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Jack Freedom

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Everything posted by Jack Freedom

  1. What? having ship insurance will only increase that risk factor since you actually only have one ship and no magic durabilities!
  2. well the insurance would be proportional to the cost of the ship. Basically Eve online insurance.
  3. The more I play the more I see a need for ship insurance as well. Instead of the magical replacements we get now. When you lose a ship you should feel that you actually lost that ship. The positives are that you do get some money back from the insurance depending on which type of insurance you purchased for your vessel. This money can then be used to purchase the vessel again or try a different one. This will force players to be less aggressive with the ships they currently have imo.
  4. yeah lol I had the same scenario happen to me various times. Even though I was on a Lynx I was still being prioritized by the AI. Not sure how I feel about it but the AI is good and that's good!
  5. yeah I used freecam, that makes sense.
  6. I've found that even players from other nations than your own will gift you captured vessels if you join their battle on their side. I guess its nice and should continue even on actual release.
  7. I doubt it. Not even sure what F11 does.
  8. If RL do you think they could come up with activities to pass the time? Yet only 9 people voted Real life. The poll is compromised.
  9. Hey look it's the guy who tried to make a point by making up an exaggeration. Yeah sure we're gonna take your comment seriously. uh uh found another one!
  10. OP asked to always pick balance over historical accuracy but I beg to differ. I think there is more fun in historical accuracy than people give it credit for. If everything was balanced and fair we would all be using the same ship with the same components, fighting in completely flat water.
  11. We can better help you if you send more invites to OW! like now would be nice
  12. There has to be measures to stop them before sign up. Create a more complicated captcha to solve. Maybe a question/answer as well.
  13. Available OS Memory: 1516MB RAM The game is currently 1560gb This is a real potato lord of all potatoes we're looking at here. You might be able to run the game on low, I've never personally experienced fps lag with my medium to low end computer.
  14. Yeah there is a team deathmatch mode to enjoy the battles. We still have yet to test the open world jobs, but I'm sure there might be something to accommodate the 20 minute playing players.
  15. Where did you get the dvd info? Also, yeah he is doing a voice over for the Witcher 3. His voice is so epic.
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