Town anymore, also alot of people didnt chose capital as crafting base" You really dont see how it could help a nation to have their capital in center of the map insteed of border ? If you play chess you will certainly know that the most important cases are the square at the center, or just look at the history, all countries chose their capital at center of their lands, no one want to have their capital at border.
  9. Many of strong players already dont port in Capital Town anymore, also alot of people didnt chose capital as crafting base, I think there will be something about a vote only 1 time per month to change capital that every players that reach at least a certain rank are able to vote ( that will prevent people to spamm alts). The fact that changing location of the capital will help alot the nations that have their capital at border of the map and doesnt favour only the nations that already got their capital in center.
  10. In my opinion, with future update about conquest and diplomacy, National Capitol town could be moved to another regional capitol, I m not sure how it could be decided yet maybe by vote from all players ? And make Capitol town also open for attack but it will be much more harder to capture ( for exemple stronger towers defense) even if with the current port battle system it s almost impossible to take port with equal defenders and attackers. Capitol will be removed to the nearest Regional Capitol if it has been captured by enemy untill the last Regional Capitol is not open for attacks anymore.
  11. Let me resume the situation if I understand it well, Drunks from Sweden want to attack the Dane-mark Norway but the other sweden clan didnt want to and RNoN from Dane-mark Norway want to attack Sweden but the other Dans dont want to either. Why not let Drunk and RNoN fighting each other as much as they want and bring our popcorn and watch ?
  12. It looks like every nations have the same trouble, the tactic is exactly the same, trying to make 2 nations in peace attacking each other. Who will benefit from that situation ? Just try to find the answer to that question and you will know who is behind that. Anyway always using the same scheme is not that good, it s so obvious that sometime the opposite applies.
  13. fair enought, he used DECEPTION, we can also reveal his DECEPTION because it could harm us, why you complain ?
  14. Again you just repeat yourself mate, you got a set idea how pirate should be and if anyone who dont play like that is not the REAL pirate. We dont force anyone to do not what they dont want to, and read again all the posts made by us you ll see it, we dont blame him for having a deal with the brits. We blame him only because he just say he didnt do it. actually it reminds me this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTbgsoHDc24
  15. That s your opinion about ALL pirates and how they ALWAYS should be, not mine, people always vilify their enemy anyway and that s why you always fail with diplomacy because you see "stereotype " everywhere. it s all black and white ( or maybe red for some ) for you.
  16. you got your point here,what else can I say? a word from a pirate "scum" is stronger than any other official alliance and promise of an empire.
  17. Actually there s not one real kind of pirate, even in real world you can see some "gentlemen" pirates like Sam Bellamy and also some "ruthless" like Edwar Teach. The only difference between the Coalition and Bigvalco is he fight for anyone that can pay him enought and the Pirate Coalition fight for the ideology Republic of Pirate. We are all pirates but we just dont fight for the same thing and both probably fight for rums and whore as bonus . Only the extremist people believe in absolutism, and you probably know where extremism leads to. “Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."Clint Eastwood
  18. Like I said before, all posts about pirate and when some nationalist( british exactly) join in , soon or late it becomes "pirate should act more like pirate"
  19. Sell yourself to anyone that can pay the price doesnt make you more like a pirate or better one, it just makes you a untrustworthy one. Who will trust you anymore if they believe you can back stab them if someone pay you enought ?
  20. Witnessing the result of the defending battle of Samana against the Dans, I understand now why Bigvalco made a deal with the british royal navy, obviously he s smart enought to know, even if he tryed to defend the Jamaica ports with all his skills he wouldnt have any chance against the british royal navy. I have sympaties towards the British now too, I believe you ve been scammed , you probably can take all those ports back without need to pay him any gold.
  21. the Human Mind is naturally prone to the following egocentric tendencies, you can see that everyday, people keep arguing just because someone else dont agree with them, even in the same nation people desagree and dispute and if you allow them to fight each other I m pretty sure they will. Individualism thus remains egocentric and selfish, pirates have even more chance to be devided because some people like you believe thats how pirate should be and keep pushing us to do so, and the fact that we are free to kill each other because the game mechanic allow us wont help us much, and that despite this, we chose to believe in unity, it s just commun sense, united we are strong, devided , we will be weak and every nations could come and trike us down. We just try to turn our weakness into strengths. Pirate Coalition growing up and become more and more powerful and stronger each day, because the menber players chose to believe in ideology which is the Republic of Pirate where every men are free and equals, not matter which countries you come from nor your social class. If you think the game mechanic favour us and make us more united and more strong then you really know nothing Jon Snow.
  22. Oh well I thought the pirates were united because they would like to laugh when reading all Lord Roberts' complaining posts
  23. Congratulations to all pirates and our friendly nations, thank you all for making it possible, and also good fight to british royal navy you guys fought well and have nothing to be ashamed of, that was very closed battle even if our fleet had higher br than yours.
  24. I agree, and thank you all for your solidarity, not many people know but I m living Brussels.
  25. I didnt know that Filoot is the reincarnation of Black Beard himself
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