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>>>Beta 1.05 Available!<<< (Update: 5)

Nick Thomadis

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Thanks for the patch @Nick Thomadis. Really appreciate it :)

Afraid I've already spotted the first bug. The Austro-Hungarian fleet in 1940 has 7 battleships, 1 battlecruiser and various cruisers. Their total tonnage says only 25.000 tons though, which allows me to blockade them. 

Their battleships are 98.000 tons, so not small either.

I am also getting warnings for Admiral Dönitz a mere 3 months into the campaign about his excessive naval spending, even though their naval budget is fine.

Untitled design (1).png

Edited by Stealth17
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Suggestion: Please add a "lock tonnage" option in the designer, so when you modify draught/beam, the lenght of the ship changes automatically to keep the same tonnage. This would ease a lot the ship design process, as currently, trying to adjust the tonnage to shipyard/class limits when having modified draught/beam is a very tedious process.

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Speaking of refits... in a 1920s Austria Hungary campaign I just made a refit template where I replaced a tier 4 coincidence rangefinder with a tier 5 and reduced the beam of the ship for the necessary weight.

I could save the template just fine, I get the refit window for my existing CLs, but when I click on the Proceed button, nothing happens and the window stays in place until I click Cancel.

I have a backup of the campaign save, if you need it for analysis.

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Is anyone else having trouble with ships continuing to flood after you get the "X stopped the flooding" message in the report log? Seems like if one compartment is flooded entirely, the rest of the ship will slowly sink regardless of if it's actually taking on any more water

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4 hours ago, Stealth17 said:

Another bug: the misattribution of victory points still exists. I was playing as Austria-Hungary and defeated a French fleet. Scored 6090 victory points which were promptly added to the French fleet.

Sure does, makes winning impossible. 

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How do I refit my ships ?

I started this campaign after downloading todays 1.05 hotfix and just got the 19 inch torpedos in the 1900 campaign, so I did a refit of my destroyers with the 19 inchs and saved that. Now my DDs are in the port and if click the refit design I get a list of them, I select them and click on "OK" but nothing happens, the windows just stays as it is, is this a bug ?

Also, how do I build refit designs, as the "build" button appears grey on the refit design.


Keeps Up the good work devs ! Slava Ukraina !

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On 2/25/2022 at 5:43 PM, AurumCorvus said:

One of the oddest little bugs: If you type in a displacement, the slider is set to the displacement *before any beam or draught modifiers*.

As an example, the AH CA I'm building atm is set to the thinnest beam and draught. I type in 4000. The slider jumps to 3482 because that's where the slider for 4000 tons would be w/o the beam and draught sliders. If I set the beam and draught to maximum, and typing in 4000 becomes 4552, but still in the same position as the slider.

Just as a quick test in custom battles, this is still an issue, though this time I was using an AH BB.

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            With the new patch, I made another 1910  French campaign, that I unlocked legitimately, haven't edited any files since befor 1.05 first dropped. Anyway, I started with enough money to build 41 17 million dollars battlecruisers that I designed. Once I saw I could build that many, designing smaller ships seemed pointless lol.   I can also maintain this fleet month to month with positive cash flow of over a million, even with all 3 budget sliders maxed. That seems like pretty genorious funding to me. If I tried to do an all battlecruiser fleet in 1.04 I'd only be able to build about half that many.  At least at first, I'm planning to leave all ships at ports and see how often missions generate, wait till some new tech unlocks, do some refit system testing, and then send task forces out and see how often missions generate that way, becase they almost never did befor.  Got my first mission in July, this enormous Austrian mixed fleet of almost 192,000 tons vs 6 of my battle cruisers, the mission spawned right next to the port those 6 ships were stationed at. I've been designing all my capital ships with increased ammo stores because most missions I've been seeing are these enourmouse fleet actions.  I needed to hit the sack though, that mission would take 45 minutes to an hour to play though, I'll see how it goes after work.   

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I really dont understand if it's just me. I played a good amount of time and there are lots of problems. Ofc it's natural on beta after so many new features but not seeing them mentioned here makes me wonder so let me try a bit with my poor english. Ok here we go. 


Refits. At first it looks like it works but maybe not? 

After discovering new technologies they don't appear while refitting. Also another problem, i refitted a ship, changed propellant and shell charge, lets say ballistide and tnt I. but in battle when you check ship details it says brown powder black powder. I was like wtf? Checked the desing menu, it shows correctly. 

Another similar problem is i designed a CA with max bulkheads but in battle, ship details says it's has standard bulkheads. I double checked and yes design menu says it's maximum but in battle it's standard. 

Ship acceleration is another problem. Ship just doesn't want to accelerate no matter if there is an obstruction or not sometimes. Turning on and off avoidance helps sometimes but there is smtg really fishy. 

I am not sure if i need to talk about insane amount of ships that ai laids down. Like 20-30 BBs in every Austrian port which they never leave. 

Another issue is battle AI. Before AI was able to screen his capital ships but now capitals mostly charges head on and screen just lingers behind. 

I can go on but i rather not. Don't get me wrong I am appreciating, acknowledging and congratulating all of the new features and i know issues will be solved but just a bit surprised that many major problems that i am experiencing are not being mentioned here. 

In my opinion you are doing a fantastic job and let me also tell that our thoughts are with you and I am kinda feeling a bit awkward mentioning about these things with everything going on. 

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3 hours ago, Norbert Sattler said:

Speaking of refits... in a 1920s Austria Hungary campaign I just made a refit template where I replaced a tier 4 coincidence rangefinder with a tier 5 and reduced the beam of the ship for the necessary weight.

I could save the template just fine, I get the refit window for my existing CLs, but when I click on the Proceed button, nothing happens and the window stays in place until I click Cancel.

I have a backup of the campaign save, if you need it for analysis.

Same for me. Now you can design the refit, but not build it as nothing happens when you click proceed.

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4 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

We will disable for good the unlocking of campaign until we finalize the game, because nothing good comes from saves editing.

How does unlocking a campaign cause issues like this? Are you saying this issue would not have happened if I had just played 1890/1900/1910/1920/1930 before this? Since there is no continuity between campaigns I don't see how this would change anything.

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5 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

We will disable for good the unlocking of campaign until we finalize the game, because nothing good comes from saves editing.

Feedback: I can't be bother playing 1890-1900 timeframes (anymore that is), too slow, dull and not enough options to design variations. Some of us need options to skip.

Edited by Skeksis
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25 minutes ago, Norbert Sattler said:

My port is just being attacked by a "Task Force"... it is a 1v1 DD fight. oO

Also I noticed that some times in battles, the camera starts where the enemy ship are, rather than where my ships are.

To be honest, I like to have sometimes a 1vs1 Battle, especially with BBs, as it allows me the best to compare my design vs the ai design.

The way it currently works with many battles seems to be alright for me personnally, in the way that battles start rather with a low amount of ships and then you can just click "delay" to get more ships into the battle, if you want so.

I like smaller battles much more, with max 4-5 BBs and maybe 2-4 screens, if they stick to it, everyone who likes bigger battles will just will click on "Delay" and get them and in such, everyone can be happy :)

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I think that unlocking hull designs would be a good way to relieve this issue. Afterall, it's not like this is a 100% historical thing where you have to use actual ship designs. Why shouldn't the Germans be able to copy what the French are doing? Or the Spanish? (This mostly because I want to use the mini-dreadnought with 4 side-gun cutouts that they have for a battleship and heavy cruiser)

14 minutes ago, Skeksis said:

Feedback: I can't be bother playing 1890-1900 timeframes, too slow, dull and not enough options to design variations. Some of us need options to skip.


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Hey Guys if you are like me and still wonder what Protect/Invade Role for your Task Forces mean, search no more I got the answer


I found this in the HELP section in game. Hope this helps anyone who was still wondering aswel. 

@Nick Thomadis could you please specify this stuff in the changelogs aswel, because I was really puzzled about this for quiet some time. 

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3 minutes ago, Andvarus said:

Hey Guys if you are like me and still wonder what Protect/Invade Role for your Task Forces mean, search no more I got the answer


I found this in the HELP section in game. Hope this helps anyone who was still wondering aswel. 

@Nick Thomadis could you please specify this stuff in the changelogs aswel, because I was really puzzled about this for quiet some time. 

But thats under "WIP", I thought those two commands dont work yet at all ?

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