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Everything posted by Narbar

  1. Is there any plans to be able to refit captured ships? Even if there are restrictions such as non structural or the refits take twice as long as normal? I feel this would add alot to the game as I don't think many people bother taking enemy ships during peace talks due to not been able to refit them
  2. Can we have the speed multiplier increased? Stuck on 5x with neither ships able to shoot at each other but the enemy ship maintaining distance so had to sit here for 20 minutes.
  3. I to feel armour is to weak, even before this update. I remember coming across a BB with 18 inches of armour thinking wow this is going to be a struggle. But had no issues damaging and sinking it, you would never have guessed the ship was so heavily armoured. When I put 15 inches or plus of armour of high quality on my my ships belt and high deck armour. I never feel like it's tanky
  4. It would be cool seeing a royal navy ship with the transom stern
  5. I am looking forward to testing out the newest update
  6. Agreed, I would actually take ships after winning a war. Even if it was only a limited refit, or even it takes twice as long to refit captured ships
  7. I have 300k victory points in a war against the French, they only have 20k. What reasons would stop the option to select peace? Thanks
  8. I think the AI suffers in battles from there formations. They are constantly turning and maneuvering which wrecks there accuracy.
  9. What happens when a battle pops up on your main screen but you ignore it and end turn?
  10. Hello, does anyone have any idea what the plans are for 1.4.1? Looking forward to the next update
  11. Do you think minor Nations like Australia will ever be playable? Great work on the game to, really appreciate the work put in
  12. Could it be changes to ship components weights from the last few patches effecting your existing designs?
  13. Is there a way to at least wait until they have sighted the enemy fleet before they decide to run. At least for realism they have had a chance to identify the threat
  14. has anyone noticed the AI building barely any ships? In my campaign Russia literally just scrapped its while surface fleet and has 9 submarines left lmao
  15. To be fair is is annoying that you can hammer the enemy for a massive amount of war reparations. They beg for peace, then they don't give you half of the provinces you have requested and it's peace. You should at least have the option to carry on the war if they don't want to give up the province's. Or they shouldn't be offered as a option to begin with
  16. I really dislike how a damaged ships joins a random formation. I've lost ships when they erratically shift direction to join a formation I don't want them to and move directly into torpedoes
  17. Encountering main guns not firing when secondaries are firing. Especially fast firing secondaries in CAs
  18. I think alot of good new editions, I like the weather system. My main wish list is for a reworked politics system and more hulls
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