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>>> v1.06-1.08+ Feedback<<<(17/8/2022)

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The changes in the last hotfix regarding armour, fore and aft weight offset etc are unrelistic and arbitrary.

Yet another set of arbitrary and idiotic limits that need to be removed.

And please for the love of god fix pitch. Even ships with nothing on have a pitch of 20+%. this is unrealistic and terrible.

Also, please fix the AI. Its still terrible, even after multiple updates.

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48 minutes ago, akk1990 said:

The changes in the last hotfix regarding armour, fore and aft weight offset etc are unrelistic and arbitrary.

Yet another set of arbitrary and idiotic limits that need to be removed.

And please for the love of god fix pitch. Even ships with nothing on have a pitch of 20+%. this is unrealistic and terrible.

Also, please fix the AI. Its still terrible, even after multiple updates.

Could you show a design of oyurs that is flawed in this way?

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10 hours ago, Lakel said:

Bare minimum being, it can start fires, and those fires are no different than any other fire beyond the fact they start far closer to vital spots than above deck fires.

If you are getting  lots of magazine detonations due to that, stop cheaping out on  bulkheads and citadel protection. If you arent doing that, then start sacrificing something to your choice of deity because you have some of the crappiest luck.

In my case ive never seen a magazine  go off from a torpedo hit in game. Honestly I'd say torpedoes are on the weak side again, but then I always run max bulkheads and at least TPS II when available.

Max bulkheads, Full beam, Anti Torp 2 or 3 (Doesn't seem to matter) Antiflood 3.  All or nothing armor scheme with 17" belt


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3 hours ago, jtjohn1 said:

Max bulkheads, Full beam, Anti Torp 2 or 3 (Doesn't seem to matter) Antiflood 3.  All or nothing armor scheme with 17" belt

Any idea what size of torpedoes are hitting you? Should be able to see torpedo size on the enemy ship.

Still seems very odd as I mentioned. Just did a  few battles earlier  on my new  ITA camapign, plenty of torpedoes hitting my and the enemy ships, only flashfire or magazine detonations were from  gun hits. Get plenty of opportunities to see torpedoes with the stacks of shisp and escorts diving on in still 😛

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Thank God for the alt+tab

PS: This what happened when you ally with them for 30 years and then decided to declare on them

Edit 2: Oh the FPS went to trash, 3 FPS in battle. I admit I have an "old" i5-9600KF.


Edited by Vinrellren
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6 hours ago, Vinrellren said:

Thank God for the alt+tab

PS: This what happened when you ally with them for 30 years and then decided to declare on them

Edit 2: Oh the FPS went to trash, 3 FPS in battle. I admit I have an "old" i5-9600KF.


In what difficulty mode are you playing?

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3 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

In what difficulty mode are you playing?

Hard Difficulty, No changing anything. Just playing normal as Germany and allied France and UK since 1910 to around 1939. Then war declared by them and voila the french get's all of their ships out. They also camped at bonifacio port, for about 10 years they put around 200k to 1 million ton in a 20k port.

Bonifacio port during Franco-British war (they moved all the ships to english channel). But when they are at peace there are around 1 million ton of warship. It is almost mind blowing how much the AI pump out ships without caring about port capacity (Similar case to british camping at Cyprus yesterday, 4 MILLION TON in a 76k Ton port...)

Oh and one more thing:

Why the aiming bug happened again? Gun not firing although on aggresive and any accuracy, it's just aiming but not shooting, I have to click them everytime they reload.

Edited by Vinrellren
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2 hours ago, Vinrellren said:

Why the aiming bug happened again? Gun not firing although on aggresive and any accuracy, it's just aiming but not shooting, I have to click them everytime they reload.

It happens to me if the main guns are 9" or smaller, and the ship also has secondaries firing. It's why I build all my CA's with 10" and 11" guns.

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2 hours ago, Vinrellren said:

Hard Difficulty, No changing anything. Just playing normal as Germany and allied France and UK since 1910 to around 1939. Then war declared by them and voila the french get's all of their ships out. They also camped at bonifacio port, for about 10 years they put around 200k to 1 million ton in a 20k port.

Bonifacio port during Franco-British war (they moved all the ships to english channel). But when they are at peace there are around 1 million ton of warship. It is almost mind blowing how much the AI pump out ships without caring about port capacity (Similar case to british camping at Cyprus yesterday, 4 MILLION TON in a 76k Ton port...)

Oh and one more thing:

Why the aiming bug happened again? Gun not firing although on aggresive and any accuracy, it's just aiming but not shooting, I have to click them everytime they reload.

In my current campaign on legendary Germany has 800 ships and is simply parking two doom stacks out in the North Sea.

This is one of them:


And they are swimming in money! The upkeep for 800 ships doesn't make a dent in their budget...


@Nick Thomadis The increase to the cost of going above the port limit really doesn't effect the AI for the simple reason that even 25% more maintenance cost doesn't mount to much if the base amount is laughable because all ships are crap with minimum maintenance costs in the first place.


Edited by ZorinW
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7 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

In what difficulty mode are you playing?


I have had much larger forces go against me 500+ on Legendary I like the big battles it just drags so much between starting them and playing them.  That battle took over 21 minutes to load

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I've got some campaign AI feedback here, I think it mostly covers know issues but I still think it might be worth mentioning.
So I decided to engage the British death-stack anchored at Limassol, Cyprus as a sort of "Final Boss Fight" for my campaign, and the results were kinda underwhelming. 
It was a total paper tiger. A lot of the ships present had no business being afloat in 1949, let alone as frontline combatants. A few examples are as follows. Again, this battle took place in 1949.
What appears to be a 1890's vintage protected cruiser serving in the fleet screen
Accompanied by her equally obsolete CA counterpart
Even a few squadrons of first generation Dreadnoughts made an appearance to buff out the British battle-line.
Needless to say, it ended very poorly for the older vessels, which are entirely unsuited for frontline service in the age of super-heavy guns and radar guided fire control.
There's also the issue of the formation the AI had to manage during the battle. It looked a bit like this:
With 96 ships to command, things got very messy very quickly. A lot of smaller vessels were sunk early in the battle by long range hits because they were ramming in to the BB's, and a near miss on the battle-line would hit the fleet screens instead, causing horrific damage. Commanding such a formation would be a private Hell for anyone on this forum. Fighting it was pretty easy on the other hand, just fire into the confused mass of ships, and you're bound to hit something. Might not be what you intended to hit, but chances are it was something you'd want to sink eventually, so no harm in getting a head start.

So the AI had to command an overly complex formation, full of ships that had no business being there, and was expected to fight the most up-to-date designs I could build. When put into that context, the result was actually pretty predictable.
An absolutely soul-crushing defeat for the British. Their big, scary death-stack yielded nothing but a simple turkey shoot, rather than the grand, decisive battle I was hoping for.

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11 hours ago, Panzergraf said:

It happens to me if the main guns are 9" or smaller, and the ship also has secondaries firing. It's why I build all my CA's with 10" and 11" guns.

What I meant by aiming bug is that my 13,9 inch AND 8,9 inch (My BB guns) not firing although they had good accuracy and set on aggresive. It happened when I change my battle formation (Example: Bismarck,Kurfust,Kaiser)

Enemy torp Kurfust, so I had to detach Kurfust to avoid and then after that Bismarck and Kaiser refuse to fire at all while Kurfust is firing like normal. Sometimes I just combined Kurfust back to the formation and suddenly they fire normally. Or I just click right click everytime their gun reloads and in 5-10 salvo they returned to normal.

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I am playing as Germany in 1940 (1910 start date) and how obselete the French and the Brits are.. Most with Krupp 2, and large inch guns with only Mk1 or Mk2. I guess that's what happened when AI nations allied with players?

Their navy don't get wrecked at all so they kept maintaining old ships that doesn't belong in 1940. This however did not occured to the Italian and the now dissolved A-H, probably because their navy constantly get destroyed by the player, they managed to design a new and technologically advance ships ( Using 1930's tech and high Mk guns)albeit at a smaller number that the French and Brits.

This occured in 3 different campaign that I played and are almost the same ending.

1. 1910 A-H, always war with the Brits and French. Allied with Germans for around 30 years, by 1940 Brits and French are at around 50 ships or less each (All "modern" ships). Germans had 200 ships, most are old and obselete Dreadnought Hull BBs. When I go to war against them, it's almost like a walk in the park on a Sunday morning.

2. 1910 France, Allied with Brits, always at war with Italy, A-H and sometimes the Germans. Same thing happened again, Brits with hundreds of ships but old ones

3. 1910 Italy, not allying anyone, war with France and AH every time. Brits and Germans fighting against each other. Before the French and AH were dissolved they had modern fleets. By the time I am fighting Brits and the Germans both are still using partially obselete ships.

This probably ruined my final boss moment, because I expected a fierce fighting between the last remaining nation but what I got is a dissapointment.....

Economy still too easy to manage, just pick every GDP increase option everytime and 100% of the time you will get Billions per month when at war.f

This probably too long, so sorry for ranting here in the forum. I love this game, so I will always support the devs and help the development everytime I can by reporting bugs and such.

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On 8/4/2022 at 10:21 AM, Vinrellren said:

Edit 2: Oh the FPS went to trash, 3 FPS in battle. I admit I have an "old" i5-9600KF.image.thumb.png.6504736fc82f02a1439fcf6e9aeb0818.png


12 hours ago, SodaBit said:

There's also the issue of the formation the AI had to manage during the battle. It looked a bit like this:
With 96 ships to command, things got very messy very quickly. A lot of smaller vessels were sunk early in the battle by long range hits because they were ramming in to the BB's, and a near miss on the battle-line would hit the fleet screens instead, causing horrific damage. Commanding such a formation would be a private Hell for anyone on this forum. Fighting it was pretty easy on the other hand, just fire into the confused mass of ships, and you're bound to hit something.


But I will also add my part: destroying such a huge fleet means that the war is actually over and the AI will beg for peace every turn. You can actually win the war with the The British Empire (Rule the Waves, lol) in one turn/month.

So... A huge fleet means that your computer can't handle it, just like AI can't control it, while the player gets a "one battle" war.

Edited by TAKTCOM
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Okay, after having played a bit of a new campaign, I'm going to give some new feedback, aswell as present again some of my old, but still relevant feedback. This post will be long, so sorry in advance for the incoming wall of text.

The feedback is going to be divided into several categories, and in each of them, I will mark the issues as minor, mayor, and critical:

Minor: Things that need to be addressed or that will be nice to have in the game, but don't have a significan impact on the game and can wait.

Mayor: Things that while not gamebreaking, have a significan impact on the gameplay and should be addressed rather sooner than later.

Critical: Things that are gamebreaking or seriously compromise the gameplay, and which should be marked as top priority and fixed as soon as possible.

UI/Quality of life

- (Minor) A global setting to have the "Avoid ships" disabled by default would be greatly appreciated. Having to disable it manually from every single division, every single battle, is annoying to say the least.

- (Minor) The theoretical year a tech belong to should remain after the tech is researched, at least the most recent one. That would help if you want to use priorities to do balanced research and prevent techs to fall too behind.

- (Minor) The current way to address the tech levels of each country aren't really useful. Having the average year of their top techs instead would be more informative.

- (Mayor) Both the "delete design" and "scrap ship" buttons should ask for confirmation. Right now is too easy to delete a design/ship by mistake.

- (Mayor) Ships which take part in randomly generated missions more often than not return to random ports instead to come back to the port they came from.

- (Critical) Fleet management screen is not suited for the amount of ships in the current campaign, and simply is not functional anymore. At the very least, the options to filter by port and by ship type/class need to be added ASAP.

- (Critical) Permanent task forces are a must, and should be the top priority to make the game more playable in its current status. It doesn't has to be too complex, just like normal taskforces, but which doesn't get disbanded when they arrive a port. Once you have created one, you should have the option to set a home port to it (this is, where the ships belonging to the task force will go back for repairs) and two buttons to add/remove ships from it. Otherwise it can work like the normal taskforces. This might require adding tabs to ports, one to see unassigned ships and another to see taskforces.


- (Minor) Triple turrets weight should be further reduced. Weight per barrel should be lower in triples than in twins, as it was one of the main advantages of triples, and currently that is not represented in the game.

- (Mayor) Although I welcomed the torpedo nerf, because it was badly needed, some aspects of it should be reverted/reworked. The chances of explosion of submerged launchers should be significantly toned down, as with the current effectivity and reliability of torpedoes (which is adequate, by the way) they're not worth anymore, as for each time you actually manage to hit and damage an enemy ship with them, they explode and cripple your ship like ten times. Currently I no longer bother with torpedoes on anything bigger than TBs/DDs until deck launchers become available, and the ones on AI ships work in my favour (because of them exploding and crippling the ship) more often than not. Which is also hilarious because submerged launcers are supposed to be safer, and in my experience they explode more often than deck ones.

- (Mayor) Currently a lot of Armoured Cruiser hulls and early CLs are crippled due to the lack of casemate main guns. The worst offenders are the Semi Armoured hulls, which are based on a CL which had casemate main guns. How this has been overlooked for so long, or even made it to the release is beyond me, considering that main guns in CLs were a common thing even in the 1920s.

- (Mayor) Most pre dreadnought hulls aren't allowed to mount even 152 mm guns, when historically most pre dreadnoughts relied on very heavy secondary batteries (170-190 mm or even more)

- (Mayor) Effectivity of very light guns (4"/102mm and lower) against capital ships should be significantly lowered. if a ship armed with 4" guns could have reliably burnt down a battleship, I seriously doubt that the navies would have bothered with torpedoes at all.

- (Mayor) Chances of fire from partial pens should be significantly lowered. Right now partial pens deal way too much overall damage, essentially rendering heavy armour mostly worthless.

- (Critical) It is difficult to describe how hard 12"/305 mm are overperforming right now. Their base accuracy compared to the rest of large guns is so high, that even as late as the late 1920s they still outperform any other gun simply because due to the much higer accuracy and rate of fire they're going to land two to four times more shots than any other gun, even with the same tech level. 12" base accuracy should receive a significant nerf, with 11" also getting a small nerf to avoid simply moving the problem an inch down, while 13" and above maybe should get a slight base accuracy buff to make them more even.

AI behaviour

- (Mayor) I've noticed that even on legendary, with billions of naval funds, the AI still lag far behind the player in tech research. Maybe coding in that the AI should have research funding maxed so long as their funds are in positive could be a good first step to make them more competitive.

- (Mayor) AI should be teach to keep better combat lines, and overal get better combat AI. Right now, even with more ships and even in the rare case in which they have better ships, they struggle to get any result because their combat line management prevent them from getting an adecuate volume of fire over player ships.

- (Critical) One of the mayor problems that the AI faces when it comes to keeping their fleet competitive is that they don't know how to properly refit. Through the data shown on the briefings, and the one I have gathered on ships I've got as war reparations, their refits more often than not are worse than the original ships (I.E. 1889 bbs which had their top speed dropped from 17,6 kn to 14,5 on the refit, making them completely useless). It should be coded than, when refitting no parameter of the ship can be lower than the original.

- (Critical) The AI relies too much on outdated designs. It should be made that the AI has to make new designs every set time (each 3-4 years), and that for those new designs they have to use the newest hull available with maxed displacement. Also make sure that the AI only is allowed to build the newest design for each class. This point alone would significantly increase AI combat performance.

- (Critical) The AI needs to be teach some proper fleet management to avoid the doomstacks, because playing one or two decissive battles each turn is not only unrealistic, but also annoying and unenjoyable to a large part of the community. A few fellow admirals like @o Barão have proposed very good solutions, but as this could be hard and take a lot of time until it is finally addressed, and a solution is needed now, as an stopgap solution, the amount of ships and overall tonnage you can place on a task force should be hardcapped, and decissive battles sould be kept as events. Something like "A large enemy fleet has been spotted heading <insert destination>. We should counteract it!" and then you'll have the option to assemble an special fleet to meet them and fight the decissive battle.

Ship designer

- (Minor) When copying a refitted ship to create a buildable, refitted sub class of an existing ship, you should be able to "mark" it as beinf effectively the same class as the refitted one, so they can be consolidated as a single class in further refits, this making the refit process much easier, as currently a separate refit for each subclass is required.

- (Minor) Hulls marked as obsolete should be AI only. Players can have uses for obsolete hulls (for example, as inexpensive, expendable dedicated Coastal Defence ships)

- (Mayor) Captured ships can't be refitted, which significantly reduce their combat value, and thus their overall value as war reparations. I pretty much suspect that this has to do something with a bug I discovered, such being the fact that, despite the "view" button on the fleet screen management stating that you can create refits from ships from there, you actually can't even for your own ships, and only can do them from the "ship design" screen.


- (Minor) Ships surrendered due to crew losses (which reallistically would be scuttled,  and likely that's why they're not recoverable currently) should have a decreasing % chance of being captured/recovered depending on how much time passed between the surrender and the battle end, as scuttling takes time (Even in the Scapa Flow scuttling where the germans did their best to ensure all the ships would sink, the brits managed to save some ships before they sank)

- (Minor) Having the option to buy ships from other countries, or sell your own to other countries (specially to minor ones) would be a good option to have.

- (Minor) Convoy defence/raid missions still ending after the escorts get sunk, without giving the chance to take down the TRs, despite being having reported as an issue for nearly 8 months by now. This means that those missions can't be actually lost/won, because if the TRs survived, you didn't manage your objetive if attacking, and you met the objetive if defending. In my opinion, it should work like this: If the player is the attacker, once the escorts are put down, then the mission continues and you chase the TRs. If the player is defending, the same, is the AI who chases the TRs. In this last case, the player should be allowed to end the battle, but then the TRs are count as sunk.

- (Minor) Names of sunk/scrapped ships doesn't return to the pool of available names, which means that most nations, either AI or players, run out of names around 30 years into the campaign.

- (Minor) Some techs speed require tweaking. For example, Cruiser, Engines, and Gun Layout usually get very far behind their intended year unless priorities are used.

- (Minor) Some techs in specific countries have odd unlock orders. For example, in Germany you unlock Battleship III before Battleship II. Also with Germany, when you first unlock a DD hull, you have no displacement limit, which allows you to build a 953t DD with maxed displacement and beam. But then the next researchs are 900 and 950 T DD, which is actually a downgrade form the original unlock. That means that if you went for the 953t DD, once you unlock the next reseach, you can no longer build nor refit them as they are now overwight, and you have to wait for years for two full reseachs to complete to be allowed to do so again.

- (Mayor) The bug in which if ship A gets close to another ship B which is being shot at, then ship A receives a 100% accuracy from the shots fired at ship B is still present.

- (Mayor) Until the diplomacy system is full fledged, an "I hate you" button which instantly lower your relations to a point where the tension system starts working again) would be greatly needed. Also, a way to manually break alliances would be desirable.

- (Mayor) Currently the tension system has some flaws. The most infuriating of them, is the fact that once you get to certain points, namely +/-50, the system simply stops working and nothing you do matter anymore, the relation will keep going up/down regardless. While I do realise this is a placeholder for the diplomacy system, it would be desirable to make it more functional.

This is all I can think about right now. Sorry again for the text wall.

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On 8/3/2022 at 1:03 PM, jtjohn1 said:

I know all about North Carolina's torpedo hit.  A 35K Ton treaty battleship hit in the worst possible spot by a torpedo much bigger than what the TDS was designed to defeat resulting in a small fuel fire in a lower handling room (Pucker factor maxed out!!) but the systems worked and no magazine detonation.

This game I have had multiple immediate detonations of magazines on 98K Ton battleships by smaller torps going thru the TDS of these mammoth ships to the tune of about a 40-50% chance of having this happen.  

Can it happen?  In a universe where there is Chaos theory of course it can.  Historically it never did but it certainly could.  But not at that rate.  Heck USS Savannah had a Fritz X go OFF in the lower handling room and not have the magazine explode (Because of the water rushing in from the hole in the bottom and side of the ship)  All of the other torp hits on battleships from the hunt for the Bismarck to  Pearl thru Operation Ten Go in the Pacific and none resulted in a magazine explosion.

I don't know uss hammann blow up after hit by torpedos of i-168

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Okay, further Balance feedback:

- (Mayor) Maximum shipyard tonnage should be reworked, specially the way it increases. Instead of being a set amount depending on the stard date, should be a variable amount depending on when you make the upgrade: For example, from 1890 to 1895, 1000 t each time, from 1895 to 1900, 1500 t each, and so on. Maximum shipyard tonnage should be key element of the campaign, not something you pay attention when designing your first gen of BBs and then forget it even exists. Furthermore, being able to build maximun tonnage of each hull upon unlock not only kills the challenge, but leaves some hulls like the small dreadnought without a real use.

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7 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Hello Admirals,

We offer an update which aims to be the last before the next major update. It includes important fixes and improvements that you can read below.


A quick look at my ship design screen tells me that you broke pre dreds again. All of mine are over 1000t overweight now.

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One major issue is the game is automatically moving damaged ships into very small harbors then you are acruing the harbor penalty.  The auto battle is also getting worse (3 CAs 1 CL battle 4 98K Ton battleships sink two CAs but experience heavy damage to the battleships that will take months to fix.  In a harbor that's too small for them....)

Maintenance costs are getting ridiculous if the AI is experiencing the same costs they won't be able to build up a fleet.

The game economy has gotten much worse the last couple of patches imho.  


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