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>>> Beta 1.06 Feedback<<< (FINAL UPDATE 6th Release Candidate)

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People have been complaining about slow R&D and slow growth, 

To use Germany as an example, 1890 GDP is 7.5 and 1900 GDP is 15B, 
In order to reach that level you need 7.18% annualized growth rates, which is actually very (more than) achievable in the campaign if you have enough convoys and are not constantly at war. 

However I noticed when testing to see just how 'Tall' i could make my country [by keeping it out of war] 
That my GDP as germany in an 1890 campaign caps out at 9.375B, despite showing a positive growth, I kept 'next turn'-ing until january 1900, and the cap remained. So I suspect if i keep clicking next turn my GDP will stay at 9.375b until the end of the game. 

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I just had the same near-infinite shots bug others already discribed.

It started when an enemy ship surrendered. Right at that moment itunloaded 78 shots on my BB, which it thankfully survived due to the enemy only shooting 60mm and my ship being well armoured. Then my ship did something similar to another enemy ship 3 seconds later, hitting it 350 times in less than 2 seconds, insta-decrewing it.

Then did the same to a TB and then it was finally over and the last enemy ship had a regular shooting match with my ship.

Edit: It happened again the next mission, so I could pay a bit more attention to it. It seems like only the 2" derivates are affected by this, but not any other gun.

When you hit pause while the bug is going, despite the same being halted the affected ship will keep being hosed down by invisible 2" shots, which do not appear to be deducted from any of my ships (at least not during the pause).

The moment I de-selected the enemy ship, the hail of fire stopped and did not start back up again, neither during nor after the pause and the rest of the mission went on normally (except for choppy performance).

Oh and on the ship that was hit during the pause the hit-ratio of incoming shots was 1206%


I did not change any files or use any kind of third-party program. Standard 1890 campaign as Austria Hungary started with Update 14.

Edit: Nevermind the 2" thing. When my ship fired at an enemy with the bug, it used solely the 2", but when the enemy ship hit me, it was a 102mm derivate. But in both cases the firing ship had multiple different guns and only bugged with one of them.

Edit: Okay this bug is weirding me out... it's like it's evolving. First it was from clicking something, now it happened again, but from mouse-overing something without clicking... oO

Edited by Norbert Sattler
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I have an issue where I have defeated the Hungarian fleet to the point where they have 0 ships. I cant get them to surrender. They have tried a couple of times but when I click agree to the peace treaty, nothing happens and war continues or they immediately go back to war in the same turn. Also it says I may owe reparations but I never have to give them anything and I never have any option to demand anything. I don't know if this is an effect of being allied with another country who doesn't want peace with them so I am forced to stay at war. 

It would be nice if we had a button that we could manually request peace or declare war. This would make the options to use the reparations mechanic more useful. We could offer ships, land, or money for peace. 

I am wondering if there is a chance the Devs can make the campaign file editable for the beta version so we can manually fix bugs like this without having to spend hours playing a campaign only to have to start over because of a bug?

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1 hour ago, Norbert Sattler said:

My game froze up between rounds on "Update Research"... that's a new one.

I have this happen to me a lot. It is usually during the ship building or updating relationships where mine freezes.  If I am able to exit to main menu or just restart the game it usually continues just fine. 

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9 hours ago, Norbert Sattler said:

I just had a mission where my combat ship started an appropriate distance away from the enemy attackers, but my convoy ships did not. They were within 1 km of the enemy. -_-

Yes, annoying when this happens. Your fleet should be able to see approaching smoke and at least start moving toward it  if combat ships, or away from it if convoy.

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9 hours ago, TiagoStein said:

Did you  messed with the max displacement slider? Maybe the center of the model   became wrong  somehow?

Can we have a center of mass indicator for the design screen  please. Perhaps on the "Sections" view a black vertical stripe (or an arrow, whatever) for ideal center of balance and a grey (or whatever) for the current center of balance. For many hulls the ideal center of balance is not in the visual center of the image onscreen.

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9 hours ago, Vagrant said:

The new updates are nice and all, but do the saves have to get wiped with every patch? It's extremely annoying.

At least they have stopped erasing the academy missions. Many of those are just tedious and I gave up on doing them! A way to unlock them would be good.

As far as the campaign saves go, it is annoying, but I'd rather have them scrapped when necessary than generate lots of irrelevant bug reports.

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8 hours ago, admiralsnackbar said:

People have been complaining about slow R&D and slow growth, 

To use Germany as an example, 1890 GDP is 7.5 and 1900 GDP is 15B, 
In order to reach that level you need 7.18% annualized growth rates, which is actually very (more than) achievable in the campaign if you have enough convoys and are not constantly at war. 

However I noticed when testing to see just how 'Tall' i could make my country [by keeping it out of war] 
That my GDP as germany in an 1890 campaign caps out at 9.375B, despite showing a positive growth, I kept 'next turn'-ing until january 1900, and the cap remained. So I suspect if i keep clicking next turn my GDP will stay at 9.375b until the end of the game. 

not urgent now, but eventually I think we need a growth rate for tech, GDP, port size and shipyard, such that, if you do nothing they will grow to more or less the next decades start point. If you do something, i.e. heavily invest in tech, then other growth will slow slightly. If you reduce tech investment then the others should grow slightly faster. If you maintain an booming economy then they may grow slightly faster, if a bust one then grow slightly slower etc.

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Crew training gets out of hand. I have almost 250k crew stashed.


There should be a cap for crew, probably based on year. Call it, like, 10-20k by 1940...


Regardless there needs to be a cap, it's costing me $79m

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12 minutes ago, ShakenU said:

Crew training gets out of hand. I have almost 250k crew stashed.


There should be a cap for crew, probably based on year. Call it, like, 10-20k by 1940...


Regardless there needs to be a cap, it's costing me $79m

At least separate crew recruitment and crew quality.

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Something CRAZY just happened, I don't know what i was looking at, all I know is I spammed the steam screenshot key to document it.






a sudden flood of hits, all these screenshots over only 10 in game seconds. Also, now when I have an enemy ship selected, I cant see the breakdown of their armament, it still shows mine. related?


and a mouse over on his hits taken tab after sinking. 101 main gun hits, 2026 2 in hits, over maybe 15 seconds of targeting him. you can also see another bug here, my 7in guns are 7.9, and my 2in guns are 2.9, yet these are shown as 7.5in and 2.5in hits in this tab, because that enemy cruiser has 7.5in and 2.5in guns. Its been like this since this beta first dropped.


It started happened to my ship too, even harder, look at the flood of events in the hit log. Also what the hell happened to all my 2in ammo? can that now be detonated too? thats new.

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Beyond good and evil. For example, the war between Germany and Great Britain and France.
I keep doubting the developers - I have the impression that they are throwing dice without reference to history, but before I publish something it is imperative to check the results. I am aware that this is a beta - but as a developer I have to do my homework when I refer to simulation. I don't want to badmouth anyone here, the game has great potential in my opinion. 1235348360_Screenshot(159).thumb.jpg.a1016438292940031f431b9c4996779a.jpg

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11 hours ago, Vagrant said:

The new updates are nice and all, but do the saves have to get wiped with every patch? It's extremely annoying.

This is the way of alpha/beta game development. If you play at this stage annoyances are part of the price.


9 hours ago, Norbert Sattler said:

I just had the same near-infinite shots bug others already discribed.

It started when an enemy ship surrendered. Right at that moment itunloaded 78 shots on my BB, which it thankfully survived due to the enemy only shooting 60mm and my ship being well armoured. Then my ship did something similar to another enemy ship 3 seconds later, hitting it 350 times in less than 2 seconds, insta-decrewing it.

Then did the same to a TB and then it was finally over and the last enemy ship had a regular shooting match with my ship.

Edit: It happened again the next mission, so I could pay a bit more attention to it. It seems like only the 2" derivates are affected by this, but not any other gun.

When you hit pause while the bug is going, despite the same being halted the affected ship will keep being hosed down by invisible 2" shots, which do not appear to be deducted from any of my ships (at least not during the pause).

The moment I de-selected the enemy ship, the hail of fire stopped and did not start back up again, neither during nor after the pause and the rest of the mission went on normally (except for choppy performance).

Oh and on the ship that was hit during the pause the hit-ratio of incoming shots was 1206%


I did not change any files or use any kind of third-party program. Standard 1890 campaign as Austria Hungary started with Update 14.

Edit: Nevermind the 2" thing. When my ship fired at an enemy with the bug, it used solely the 2", but when the enemy ship hit me, it was a 102mm derivate. But in both cases the firing ship had multiple different guns and only bugged with one of them.

Edit: Okay this bug is weirding me out... it's like it's evolving. First it was from clicking something, now it happened again, but from mouse-overing something without clicking... oO

This is extremely concerning, particularly given what @Fangoriously says below. Perhaps you two should collaborate and compare notes given the extremely high hit percentages.


2 hours ago, ShakenU said:

Crew training gets out of hand. I have almost 250k crew stashed.


There should be a cap for crew, probably based on year. Call it, like, 10-20k by 1940...


Regardless there needs to be a cap, it's costing me $79m

Crew costs and how they are trained absolutely should be balanced.


1 hour ago, Fangoriously said:

Something CRAZY just happened, I don't know what i was looking at, all I know is I spammed the steam screenshot key to document it.






a sudden flood of hits, all these screenshots over only 10 in game seconds. Also, now when I have an enemy ship selected, I cant see the breakdown of their armament, it still shows mine. related?


and a mouse over on his hits taken tab after sinking. 101 main gun hits, 2026 2 in hits, over maybe 15 seconds of targeting him. you can also see another bug here, my 7in guns are 7.9, and my 2in guns are 2.9, yet these are shown as 7.5in and 2.5in hits in this tab, because that enemy cruiser has 7.5in and 2.5in guns. Its been like this since this beta first dropped.


It started happened to my ship too, even harder, look at the flood of events in the hit log. Also what the hell happened to all my 2in ammo? can that now be detonated too? thats new.

This is insane. Bottom line is that opening up guns to decimal sizes, i.e. 4.8 in, has seriously caused issues in gunfire control. I feel like the game had a better handle on controlling accuracy and hit rates when the calibers were standardized at whole numbers. Now though? Given the absolutely huge number of possible barrel sizes and calibers (lengths) the game has to try and come up with rates for every single permutation. I suspect this is where these monstrous bugs are occurring. Frankly, I believe the devs should have focused on other matters before tackling this issue which opens up the game to many related bugs, but as it is already done, we need to work with what is there...

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Crew loss has been a huge issue since update 12 i think it was? 

It seems HE spammers are the way to go now, I am losing way too many ships they have maybe 80% damage no flooding but down from crew loss despite max crew quarters and bulkheads. 

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These weren't legitimate hits traceable to an actual weapon firing event, no hull could mount enough guns to land that many hits in that short of time. It's not a 1 off ether, it's happening in every mission I tried after, seems to be triggered by mousing over the enemy ship, to bring up that little hit chance window.


On a closer inspection of my own screenshots, during this bugged 10 second stretch of time, every hit in the log without fail is a hit to the deck, no belt hits. Well, maybe the belt hits where all those 'blocked' hits, and would have only displayed those if low priority information was being displayed in the log. Naw, a CA's belt will block approximately no 14.9in main gun cap ballistic 2 shells, ricochet only.

Also i dont think this is being caused by the new gun size edits, I've gone away from maxing caliber lately, main gun reload time is too atrocious, and accuracy nerfs to shorter caliber are far less severe. 14.9 were -5%, 7.9 were -10%, 5.9in and 2.9in both +10%.

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After the bugfix, I was able to check out update 13 and FINALLY. Task forces handling has become MUCH better. Now I can really intercept these annoying groups of DDs with the help of my cruisers and clean the sea from them. The same applies to other task forces. Battles are now much more predictable.


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2 hours ago, Fangoriously said:

Something CRAZY just happened, I don't know what i was looking at, all I know is I spammed the steam screenshot key to document it.






a sudden flood of hits, all these screenshots over only 10 in game seconds. Also, now when I have an enemy ship selected, I cant see the breakdown of their armament, it still shows mine. related?


and a mouse over on his hits taken tab after sinking. 101 main gun hits, 2026 2 in hits, over maybe 15 seconds of targeting him. you can also see another bug here, my 7in guns are 7.9, and my 2in guns are 2.9, yet these are shown as 7.5in and 2.5in hits in this tab, because that enemy cruiser has 7.5in and 2.5in guns. Its been like this since this beta first dropped.


It started happened to my ship too, even harder, look at the flood of events in the hit log. Also what the hell happened to all my 2in ammo? can that now be detonated too? thats new.

The pinball bug.

"I'm getting some weird pinball shells that hit ships and don't stop repeatedly hitting them until they sink the ship."

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