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>>> Beta 1.09 Feedback (Released)<<<

Nick Thomadis

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10 minutes ago, Lima said:

Thank you for your work. Can you explain this point in more detail? Should ships take damage from mines while being away from ports? Is it possible to remove enemy mines with the help of minesweepers?

Fleets can be hit by mines according to their control radiuses that intersect with the minefield radiuses. The control radius of a fleet represents a set which includes all potential movement paths of the included ships around the center of the fleet.

The minesweeping radius that intersects with the minefield will start cleaning it up according to its capacity. Minesweeping along with other techs help to reduce the chances of becoming hit by mines, even when fleet is inside a minefield.
Fleets that include only BB, which usually have very low Minesweeping capability, will act suicidally  if they enter or pass by a minefield. When a fleet becomes hit by a minefield then you may notice this minefield becoming reduced or completely disappear, representing the actual hits that detonated the mines.

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One of the reasons why Sasebo is a unique location. The Japanese are capable of tremendous damage to fleets without leaving port. Right on developers.

What's more, once you take Formosa's 2 ports, and Sakhalin off the Russians, they have to run 3 minefields just to get to Vladivostok lol.

Edited by Admiral Donuts
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Wars are not ending properly. I was in a war as the USA against Japan when out of the blue, the war was over. There was no notification or end of war reparations. I only noticed because they got rather annoyed and started threatening war, and I noticed that the war was no longer listed on the right hand side. 

I kept playing and this happened to every war that eventually ended, none had any notice, warning or war reparations afterwards. 

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2 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

- Fixed bug that caused AI to insist on trying to build invalid designs (ships with higher tonnage than allowed in campaign) creating many delays in turns and in campaign generation. This was one major reason for turn delays, but probably not the only one. We need your continuous feedback to fix any remaining issue.

Delays or lockups during "Building ships" phase seems far worse, not better, with this hotfix today. I wasn't having anything more than the occasional 10 second or so pause during this phase which was manageable. Now I'm getting crashes where the program becomes unresponsive and I have to force quit, I cannot even report a bug. This becomes more frequent as the campaign goes on.

"Updating Missions" continues to be a chokepoint that adds 30-120 seconds, or more, anytime there is a war going on, which eventually becomes every turn.  My campaign is only in 1895 and it's becoming unplayable. I've also had a few times where I had to force quit because it became unresponsive after several minutes.

The updating research phase of the turn is also causing perpetual freezes but these don't seem to cause the program to be unresponsive. I seem to be able to quit to the main menu and relaunch the campaign when this happens. If I don't though, the game just perpetually sits there on that phase, as if it is running fine but doesn't know it should be doing something else.

Completely separate issue, but I noticed my ships will cease firing if there is a sinking friendly ship potentially in the line of fire. I lost a TB right next to an enemy CA and my two CLs refused to fire until it sank completely and was removed from the game.

Edited by Iuvenalis
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I have had the same problem. Missions drag on a bit with multiple wars running at once, but "building ships" will occasionally softlock my entire campaign. I tried leaving it running for half an hour, no progress. Tried force quitting and reloading the save, same lockup during "building ships" after hitting the end turn button.

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As Japan, now at war with China, seizing up at Building Ships again worse than before. At peace, no problem at all.

EDIT - game not responding now.

EDIT - now seems like I can't go 2 months at war until game stops responding.

EDIT - Now game won't respond at Building Ships every month while at war.

Edited by Admiral Donuts
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11 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Beta Update 7 Hotfix (24/10/2022)

- Fixed bug that caused AI to insist on trying to build invalid designs (ships with higher tonnage than allowed in campaign) creating many delays in turns and in campaign generation. This was one major reason for turn delays, but probably not the only one. We need your continuous feedback to fix any remaining issue.

I guess this is what caused the game to freeze when turning to the next month stuck at *building new ships* notice

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10 hours ago, Admiral Donuts said:

One of the reasons why Sasebo is a unique location. The Japanese are capable of tremendous damage to fleets without leaving port. Right on developers.

What's more, once you take Formosa's 2 ports, and Sakhalin off the Russians, they have to run 3 minefields just to get to Vladivostok lol.

Concerned Rozhestvensky Makarov noises

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It is nice to finally be able to build BBs with Spain at the start of the campaing. However, at this point this is not a complaint, but legit curiosity: How many times I'm going to have to report the flag in the bow and stern of Spanish ships being incorrect? Currently, it displays the constitutional 1982 flag, instead of the 1878 one, which is correctly displayed on the mast. I'm aware it is a petty issue, but it is one that shouldn't take more time to solve than it took making captured ships using the current owner's flag instead of the original one.

On this topic, I also have another legit curiosity: Why did you even bother including the constitutional flag considering that the game ends like 30 years before that flag even existed?

Also, how many times I'm going to have to report that the use religious names (Like Santa María or San Salvador) was deprecated in the spanish navy like in the 1840s, and thus no 1890 ship should have them?

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Nice to have the hole world map now. I was playing as japan. Can you somehow make the map endless like in hearts of iron where you can scroll the map to the left right infinitely? Especially Japan and US need that.


Also the politics doesn't work at least for Japan. You are really limited with who you go to war with. In my playthough everyone is hating Austro-Hungaria, even my relations decayed constantly. Now i am at war with them like most other countries, which in return love me for this. I mean i don't even have the operational range to fight anyway. There are no events coming scince years and i gradually get better relations with my neighbours China and Russia.

I would like to see a overhaul of the political system. Give the player options to actively stear their country, just triggered events time to time don't do the trick.

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Small bug. Once you name a design for a ship class you cannot change any ship name. Example I design the Derfflinger class BC for Germany. The lead ship will be named Derflinger but if the following sister ship is named prinz von arselocken and I want to change it to Hindenburg I can't it's stuck as prinz von arselocken

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2 hours ago, vasok_aka_22v said:

After several years of war, the countries in which there was a revolution disappeared from the map and no longer appear with a new government.

Are you sure it was revolution? Countries can suffer economic collapse if their GPD falls too much and are then basically removed from the game as they are no longer organized/have the capacity to build navies.

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Can't start a war message №99999.

Started playing as SPain. What I expected: a hard war with the US. What I got: these Austrians, I hate them, let's fight them for nothing.

Meanwhile, relations with the US decrease to 99 every turn and then return to 94.


Edited by Lima
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An archetypal example of a cowardly AI, 2 BB are fleeing from 1CA and 1CL. Fools, we Spaniards will catch up with them and tear them to pieces. 


There is one observation - at the beginning of this battle, when I gave AI control of the ships, they began to move in the opposite direction from the enemy. I mean, for my ships it's logical, but for the enemy? Also, there are no torpedoes on my ships.

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