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This is a damage model related question.


I have noticed that some of my shots, while hitting the water just before the enemy ship (short shots), still do damage to the enemy. Is it possible that we can hit the enemy ship under the water too, or these occasions are only a product of lag?

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This is a damage model related question.


I have noticed that some of my shots, while hitting the water just before the enemy ship (short shots), still do damage to the enemy. Is it possible that we can hit the enemy ship under the water too, or these occasions are only a product of lag?

Look it up in the damage log with ctrl + L. I think there was something called "throughWater".

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I have already tested a bit, and found that they are a "real time stream" thing, so to speak. If you are moving, then yes they update in real time. Try this: Sail and then repeatedly hit F11, and you will see the X and Z coordinate change.

My question was whether your ship's coordinates are sent continuously to the client, and displayed only when the bug report menu is up, or if they are only sent upon bringing up the bug report menu. Simply put, your method of testing does not mean they aren't sent only when the player hits F11 on the open world. You don't even have to be moving for them to update either; if you read my previous post carefully you'd see what I mean regarding "stationary" coordinate change.


The only means with which the end-user could prove if his or her computer was receiving continuous coordinate data, as opposed to discrete coordinates, is to monitor their network traffic -- something I'm sure nobody wants to do considering the likelyhood of some sort of encoding/encryption/compression in the packets received.



I have since found a solution to this and posted it in this thread: Trading Website.

As for the time: It is just a timestamp to let you (or anyone) know when those prices were last updated; as they change.

The time is to let you know when the port was last entered; prices vary by more than a few percentage points based on supply and demand but tend to have more or less the same in different ports, so (in my opinion) there isn't much point in tracking prices for goods. Yes, it can be profitable, but in the time it takes to sail from A to B, there's likely already someone at B dropping your sell prices.


Also, that's not what the person to whom I was replying was asking at all. But, if he wanted to be self-reliant, he could add in entries based off the pattern, give the new entries a name like "Port 001, Port 002," and so on, then tie each one to its database entry in your backup. It would be tedious, but not only is tagging each port with one player impossible, it would take months of real life sailing.

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On Sunday evening (31JAN16) Pacific time I attacked an NPC trading ship that had contraband and became a pirate.  I was told later that there is supposed to be a warning box if there is a chance you could become a pirate, I did not see a warning box.  I reported this through the bug reporting system when it finally allowed me to on Monday (the next day).  Will I ever be allowed to return to my nation without having to delete the character?  I refuse to play as a pirate and do not want to start over.  I have done nothing in game except to see if there are any messages in my in-game mail.



In a different thread of these forums a developer said to not delete your characters unless you are very sure you don't mind loosing everything on all servers except your experience points.  I have been waiting a week to have my character on PvP2 returned to the United States after being made a pirate for attacking a US NPC with contraband and not getting a warning that I would become a pirate.  I want to play the game and absolutely refuse to play Pirate.  What am I supposed to do?


I'm not sure if anyone will see this besides the forum moderator.  Since the developers seem to be refusing to return me to my original faction after an in game issue caused me to become a pirate and I refuse to restart once again because of an in game issue and they have been given three weeks to do anything (even tell me off), I am done.

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pirates amnesy was removed when the devs gave us the abiility to change/ recreate chars for the servers.

Also there are big fat warnings bevore you become pirate.


Create a new char and you  will have the same XP as you do now. Ask your friends to trade your stuff if you have preassures goods on this particular char.

You can do that in free towns. After that delete that character and create a new one in the nation you want.



About shots doing dmge through water:

that may come from latency between you and the server. waves are shown where they are not and the enemy ship alike.

>our client is showing you damage because it doesnt know that the wave is there or not.

Check the shot logger if you did dmge at all. Thatll tell you the whole story (ctrl + l)


I know this is not a very good written explanation but I hope you get the core I want to express..

Also the shot logger is obsolete and may include bugs and wrong display.

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My question was whether your ship's coordinates are sent continuously to the client, and displayed only when the bug report menu is up, or if they are only sent upon bringing up the bug report menu. Simply put, your method of testing does not mean they aren't sent only when the player hits F11 on the open world. You don't even have to be moving for them to update either; if you read my previous post carefully you'd see what I mean regarding "stationary" coordinate change.


The only means with which the end-user could prove if his or her computer was receiving continuous coordinate data, as opposed to discrete coordinates, is to monitor their network traffic -- something I'm sure nobody wants to do considering the likelyhood of some sort of encoding/encryption/compression in the packets received.


Sorry should have been more clear. As far as I can tell, the "coordinates" are not geographical, the are in some X/Y millimeter thing; something like that but not Decimal Degrees, or the like. that would explain the +/- 350 you get at sea (riding waves), and not in port (stationary).

Also, the F11 Bug report seems to be client side, not server side. So every time you hit that button, you are capturing where you are locally, along with a screen shot, so the devs can see what you are talking about, I guess.

How often your position is updated with the server, is another story. This could be a second or two, or in milliseconds (ms is what I would suspect).




The time is to let you know when the port was last entered; prices vary by more than a few percentage points based on supply and demand but tend to have more or less the same in different ports, so (in my opinion) there isn't much point in tracking prices for goods. Yes, it can be profitable, but in the time it takes to sail from A to B, there's likely already someone at B dropping your sell prices.


Also, that's not what the person to whom I was replying was asking at all. But, if he wanted to be self-reliant, he could add in entries based off the pattern, give the new entries a name like "Port 001, Port 002," and so on, then tie each one to its database entry in your backup. It would be tedious, but not only is tagging each port with one player impossible, it would take months of real life sailing.

Yes, the timestamp is your last visit. My comment about the timestamp was in reference to the DB that I discovered in the game files.

The point of the link to the website, was because of the database I found. Well since then, I have come up with the Town Names to IDs. This means that there could be some automation to the process of updating ports in a general environment (website) for all Captains to use and contribute to. Prices are a real time thing, that is kept on the server, and load, I suspect, when you enter the port or hit refresh while in the port.

Prices at each port are still relative to the amount of traffic at each port. But if all Captains could take a minute or so at each port they get too, to add to, or keep up a website's database, this could be powerful for the community. That way that lone Captain Nero, doesn't have to fight that giant whale alone! ;)

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Sorry should have been more clear. As far as I can tell, the "coordinates" are not geographical, the are in some X/Y millimeter thing; something like that but not Decimal Degrees, or the like. that would explain the +/- 350 you get at sea (riding waves), and not in port (stationary).

Also, the F11 Bug report seems to be client side, not server side. So every time you hit that button, you are capturing where you are locally, along with a screen shot, so the devs can see what you are talking about, I guess.

How often your position is updated with the server, is another story. This could be a second or two, or in milliseconds (ms is what I would suspect).

The +/-350 is measured while stationary. The slight drift is also measured stationary. It does not matter if you're right next to port (where the drift was first observed) or anchored out in the middle of the Caribbean. You will still drift a slight amount constantly, with the occasional large bump. Regardless of this, it has no bearing on the server-sidedness of the coordinates, nor does what unit of measure they represent.

Yes, the bug report menu and screenshot are client sided, but these aren't important in and of themselves. How frequently the location is updated is not important either. What is important is whether that coordinate information is continuously transmitted and only sampled when you hit F11, or if it is a discrete transmission upon client request.

Let's use an analogy of a cop catching you speeding. In this analogy, I don't care if the units are metric km/h or imperial mph. I don't even care how much your speed changes because you can't easily keep a steady pressure (small drift) or if you head downhill and coast it out instead of applying breaks (large drift). I care if the information is being continuously transmitted and only sampled when you look at it (your speedometer) or if it's only reported for that instant it's requested (the cop tells you that you were speeding by 30 units).

Anyway, I doubt there's any use in replying any more to this questioning and logic. If a dev/admin/mod hasn't answered, then chances are they won't answer. Us postulating, explaining, and making analogies won't get us anywhere. Time to investigate for myself, though I have a hunch coordinate data is only transferred upon client request. Wouldn't make sense for a continuous stream of coordinates from a server load perspective, which is not what I want to discover.

About the database...that's what I had meant when I mentioned times as well. It's not hard to open it up in the appropriate program, and everything is nicely labeled. Not that I'm paranoid, but I would very much prefer to not upload my last known location for everyone to see. Mainly because I tend to stick to the outskirts and use free towns as bases of operations -- usually bumping uglies with enemies. There's some map someone is doing where they plan on having a similar setup, and I also want no part in it, so it's not just that.

I'd also like to apologize, I realize I misread and thought there was a third party in the database discussion. Didn't mean to say you didn't know what you were talking about..it was a long day.

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Forgive me if this has been asked and answered before -- but why separate PVP1 and PVP2 into timezones? Lag doesn't seem to be an issue (I play PVP1 from USA and always sub 100ms lag) and it artificially lowers player count. 


Is there a reason why we can't simply have a single shard to encourage 24/7 gameplay across all timezones? At peak lows, there are only 200-400 players on each shard, why not combine them? Not enough server power? Too much lag w/the 2000-4000 players such a combination would generate?

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Because when Early Access started, the maximum amount of players that could be on PVP1 at once was like 2000. This resulted in time-costly queues to log on and annoyed players, so the other PVP servers went up to split the playerbase among them. Frankly, I think they should just expand PVP1 so that it'll accommodate everyone, but hey, I'm not a server technician. 

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Question - Will you expand ports to actually walk around.  If not, will ports be seen as people move about while we use the menu.  would like to know the direction it's going on that.  Feels good to get off a boat however I understand it's also probably like making new game code.

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Can't tell you about the position fixes, but the sever used to send port data for nearby ports whenever the ship traveled approx 16,000 game units (i.e. no more than 16,384) from its prior position. FWIW.

Oh, that could be helpful if it still does that. I haven't had the time to check my network traffic while playing (haven't had time to play yet this month!), will hopefully be able to this weekend.

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I seem to recall Admin saying a long time ago that perhaps, after the game is released, it might be expanded to include a European map. However, 1.) I may very well be mistaken, and 2.), I don't remember his wording to have implied any sort of plan or promise; it was more like "that'd be cool, maybe we'll do it someday :)." So, take what I'm saying with a whole bagful of salt. 

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It is possible to create any map the devs want. Including for example the english channel or the mediterrean.

However that is music of the future and speculations. Noone but the devs themselv know what the plans are.


They can even create a fictional world in which you really have to explore stuff rather than going on googlemaps or pressing M to see where you are ;)

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Question 1: Is there a set date for map reset?


Question 2: Is the pirate faction going to be reworked? This current system of pseudo-nation with less advantages is quite suck.


Question 3: Besides Camp Du Roy, what other Freetowns are being changed?

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You can no longer recruit ships, thats true.

Why is that so? Because those little ships are a real problem im PvP. They steal other player's spots in battle and even in PortBattles.

A lot of trouble which was causing a lot of displeasure amongst the playerbase.

Hence it was reduced to the lowlvl grind.

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