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Jack Freedom

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Everything posted by Jack Freedom

  1. Same here, I fear this is one of those things where a few players complained about it and so they will make changes to please them. It happens all the time in video games. It really comes down to the developers vision.
  2. The only reason the servers are up right now is because Admin allowed it but his intentions were never to really have them open this time. It's a nice gesture. And now most of us are simply waiting for open world at this point.
  3. Maybe we'll never get to hear from him again xD
  4. Basically this, and since the trials are over there is little incentive to play.
  5. Basically this, let them get over confident an overshoot their turn.
  6. well they are probably still working on the code for open world :\
  7. Is there anyone form Holland who can put this movie up in a torrent or something? we have to watch this while we wait for open world!
  8. this is great to see little nations kick some big nations butt.
  9. In real life you would call a target ship not the name of the commander of a ship. Please no names in game or give us the options.
  10. Paying to name your ship would help Game-Labs with the added income. It would be a necessary evil, provided the price to have a custom name is reasonable. Maybe $5 US dollars or less to change a name seems reasonable to me, it's like donating money for development.
  11. haha well too bad it wasn't an overall Victory
  12. What exactly do you mean by campaign tree? Edit: sry nvm.
  13. It's nice that the game is getting some recognition but it's still early to build the hype.
  14. but even more importantly is the context with which the "swearing" is used. If it was used as an expression without malice then it should be allowed. Not everything is black and white. oh my
  15. They could always try Ancient battles? One can dream Hell why not stick to the American Civil war and create a campaign map
  16. yeah playing PVE is crucial to learn the controls, shooting mechanics and boarding.
  17. The names are pretty useless imo, maybe have only your teammates name over them but also give us to option to get rid of them completely.
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