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>>> Beta 1.09 Feedback (Released)<<<

Nick Thomadis

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1 hour ago, Cryadis said:

using a laptop with 32GB ram, i9 and a 3080 GTX though, but maybe useful for reference. If you wait long enough i suspect the round will pass.

I have a good computer, there were no similar freezes before, but after that updates appeared. I waited about 10 minutes, had to overload.

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8 hours ago, AdmiralKirk said:

I played an American campaign up to the save reset, and I was really enjoying myself. Some of the issues I was having are things that have already been addressed/planned—resupply at allied ports, occupation of minor nations, turrets rotating into the superstructure. But for the US specifically, I was really missing appropriate hulls for flush-decked destroyers and standard-type battleships. Not sure what hulls you have planned to include in this update besides Maine, but I think those two things are really important to capturing the look of the early 20th century US Navy, and the standard type hulls would help a lot compared to the “South Carolina but bigger” options I had in this campaign.

The Standards are absolutely vital, but we need a proper US dreadnought hull available sooner, too.  The South Carolina type hull was used for that class and that class only.  The Delaware-class immediately after it, and indeed, laid down less than a year after and commissioned into the fleet in 1910, the same year as the South Carolinas, had a much more familiar shape and gun layout to them:


Raised forecastle all the way to the middle of the ship, and enough deck space for five turrets on the centerline, three of them in the rear with one superfiring turret bow and stern each.  The fact the South Carolina is the default hull for US dreadnoughts when it was only built in response to a strict weight limit imposed on the Navy by Congress, all later ships not built to such an arduous and unreasonable restriction, is a travesty.


We're also missing our unique predreadnoughts and their massive secondary batteries, especially their heavy casemates, which is another essential part of the early USN.


And no, I haven't yet played the beta because surprise, its one gigantic bug-fest of poorly-implemented features.  Like every other major update this game has had.

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I am once again requesting for cruiser main-caliber main guns be available as casemates on cruisers. I need to be able to make USS St. Louis with her 14x 6" /50 guns, 18x 3"/50 guns, and 8x 1.5" hotchkis revolving cannons.

Updating missions is also still causing freezes and crashes.

Edited by Urst
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I'm still getting freezes during update mission/building new ships that cause me to force shut down. Also I have been playing Germany from 1910 to 1933 currently and no one absolutely no one wants to fight me. I could insult a national leaders mother to her face in front of said leader saying loudly in public that she sucks Yeti toes Oh yes I said it she sucks them with great relish, and nothing will happen.

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Game is essentially unplayable. Even if you take the chore of letting the AI control your ships for a 20+ min real time chase, and eventually manage to engage, it will be an eternal stern tanking chase you'll eventually will have to drop from when most of your guns become stuck.

We can barely get any war because the tension system, which was barely functional before, simply doesn't work anymore.

If we manage to get a war, we can barely get any battle because the AI refuses to engage no matter what.

If we manage to get a battle, we can't get any result of it because of the gun aiming bug rendering our ships unusable.

I'm going to risk getting banned, but this need to be said clearly:


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Funny thing though. I get wars all the time, myself and AI. 5 years in and moving on 15-20 years, there is always a war going on.. Tensions works pretty good for me. And all the other political fluff and messages aswell.

Annoying with the retreating AI during a battle, yes. But for me it only happens if we're even or I'm in favour

Gun aiming is absolutely an issue. Works fine the first few kills, then it starts a degrading cyclus where in the end no guns works any longer.



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In my last campaign, the AI ran away in every battle, and in three-quarters of the battles it had the advantage. For example, 1CA 3DD vs 1BB 1CA 2CL, 1CA 1 CL 2DD vs 2CA 2CL 3DD, 1CA 1DD vs 1CA 1 CL 2DD.

I believe that in missions with a description "An enemy task force block our path" or "An overwhelming task force approach offensively" the enemy should't run away.

A long chase does't bring any pleasure and spends an incredible amount of time. I'm not even talking about the fact that the player is obliged to build all the ships at top speed, but even an advantage of 1-2 knots means a very long chase. It turns out that most of the battles are carried out by my DDs.

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The game keeps crashing after hitting the next turn button.  All my ships are inport starting refits after my first war has ended.  It goes thru everyone's status update, then freezes when it is updating missions.  Its very frustrating.

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Hmmm, I am getting a bit different results here. I've been at war as Japan with Russia and the Chiense for more than a year (starting in 1900), beaten them quite well and they still keep going without suing for peace. Also, I seem to have little problems bringing them to a fight in most cases. If they flee, which they do, even in the face of numerical inferior forces sometimes, I just pursue and my faster ships will sometimes catch up with their slower ones and force a fight. However, my main problem is that the subsequent loading screen freezes up at ".....battles....." rendering my results void. Only an auto resolve will progress me any further. This problem needs to be addressed as well before I can do much more campaign testing. Hope it can be resolved quite fast because I am eager to sink more tonnage!

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17 hours ago, mikekervin said:

I mean they are reacting appropriately when on a collision course by changing their speed - previously they only adjusted course. However they still aren't able to follow divisional orders to maintain a course and speed.

Sorry, when I say 'turning into each other' I mean colliding then locking together and heading off in whatever direction they were going. Trying to push each other out of the way and unable to separate.

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40 minutes ago, kjg000 said:

Sorry, when I say 'turning into each other' I mean colliding then locking together and heading off in whatever direction they were going. Trying to push each other out of the way and unable to separate.

What I have been 'running into', is the flagship I'm maneuvering my fleet around often seems to have the 2nd ship in the formation constantly running up my rudder, as if it's locked to me, and then during battle that ship will maneuver around the flagship and get in the way. I've had battles no matter how I set the formations that one ship will constantly do that the entire fight. At one point I thought...I'll just detach it already and set it to follow a different one. But then the NEXT ship in the squadron will take over and do the same thing.

Last night, after the latest build released, it seemed to stop.

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8 hours ago, The PC Collector said:

Game is essentially unplayable. Even if you take the chore of letting the AI control your ships for a 20+ min real time chase, and eventually manage to engage, it will be an eternal stern tanking chase you'll eventually will have to drop from when most of your guns become stuck.

We can barely get any war because the tension system, which was barely functional before, simply doesn't work anymore.

If we manage to get a war, we can barely get any battle because the AI refuses to engage no matter what.

If we manage to get a battle, we can't get any result of it because of the gun aiming bug rendering our ships unusable.

I'm going to risk getting banned, but this need to be said clearly:


Don't forget to mention that the "Next Turn" button stops working after a decade or so in game due to Building New Ships bug.
Pretty basic aspect of a strategy game right there.

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Beta Update 6 Hotfix (23/10/2022)

-  Fixed turret rotation issue which could cause guns to slightly merge with the superstructure and stuck. Please check if this issue is fully resolved (It was quite random and not consistent). Players should not confuse this bug with the Angled! warning which is an expected functionality.
- Fixed various issues with campaign ship building which could cause auto-design invalid designs, errors and turn delays.
- Reverted temporarily a Technology functionality related with the submarine experiments (they became inactive when all the included technologies were discovered), because they could corrupt the technology tree and permanently destroy the campaign save.
- Fixed bug which caused inconsistent refit time (The time shown in constructor was applied differently when the ship actually became refitted and was much smaller).
- Tension mechanics adjustments so that tension is caused when big fleets enter the water of friendly nations.
- Fixes for formations, addressing some old issues which appeared when players disabled the Auto-Evade of ships. 
- Improved Campaign Fleet merging radius, fixing pathfinding issues and resulting in less "Doomstack" battles, as the fleets will not merge at so large distances.

Please Restart Steam to receive the new update.

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I just spend a literal 2 hours pressing "Next Turn" and wait for "Building Ships" without any war happen for 3 years.

We really need something better than the tension mechanic to start the war. Or just let the player manually set it honestly. After all this is not a pay to win game that the devs need to make some aspect annoying to the player so that they pay the real money. I'm sure making the game more enjoyable will make more money to the company than making it slightly realistic at the cost of being frustrating to the player.

The whole reason anybody is playing this game is to build ships and shoot something. Why should anybody care about making the economic and politic aspect as realistic as possible?

Especially when the battle system has something as questionable as "near flagship" and "target fast speed" accuracy multipliers?

Edited by DableUTeeF
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51 minutes ago, DableUTeeF said:

I just spend a literal 2 hours pressing "Next Turn" and wait for "Building Ships" without any war happen for 3 years.

We really need something better than the tension mechanic to start the war. Or just let the player manually set it honestly. After all this is not a pay to win game that the devs need to make some aspect annoying to the player so that they pay the real money. I'm sure making the game more enjoyable will make more money to the company than making it slightly realistic at the cost of being frustrating to the player.

The whole reason anybody is playing this game is to build ships and shoot something. Why should anybody care about making the economic and politic aspect as realistic as possible?

Especially when the battle system has something as questionable as "near flagship" and "target fast speed" accuracy multipliers?

Couldn't agree more. That and the "But you're not the ruler, only the Admiral" bullshit to not allow us to have control over things whe should in a grand strategy game will ultimately be this game's downfall if not adressed.

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Good work on the Hotfix for Update 6. Haven't encountered the "Turret stuck in superstructure" or "Target lock" bugs this time around.

Although obviously there are some other bugs that still need some ironing out. Like ships in division not sailing straight at full speed and not following orders to slow down. And the update mission phase seems to have gotten longer after update five (it's not as bad as the beginning of the beta).

Still thanks for that.

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