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Videos and screenshots (formerly nda videos and screenshots)

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As a newcomer to testing I have created a number of videos already that give my impressions and follow my thoughts/actions in game.


I have only just found this thread (the second last topic in this forum as I type) and am pretty confused by what we can and can't post. For one, I don't think any of my videos are that "awesome" and whilst I don't believe they show any glaring bugs or exploits I can't say I have examined them with a fine tooth comb.


Could we perhaps get a sticky announcement that can't be posted in publicly but can be updated by the devs as required specifying what they don't want filmed specifically i.e. a list of ships/features that they can keep up to date. To date I have made videos in good faith thinking I was doing the right thing but without some clear and concise guidelines I'm not so sure any more. That and this thread is the first notion I've had of being subject to an NDA!


So, really I'm just looking for some up to date clarification on filming.






The videos in question:






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Hey Magnet, G'day m8, love your videos. It's been great to compare another novice's experiences with my own. Obviously I have no official status but I think it'd be fair to say, and I did read somewhere on these forums, that they did say 'post nothing that makes them or the testing game look bad in any way'. For me, what your videos do show is the great graphics and gameplay and the fun you are having. I hope they appreciate your efforts as I have. Long live chocolate maltesers and strawberry milk. 

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@magnet  you are allowed to post vids that do not show bugs

Ex;  Sailing thru the lighthouse, or what has held up a couple of mine is when the mast it taken out but the flags are still flying up in the air with nothing supporting them.

also when they release new boats in an update i will ask first

you may see the mixed battle with the mortar brig but it is not on youtube it is unlisted and only posted here

due to the way the mortars fired at first.  It has been repaired since.

when you are not sure always best to ask first ^_^

P.S. Nice Vids

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In the Back in Action with Naval Action videos I posted above you'll notice a slight timeshift between part 1 and 2.

At the end of part 1 I'm commenting on how close the enemy is sailing to the island and I'm not sure if they collide or navigate around them etc. Almost immediately after that the he sails straight through the island.

I naturally left that bit out.

Devs did comment on my video though and noted that the foam, debris etc. were not showing smooth possibly due to ping.

I've unlisted the videos until I can confirm. I have a sneaking suspicion it's how I edited them as I had not noticed that earlier.


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I have been pressing P in game to take screenshots -and noting the momentary stutter in FPS that usually happens during screenshots-. I cannot find any of my screenshots. What folder path do the screenshots take?


FOUND IT; apparently it's in program files in the naval action game folder.

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We noticed that you post screenshots on outside forums. Some of them are spectacular.

Would you guys be so kind and always cross post screenshots in this topic. We will promote better ones on our facebook and website including your in game name.

Use imgur or other outside hosting software.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this and many of the screenies and other vids I have seen, I'm lapping it up in waves, so to say.

I am promoting the game in my own humble way using different video media (just a couple so far) I find on these Forums.


All being well I will be able to do some of my own screenies and possibly videos when I receive my game key.



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