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>>>Beta v1.1 Feedback<<< [RC 6]

Nick Thomadis

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2 minutes ago, Lima said:

Why can I build refits for them, but not for myself?

Always wondered this.  It is a pain to have to construct a -1 class of ship only to immediately refit it to a -2 class of ship.  I know I can just copy the -2 class into a brand new design, but I am lazy and do not want 10 or more active classes of ships active at the same time, just a personal thing.

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44 minutes ago, Lima said:

The game hung on every turn, but these problems ended after the collapse of SPain.

Minor orders the construction of refit



Why can I build refits for them, but not for myself?

That never made sense to me. Why should I have to build then refit a ship? Just build the refit you want.

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Chinese campaign 1890 report (part III)


Waste of time


  • Mission to defend a convoy, but from what?
  • It is not a regular battle. It is a defend convoy mission that is there because the AI decided to attack.
  • So why is retreating from battle if it was them they decided to attack?
  • What is the point in wasting time with this?


  • Next battle, again not a regular battle.
  • This is an ambush battle where my fleet is being ambushed by 4 TBs.
  • So ok, ambush me.
  • Nope, nothing. Another waste of time.


I will add this:

If it is a regular battle, I have no issues with the AI trying to retreat, if it feels it have no chance in winning. In that case, the player still have the opportunity to chase them if it has fast ships. Normal battle conditions, nothing wrong. Now if I have two missions, one is to defend a convoy and the other one is to defend from an ambush and nothing happens. Then the mechanic is completely broken. These two missions only exist because the AI decided to attack me in the campaign map.


To waste my time with two battles because the AI decided to attack me only to change their mind in battle is pointless and frustrating. A terrible gameplay experience.


Other issues.


Naked merchants.



In this situation, I couldn't change speed. This happened after I set the rudder in the middle.


Both situations were reported in game.


I will take this opportunity to wish all of you a happy new year!!! 😉✌️


Edited by o Barão
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I think we can all agree that ship movement at the time is just unrealistic... It took a small TF of 18knt cruisers 5 months to cross the Atlantic... If movement was realistic it would be instantaneous movement anywhere on the globe in 1 month... weekly movement would be more in line with the spirit of the game but it would become tedious in long campaings... I suggest a double time scale: monthly turns when you're at peace, with instantaneous ship movement and weekly turns whenever you're at war... what do you gentlemen think?

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2 hours ago, ZorinW said:

10 years into my campaign and Spain, Italy, France and Britain are all dissolved and all of them can't come back as the mechanic is bugged.

1907 and the Soviet Union is also gone.

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2 hours ago, The PC Collector said:

How are you fighting Portugal? I want!

Also, shouldn't that taskforce be way above the taskforce cap? Only the BB's crew should be way above the limit

Conquest of a portuguese province with said ships in port triggered a Strike mission.

Edited by ZorinW
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*Hotfix Update 9*
- Fixed bug that could cause auto-design and campaign instability (crashes, button inactivity. empty opponents in naval academy and custom battles).
- Fixed bug that could cause freeze at the start of a battle due to aiming errors.
- Improved aiming mechanics after the bug fixes.
- Shell dispersion improved so that not so many shells land short of the target but also over it.
- Improved various known formation issues. It remains to improve the way that rear ships follow, because now they can delay and cause formation errors when they rearrange.

We wish you a happy new year with health and happiness!


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stellar work! It's getting better for sure.


One question, anyone having issues with war reparations? As in, provinces not being given as requested. This has been an issue for quite some time, though doesn't happen more than "every now and then."

I had a look, by random chance, in the savefile, and I found the provinces I'm having issues with are mentioned twice. Coincident?

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1 hour ago, Nick Thomadis said:

*Hotfix Update 9*
- Fixed bug that could cause auto-design and campaign instability (crashes, button inactivity. empty opponents in naval academy and custom battles).
- Fixed bug that could cause freeze at the start of a battle due to aiming errors.
- Improved aiming mechanics after the bug fixes.
- Shell dispersion improved so that not so many shells land short of the target but also over it.
- Improved various known formation issues. It remains to improve the way that rear ships follow, because now they can delay and cause formation errors when they rearrange.

We wish you a happy new year with health and happiness!


when you say aiming mechanics are you talking about the targeting selection of secondaries? or should i be looking at gun accuracy or something else. 

Same thing with formation issues, what should we be looking for? 

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43 minutes ago, MDHansen said:

stellar work! It's getting better for sure.


One question, anyone having issues with war reparations? As in, provinces not being given as requested. This has been an issue for quite some time, though doesn't happen more than "every now and then."

I had a look, by random chance, in the savefile, and I found the provinces I'm having issues with are mentioned twice. Coincident?

Just because you ask for them doesn't mean that you will be granted them. Their distribution is part of the peace talks. 

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On 12/22/2022 at 7:39 AM, Nick Thomadis said:


Heavy stuttering when this is extended , even if the number of weapon group is small .

Another thing is ships do a weird wobbling motion when turning (only on maunal turning and waypoint turning)

sometimes ships in a division will simply suddenly accelerate and collide with other ship without trying avoid .

AI are too good at dodging Torpedo , they can simply sense the torpedo and turn instantly  , even though they shouldn't be able to detect it .  Not until the torps are close enough . Example : launch torps at 10 KM , torp electric , 553mm, the moment the torps were launched , enemy warship immediately do a 90 degree turn. Making torpedo work mostly require a ship that wont get one-shot to launch at point blank range , Which is why some of my battleships have a lot of torps . (This torpedo problem are not really game breaking , but  "enemy warship immediately do a 90 degree turn" are really weird. )


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Okay. After finally being able to play a bit since 1.0.8, I have some feedback.

- I know that the approach of "you're only the admiral, not the government" look good on paper, but on practice playing a gamemode which pretends to be grand strategy in which you have little to no control over what your country does, and you have to rely almost completely on RNG is quite dull and even frustrating. If you want to keep that appreach, you should drastically reduce the RNG of the game.

- This one is tied to the previous one. Tension system by fleet is still not reliable enough to be a way in which the player can influence things. Example: I wanted to cause a war with France while playing as Spain, so I got my fleets to the Mediterranean. And instead of getting tension with France or Italy, or even A-H, which would have been the logical outcome, I got tension with UK and Russia.

- Sometimes, in the rare cases in which you have to retreat, sometimes you have to leave one of more badly damaged ships behind to cover said retreat. These ships have no chance of retreating, nor can really fight back due to damage. Yet sometimes it takes ages for the AI to sink them. So in order to not make player waste time waiting for the inevitable outcome, ships which are badly damaged (under 30% structure/float) should have an "scuttle" option so you can end the agony.

- Permanent taskforces and advanced taskforce/fleet managenent are a need in the current global campaign, one which can't wait and should be top priority for new features. Let's not forget that combat is supposed to be one of the cores of the game, and as such, those improvements are a need.

- This is more of a curiosity: Since the algorythm for random battles apparently no longer uses ship type but tonnage as primare criteria for such battles, would be any chance of allowing the ship types to be nominally changed manually? I don't mean lifting any restriction on them, but given how the deployment for battle works, if we make a CA which is intended to be a pocket BB or a BC, and has shuch stats and performance, being able to officially designate them as such would help to save a lot of work and time reassigning and rearranging them every single battle.

Edit- Oh, I almost forgot: Add casemate main guns already! They're historical for the period of time, and have been requested for over a year!

Edited by The PC Collector
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9 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

- Shell dispersion improved so that not so many shells land short of the target but also over it.

With all due respect, but this is so bad in comparison to what we had in v1.02 (2021)


Yes, it is possible to see initial shells fall behind the ship in the beginning, but we get the same thing after a few salvos. A general tendency for shells to fall short and aiming to a place in the forward section of the ship and suddenly a lonely shell appears flying a different path towards your ship area, and you know that one is going to hit you from the start.


And if that is not enough.


Welcome to the void.

This is what happens when the AI is trying to aim at my ship doing tight turns at full speed. Here I am 14 km away, but is not enough. The AI will go nuts trying to get a fire solution and will send their shells to the void. Very far away from my ship, no splashes in the water. Nothing.


And this is what we had in the end of 2021.

A natural flight behavior. Shells landing anywhere around your ships. Left, right, middle, maybe near your ship, maybe a little far. A complete random factor that gave a natural look to the point the player could feel the immersion in playing what is supposed to be a real naval battle from the time period. I am not saying it was perfect. We had the shell magnet issue back then, but with all the changes we got, we still have the shell magnet issue in game.


And with the ships following a simple line in a division without issues. How I miss the battles from this version.

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I have read no changes about this, but am i the only one who expreiences that torpedoes finally do less damage to light cruisers? They used to be out of line, 1 18inch torpedo would cripple a light cruiser, and now...it can take it? Usually only 1-2 section would go red and flood now, not half of the ship as used to. Thank you for this change ( if this was in the game already, then sorry for not noticing before, i used to be able to avoid being hit by a torpedo, which is much harder with the control we have now)

ps: Please make ships able to go straight again, and not wobble like it has an epileptic seizure. It's not just a visual indicator as has been told. In a 1900 year built ship, it's a drastic debuff for a very long time, because ship has a hard time accelerating above 40-60% of it's intended speed(especially for heavy ships like a bb, ca, cl), and while in his seizure state, it get's negative 100-150% !!! accuracy defuff due to manuver (especially noticable on a dd)). This is not even a problem, the annoying part is, that i can overcome this issue by using the manual rudder. So i know that this is a mechanic to hinder the ships if we just use control by clicking on the map. It's annoying because  i know that my ships are capable to go in a straight line / controled turn. The only purpose of the oscillation at this point is to annoy us. 


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