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>>> v1.06-1.08+ Feedback<<<(17/8/2022)

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The next major update v1.06 is finally available for all players! We deeply thank all beta testers who aided us with their valuable feedback to improve the game further and with their ideas to shape up the large content of this patch.

After all, this game is for you -the players- and so when you actively help us you not only influence the development of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts to head in the direction you choose, but the game to become significantly improved, even beyond our own expectations.

Please read about the content of the patch:


We hope you will enjoy it!

The Game-Labs Team


Known small issue:
If you click buttons in loading screens you may freeze the game but if you select to "Wait for the game to Respond" the game will continue normally. 


*1.07 Hotfix*
- Fixed issues that could greatly delay the campaign turns ("Building Turns" Lag).
- Fixed bug that could cause crew training to become higher than "trained" without combat.
- Total Crew pool will now depend on population and will not increase infinitely.
- Adjusted Tension to be caused a little more easily.
- Fixed issue that caused Conning Tower armor limit to be very low.
- Campaign AI will scrap ships or delete old designs more efficiently (AI fleets should become stronger in the long term).

*v1.08 Hotfix*
- Fixed issue with war reparations that made the old owner of a province to still use its ports.
- Fixed a memory allocation problem when exiting the Ship Design in campaign (might significantly reduce the chance of a crash).
- Task Force adjustments (Merging/Engage Distances improved).
- Fleet withdraw chance relation from speed intensified.
- Task Forces in defense now always have a “Withdraw” ability (except in Port Strike battles).
- Increased the ship maintenance by +30%, to balance out the potential size of fleets.
- Increased slightly the exponential engine weight according to speed to disallow unrealistic speed abuse in old hulls.
- Some propellant availability adjustments to have less obsolete propellants in a specific time period
- Dual Secondary guns for capital ships / Secondary guns for cruisers can be researched sooner.

9/7/2022 QuickFix of v1.08
- FIxed bug that caused designs to not be saved in campaign.
Please restart Steam to receive the update. Version nbr. remains the same.

Note: It is advised to start a new campaign because multiple things can break, saved ships can become overweight and their refit can take longer, making turns to lag.

A very important hotfix has just been deployed, including numerous fixes and improvements as per your recent feedback.

*v1.08.1 Hotfix*  [14/7/2022]

  • Fixed major bug of the new citadel mechanics which affected the penetration calculations and damage. For example, you could notice impossible deck penetrations at very close range. Now the system should provide consistent penetration calculations utilizing properly the angle of hit.
  • Fixed major old issues causing campaign turn delays and freezes due to auto-design processes.
  • Fixed major bug in the campaign which caused wars between nations that have signed a peace treaty.
  • Fixed major bug which caused the crew pool of AI to stall and eventually the AI to have no active ships left because it could not convert mothballed ships to active, even when they became fully crewed.
  • Fixed old bug which caused ships without crew to participate in Task Force battles.
  • Fixed campaign bug which caused AI inactivity.
  • Fixed minor problems with the Cruiser Tech progress, causing sometimes late cruisers to be researched sooner than early cruisers.
  • Definite fix of crew pool to not provide higher training than "trained". Maximum training will be achieved only in combat.
  • Improvements in "Speed Basics" missions: Changed hull from CL to DD in the first mission. Removed speed limit of opponent.
  • Battle AI improvements in all aspects.
  • Fixed  British "Battlecruiser VI" which did not have non-researchable sec towers.
  • Reduced Port Capacity growth.
  • Tension slight rebalance to allow Nations that start in neutral relations to cause negative relations more easily.
  • Rebalances on the events that affect the Naval Budget. 
  • Further increase in ship maintenance.
  • Ships in Task Forces  with “Low Crew” status will be automatically sent for repairs.
  • Other minor.

*v1.08.2 Hotfix* [16/7/2022]

  • Fixed remaining crew training bug (Now also the crew on ships has maximum “trained” level if they do not combat). Previously only the “Crew Pool” was working as intended.
  • Fixed fully the bug that could cause zero crew ships or ships under repair to enter combat in the campaign.
  • Fixed probably the last bugs of alliances. Any current issue in your play session should become resolved with an internal validity check on the next turn.
  • Fixed bugs in campaign events which did not deduct the funds from the player (although the respective amounts were sent).
  • Fixed problem in the Refit interface which allowed you to browse normal designs and click “New Design” which eventually could cause bugs.
  • Removed the “Copy” button from refit as it was never meant to work for refit and it was buggy.
  • Fixed bug which did not allow you to switch to “Sea Control” role.
  • Fixed issues in citadel weight mechanics that could cause over-weight on one side too much.
  • Adjusted better the auto-design so that the system is more efficient, speeding up the process and making campaign turns faster.

v1.08.3 Small Update


  • Important repairs in the memory allocation system. Textures and meshes that were not cleared by memory would previously create a very large memory consumption and potential crashes, according to circumstances and time played. Now most of those issues are resolved.
  • Fixed bug that caused training from combat to not be applied and thus training was clamped to “trained” level.
  • Fixed bug which could corrupt saved designs with false message “Too far from previous place”, which was caused when a previous auto-refit was interrupted.
  • Fixed minor issue causing the main menu music to not fade out when we opened custom battle saves.
  • Fixed some casemate gun errors found in early Italian Dreadnoughts and other hulls (guns could be placed but had zero fire arc).
  • Fixed UI problem which could cause some research with long text to hide the window close button.
  • Fixed UI problem which could show false aiming progress numbers below -100%.
  • Fixed old bug which caused at close range impossible shell hits in parts that were obstructed by the superstructure or were at the other hidden side of the hull.


  • Slight formation and ship evasion improvements. Large formations should be controlled a bit more easily, if you create a main battle line and order small ships to scout/screen this formation. Ship acceleration/deceleration are slightly adjusted, aiding the formations and keeping the realism.
  • Improved the penetration mechanics further, so that the shell’s angle of fall affects in a more realistic manner the side hits. Statistical data will show the effective armor that was penetrated including the angle calculations.\
  • Battle AI & Targeting adjustments. The AI should create more effective firing lines.
  • Further Auto-Design enhancements for producing even more competitive AI ships.
  • Now any old design can be deleted at the player's will (be aware that you cannot undo this action).
  • Turret maximum armor is now more prohibited according to the size of the turret. Overarmoring unrealistically the turrets will no longer be possible.
  • Ship maintenance further increased as an action to balance the economy for both player and AI.
  • Shell Dispersion improvements.

v1.08.4 Hotfix

  • Fixed further some issues which could cause large time delays in building/auto-designing ships.
  • Fixed problem which caused too large weight offset for ships with very long citadel.
  • Optimizations in the penetration mechanics, so that full penetrations are distinctly devastating when they happen.
  • Fixed bug of collision detection which caused fast ships to penetrate right through each other when colliding (this fix will also affect positively the avoid detection).
  • Fixed bug which created infinite loop lag in the ship dockyard when adding components or when the ship became overweight.
  • Battle AI optimizations.
  • Campaign AI fleet management/building improvement.

*v1.08.5 Hotfix*


  • *Repaired the memory leak issue:* The memory consumption increased while you held a part and hovered on the mount. When you spent a lot of time designing ships by hand, this memory leak could accumulate to very high values, affecting game performance and even crashing the game.
  • Repaired problems of the auto-design which could cause too long campaign turns when building ships.
  • Fixed issue of the not updated flag for ships you gained with war reparations.
  • Fixed problem of no dissipation for the income loss due to sunk transports, causing incurable financial collapse, especially to the AI.
  • Fixed problem that caused ships in a formation to not avoid other obstacles and prefer to move straight.
  • Fixed bug that prevented adding armor in some 5-inch barbettes.
  • Fixed bug that highlighted all the ship cards when entering the ship design interface.
  • Fixed bug that could cause torpedoes or guns to be fired on the opposite side of the ship, when the target was too near.


  • Improved Refit mechanics and UI so now you can copy a refit to create a new design. Additionally, more information is given in the “Refit” button on why some ships can or cannot be refitted.
  • Improved penetration mechanics so that the shell terminal velocity is more accurately affecting the penetration and angle of hit.
  • Improved ship physics and their motion at sea.
  • Reduced the weight of Radio/Hydrophone/Sonar and increased their cost respectively.
  • Increased the cost of Radar.
  • AI targeting fine tuning.
  • Shell dispersion improvements.
  • Slight adjustment to citadel weight modifiers.
  • Armor weight adjustments to rise exponentially and prevent the creation of unrealistic ships with too much unnatural armor for the size of the ship.

*v1.08.6 Quick Fix*

- Armor weight exponentially increases better, allowing more design freedom.
- Auto-Design effectiveness and speed increased (fixed also problem that could cause overarmoring of a ship section).
- Citadel armor offers more consistent protection (Tooltips updated to show the minimum amount of penetration power loss before hitting the layer)
- Maximum Ship maintenance penalty when exceeding the port's capacity limit increased from +25% to +50%.
- Fixed some small UI issues (Gun sorting in Ship Design could become unstable, Fixed zero port capacity appearing as -1).
- Adjustments to the ship physics to lessen the pitch motion.
- Increased the TR capacity output, so that nations can overcome the losses of transports quicker according to the money invested.

*v1.08.7 Hotfix*

  • Fixed bugs that created too long Campaign turns while designing ships. Auto-Design in general should be faster now and not “freeze” as it did before on some occasions.
  • Fixed bugs that created errors in Transport Capacity output for AI nations and impossibility to increase their GDP.
  • Fixed bug that made AI nations lose free crew from pool and have not enough to send to operational ships.
  • GDP growth penalty during war increased. It should better balance the money availability for all nations during war.
  • Various adjustments on penetration and penetration estimations. Fixed issues related with the impact of shell velocity on penetration values.
  • Shell dispersion fixes.
  • Battle AI fine tuning to keep a more effective distance for itself.
  • The game now can run on the background (by disabling “Full Screen” mode from the settings), so you can Alt+Tab and work with other applications while the game loads or does a lengthy procedure.

*v1.08.8 Small Update*


  • Fixed a bug of alliances which could cause a nation to be in an alliance and not follow the war against its enemies.
  • Fixed UI bug which caused the citadel sections to not show up in ships of very large displacement.
  • Fixed turret rotation bug which could freeze the turret movement when a ship was maneuvering heavily. This bug affected the AI a lot, when executing evasive maneuvers and severely reduced its effectiveness.
  • Fixed a bug that affected the power projection calculations making transport losses too few.
  • Fixed campaign bug that caused zero crew ships to be used in combat.


  • Improved campaign AI to build ships only of the latest design.
  • Improved campaign AI to more effectively scrap ships, and so to create a more advanced fleet.
  • New feature which was planned for the next major update: Crew Heal/Salvage techs. Researching survivability allows options to improve the amount of crew casualties that become restored after combat. This feature is not yet fully working, please note.
  • Crew pool growth decreased (it would become inflated due to the latest changes).
  • Ship maintenance increased further.
  • Slight armor weight adjustments (Affecting mainly ships of small displacement which could become over-armored easily).
  • Improved penetration mechanics/estimations. You will also notice more accurate penetration estimations when hovering on a target.
  • Various Battle AI improvements.
  • Increased funds in the Naval Academy to compensate for the latest armor weight adjustments which affect costs.
  • Improved further the Auto-Design in its speed and effectiveness of its designs.

    EDIT: Uploaded fix for targeting. Please restart Steam to receive the update.
    EDIT 2: Uploaded small repair for fixing a potential issue of AI overscrapping ships. Additionally fixed some old issues which allowed ships under repair to be used in campaign missions in some rare occasions.

*v1.08.9 Small Update*

  • Various repairs in the code of penetration estimations. The shell speed estimations are now properly working and showing accurate data info in the gun tables and ship stats. These changes will also affect the battle as the penetrations are calculated with improved consistency.
  • Fixed old issue of shell hits to, sometimes, appear inconsistent. A hit could appear landing on the bow but it was physically and visually evaluated as a citadel hit in the sections eventually causing inconsistent damage. The hit mapping repairs fixes various issues reported by players regarding penetration, damage and hit rates, as deck hits would be very inconsistent.
  • Fixed wrong damage information of ships in the campaign, causing confusion to players, and sometimes wrong evaluation of ships to get into repairs or not.
  • Fixed old issue of wrongly allowing Task Forces to be auto-replenished with crew at sea (while adding crew is impossible from the fleet management). The ships should now properly return to port for repairs if the crew losses become high. This fix also addresses the exploit of players parking huge battleship task forces in AI waters and progressively destroying them because the ships would not be damaged (Due to previous damage repair wrong info) nor have any crew losses on the next turns, so eventually the Task Forces dominated the area. AI overpowered fleets will also become less effective in an equal way.
  • Fixed “Saved Crew” indication not appearing in consecutive battles.
  • Weight adjustments for deck, turrets, barbettes. Deck armor is slightly lighter, with a more profound effect in large ships. Turret and Barbette armor limits are now more historically correct.
  • Fixed "saved" battles bug, which caused ammo values to be corrupted if you loaded the same battle more than one time.
  • Definite fix of turret rotation bugs. Now the turrets will not fire at impossible angles and will follow the ship listing left or right. If the turrets are not able to fire due to horizontal/vertical angle then this will appear on the respective gun info.

Uploaded Repair x1: Fixed minor issues with Deck Hit Ratio on tall ships.

*v1.08.9 (REPAIRED x2)*
- Fixed campaign bug that caused zero structure ships to enter battle (the fix can be noticed in new campaigns or in a couple of next turns in ongoing campaigns)
- Fixed oversensitive angle factor which caused the turrets to not fire (more adjustments will make the turrets to behave much less realistic)
- Fixed some ballistics/penetration issues which caused long barreled guns overpowered.
- Fixed problem of campaign which caused CL/CA/DD classes to have less raiding power against transports than they should have.
- Fixed bug that caused mothballed ships to refit much faster.
- Battle AI fixes.

The Game Labs Team


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Early on in this beta i had doubts it could be made releasable at all, but it certainly came a long way, and with all the updates it was clear that constant and tireless development was taking place. 25+ updates, what a beta test!


When i posted this in the suggestion thread


and said navel guns, especially the smaller ones, did not come in uniform 1in increments, I doubted they would try to tackle such a system, a true citadel system too, but its all in pretty good shape now.


My only remaining nag is the colossal structural hitpoint damage from tower and funnel penetration, hits to these should damage system performance, less so structural integrity. The more armor you put on them the worse it gets, that just sets off the fuse instead of over penetrating.

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27 minutes ago, Fangoriously said:

Early on in this beta i had doubts it could be made releasable at all, but it certainly came a long way, and with all the updates it was clear that constant and tireless development was taking place. 25+ updates, what a beta test!


When i posted this in the suggestion thread


and said navel guns, especially the smaller ones, did not come in uniform 1in increments, I doubted they would try to tackle such a system, a true citadel system too, but its all in pretty good shape now.


My only remaining nag is the colossal structural hitpoint damage from tower and funnel penetration, hits to these should damage system performance, less so structural integrity. The more armor you put on them the worse it gets, that just sets off the fuse instead of over penetrating.

The 1 inch or other smaller guns like a half inch gun from M2 Browning machine gun, 12.7mm guns, 20mm guns, 25mm guns and 37mm guns hasn't added to the game yet, but it is the one where we have been missing to replicate anti-aircraft type weapons and the other guns that the navies have been used from the late 19th century and all way to WW1 period

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26 minutes ago, Kiknurazz91 said:

one issue remains the freezing at loading screens is getting ridiculous!

Yep, just lost another great 1930 battleship design forever, that i spent the last 45 minutes designing, because the game cannot exit the ship designer properly at turn 0 of the campaign, were nothing has even happened yet. If the devs do anything next, fix this, at least actually save the design, it doesn't even do that unless it loads successfully.

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Ok, so I'm still working on finishing a 1.06.23 1910 campaign so I'm  off-line to avoid the update, however I haven't seen this mentioned so I assume it is still valid. 

I'm having trouble with the formation function, every battle so far (1910-1930s) my ships have been colliding with other ships in their formation, especially in line. As I say it has happened in every battle and most of the time I only have 3 fast  BB.

The last battle I had 3 BB (enemy had about 15 ships) and it happened 9 times before I stopped counting. It happened well over a dozen times all up, in one battle, with 3 ships. 

Generally the second ship tries to overtake the lead ship and tries to turn into it, but I've had times when all 3 ships have been in a huddle with the outside ships both trying to turn into the centre (lead) ship. 

Often when not colliding the second ship is charging off at 90deg to the direction of travel of the line, sometimes, but not always, dragging the rest of the line with it. 

When I was still playing online I had sent some bug reports. 

Edit; should memtion, NOT in torpedo range (by a long way) and avoid torpedoes off.  Avoid ships on.

Edited by kjg000
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So conning tower armor is now limited? This wasn't the case in the betas, and I'm not sure why its limited, for instance french exp dread BB hull is limited to 13.6" max. That's a little thin for what I normally like to use for my BB conning towers. 

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So, I started the campaign for Italy in 1920. I sent the ships to the French ports in the Atlantic and the English Channel, as usual. 2 turns the relationship deteriorated, then for 20 (!) turns - nothing.

I receive only notifications about the improvement of relations with UK in the western Mediterranean. They also don't care about my ships near Scapa Flow.

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1 hour ago, Lima said:

So, I started the campaign for Italy in 1920. I sent the ships to the French ports in the Atlantic and the English Channel, as usual. 2 turns the relationship deteriorated, then for 20 (!) turns - nothing.

I receive only notifications about the improvement of relations with UK in the western Mediterranean. They also don't care about my ships near Scapa Flow.

Try sending larger fleets.

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1 hour ago, Lima said:

So, I started the campaign for Italy in 1920. I sent the ships to the French ports in the Atlantic and the English Channel, as usual. 2 turns the relationship deteriorated, then for 20 (!) turns - nothing.

I receive only notifications about the improvement of relations with UK in the western Mediterranean. They also don't care about my ships near Scapa Flow.

I had a similar experience playing with the Germans in 1890. I never managed to raise tensions with the British. But diplomacy events allowed me to start a war with them.

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The new barrel length and diameter features are really cool with this patch, but holy mother of g o d, please revisit the doom-stacking of AI fleets. I just faced OVER HALF OF THE BRITISH FLEET IN THE FIRST BATTLE OF THE WAR:20220707000759_1.thumb.jpg.a40e02e5bed7051469c1f821b65e35f2.jpg

Oh, and I can't forget to mention that they are fielding ridiculous speed-tank destroyers that are traveling at OVER 37 KNOTS IN 1912:


These suckers even took multiple 12 inch rounds at point-blank range and wouldn't sink. I don't see how this is reasonable at all in this era...

The Russian Novik could go just over 37 knots in 1910, but it also had some 40% more displacement than this smolboy, British race-car. It was also a single ship... Pretty sure they didn't have 35 of them... Most destroyers weren't going more than 35 knots even around 1920.

I could not run away because they were so insanely fast, so their nine battleships were able to shell me from over 17 km because the DDs could spot me. Very frustrating. I had to leave the battle.


Please work to fix the doom stacks as soon as possible. Situations like this could theoretically occur, but they don't make for very good battles. The performance is terrible, the fleet management is a nightmare, and it is nearly impossible to fight. We really shouldn't face more than 3:1 odds...

Aside from the massive numerical advantage, I also had to spend the first 10 minutes of the battle fixing my fleet because the divs were organized in such an asinine way. This makes these undermatch battles even more frustrating, because I have to reorganize my fleet instead of focusing on engagement tactics. SHIPS SHOULD NOT BE IN THE SAME DIV IF THEY ARE ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE DESIGNATED FLAGSHIP.  I run into this issue all the time and it is infuriating. The formations are actually pretty good, but the div assignment is just nonsensical. I don't understand how this is such a prevalent issue... It should just be an x,z position check before assignment. 

The fleet I was using was very reasonable, and I would have happily fought a battle against 40-50 ships, but almost 90 is just insane. I can usually put up a good fight when outnumbered by 2:1 or 3:1 odds. I would have just surrendered in this position in real life... Realistically, I just never would have gotten within 10km of a fleet more than 4 times the size of my own... That's suicide.

Edited by VanillaBryce
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1 hour ago, Grandpa Canuck said:

Try sending larger fleets.

I always send almost the entire fleet - in this case, there are two task forces of 6 BC each in the North Atlantic and in the English Channel.

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1.06 campaign feedback


Unlocked 3k CL hulls, but...


I already have them since the beginning.


This option is all negative. Maybe a %1 +GDP or an small increase in the relations?


I couldn't raise tensions. It was trough diplomacy events for the most part. In the recent turns, A-H moved this doom stack that helped to raise the tensions to provoke a war. So no, this is not a reaction from AI against my powerful fleet. Instead, it was me that needed to call all my fleets to regroup to face this menace.

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The new patch accuracy is a complete bullshit.

Now that I look at the missions again I finally realize what the problem is. There's a mission called "Jeune École has failed". WTF? How could something that never work in the first place possibly failed?

Can someone please tell whoever make the accuracy model that Jeune École is an absolute nonsense as proven by history? Japanese navy immediately abandoned it as soon as they try it in combat since clearly despite having more modern fleet and infinitely better trained crew they almost loss Battle of the Yalu River if the Chinese had anything better than porcelain-filled shells. Even the French build battleships as soon as they have enough money despite Jeune École clearly said they are vulnerable against small craft.


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2 hours ago, o Barão said:

1.06 campaign feedback


Unlocked 3k CL hulls, but...


I already have them since the beginning.


This option is all negative. Maybe a %1 +GDP or an small increase in the relations?


I couldn't raise tensions. It was trough diplomacy events for the most part. In the recent turns, A-H moved this doom stack that helped to raise the tensions to provoke a war. So no, this is not a reaction from AI against my powerful fleet. Instead, it was me that needed to call all my fleets to regroup to face this menace.

I thought this nonsense was fixed during the last round of testing??

UAD_doom stack.jpg

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Speaking of doom stacks that AI always doing that in campaign mode, do you think this is only suitable for the PCs who has highest performance and highest space? (I prefer the custom PC ones with high end ones, not normal ones. Just asking about this situation)

Edited by IsmaelMolina2021
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1. My issues with the ship designer crashing on exit seems to have been resolved. Thank you.

2. When I face a doom stack, I run. If you can't run, then you need to prioritise speed. Speed defines every engagement. If you have the upper hand speedwise, then you dictate the terms of every battle. Including if it takes place at all.

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1 hour ago, ZorinW said:

I thought this nonsense was fixed during the last round of testing??

UAD_doom stack.jpg

What, you call that a doom stack? No mate, THIS is a doom stack!


Never, ever leave A-H alone in the Adriatic.

Edit: At x2 its almost playable! should just take me a couple of hours!

Edit 2: Nope I was wrong, unplayable even at X1

Edit 3: I've left it on AI, luckily these 3 BBs are my DD killers, 39 kts, RADAR II, and 12.9"/54, 8.9"/46 and 3.9"/48 and most of the A-H ships are old junk.

Edit 4: So I left it running (X3) and went and read a book, I came back to check on it just as the battle screen was fading at the end of the timer. I just has time to jot down the hits,

Enemy 245 hits, 671 damage, 9 CA 79DD and 11 TB sunk plus unknown ships damaged.

Me 36k hits, 697k damage, 3BB light damage.

As mentioned most of the A-H ships were old and useless. This was Jan 1929, the game started Jan 1890 and while A-H had been in some wars they obviously didn't lose many ships and just kept, and maintained, the old junk while building more and more 'new' ships. Why? Modernize or scrap the old junk and keep a sizable but relevant fleet!

I let this play expecting to loose my ships, I did not expect to win, let alone sink 99 ships and seriously damage many more. It was not fun, other than to satisfy my curiosity, and without setting all my ships on AI it was not even playable at X1. If players are reading a book while the game plays, this is not a good sign.

Whenever I had a peak, it seemed my 3 BBs were just circling the helpless A-H ships, possibly because there were too many for the AI to handle and mount a decent response.

1. Set limit on the sizes of fleets any side can deploy in a battle. 40 a side, 50 a side, even 60 a side! NOT 278 on one side!

2. Don't burden the AI players with redundant ships, refit or scrap excess old ships.

3. A-H especially seems to become isolated in the Adriatic and build Doom Stacks ( or in this case a DOOOOOM Stack)  which get triggered when an enemy fleet enters. I had TF in the Eastern Med which were never engaged, it was only when I forced the issue and entered the Adriatic that I triggered the Doom Stack.

Edited by kjg000
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4 hours ago, Nagato said:

So 1.06 is finally out, now, when will we see 1.07 topic? Is there chance we will have new nations in the 1.07, like US or Japan?

The game could really do with a round of fixing and polishing what's already there instead of bolting more features and content onto it.

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I understand that the torpedo boats needed a nerf, but the 1890 gun accuracy has been increased so much they're practically useless outside of running down convoy freighters.  It's almost impossible to run a squadron of anything less than five or six boats at 31 knts in against a single BB or CA opponent and survive, making them a completely cost ineffective option.  I'd recommend a solution where a 3"QF unlock in the tech tree serves as the catalyst (As it did historically) to start to change the paradigm but until then gives the TBs a brief but enjoyable reign as the terror they were before naval gunnery improvements caught up with them.  I don't have a problem with the damage model updates to TBs that make them floating Ronson lighters - that portion is almost perfect imho.

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