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9 hours ago, Raf Van Boom said:

But the truth of the matter is this game is way better with a lot of people playing it - I don't know how to make it more popular

Reduce the grind, for a start. Some of my friends might join me in playing this if the grind wasn't so high. When you only have a few hours here and there to play we would rather play something else than spend all that time just sailing somewhere to grind.

9 hours ago, Raf Van Boom said:

I know what I would like - more PvP encounters with varied groups of people. Will cheaper ships/upgrades help with that?

Cheaper ships might. I don't want to lose in one fight the ship I just spent 10+ hours grinding for. And I will never take a ship such as an Endymion into PvP, the permits are WAY to rare for me to risk it. Neither will I risk my rare SC or Diana either. Yes, I could make a frigate or pirate frigate or trinco and not mind losing them but I don't really like them, they are barely mediocre.

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2 hours ago, Mannow said:

This is just flat silly 

1. There is a reason to hate after 10000 hours, if 5000 of your hours become arbitrarily useless or good for throwing away in the PZ only. 
2. What does this even mean. Youre supposed to want to win. You get extra rewards if you win. You get ports if you win. You dont lose boats if you win. You derive enjoyment from beating another player. NOT A SINGLE SOUL with more than 30 hours plays this game on PVP to sail around the map admiring the coastline. 
3. This is an extremely niche game, and people do care about the theme. People do appreciate the aesthetics, but they dont want to sail boats that will put them at a disadvantage from the moment they undock, and they CERTAINLY dont waste their time playing it JUST to look at boats. Take the Pavel, for example- Very good looking, but if you sail it you will get stomped by any given 3rd rate+ you come across, oftentimes in a single broadside of 30+ leaks, because those same coded lines you like make it very easy to leaksink. 
4. What is wrong with wanting to win lol. Of course players take out good boats. Of course players dont sail bad boats for "the aesthetic". What would be the point? 
5. If the devs wanted to make people appreciate the game for its history, they wouldnt have added China, Prussia, and Russia. Half the boats ingame never sailed in the Caribbean. This is OBVIOUSLY not the case. I dont play games JUST because they represent an era of history I like. I play games because they are FUN. I play online multiplayer games because I WANT TO WIN. So does everyone else. 

PRO TIP: Naval action isnt even 50k hours old LMAO. 

Is not silly. Is just another point of view that doesn't correlate to yours. Hating a hobby is silly. Is a hobby, you can stop and start whenever you want. Hating a hobby is ridicule yourself :)

I am here for the historic period, the emulation of age of sail stories, and the stunning visuals to boot with it. Doesn't matter if I log on War server or on Peace server.

You are here for the reasons you yourself present. That's invaluable... to you. And for the devs for sure appreciative of you being here.

Plus many player are here since alpha, that's way more than 50k hours, I can assure you.

Just a tip i learned in a tavern in Mortimer Town long ago - do not take other captains by your own standards. Not everyone drink from the same cup.

We all here and enjoy the game, the same game rules and mechanics, for different reasons. Snappy salute.


Edited by Hethwill
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13 hours ago, Mannow said:

Edit- Find me a player with 50k hours, and ill buy you the vic DLC.

side note: I have the DLC but you will find a reviewer with over 30k hours, and those hours only started to count after steam EA release. ;)

second note: not everyone on the war server expects pvp when they don't want pvp. This has been discussed to nausea - some clans in pvp server just want to do whatever grind they need so they get access to their favourite game mode - "trafalgar battles" aka. port battles. Others just want OW pvp. Others just want arena modes. Is too much and wide diversity in "needs" and "wants" to state something as - "vast majority of players" - when there's nothing like that.

We all here for different reasons and hoping for different results. Devs have their own vision and may well use some community ideas as part of their design process, which they did many times over and over.

Thing is, we do not order them around nor do we have that authority no matter how many hours we have in game. They are the true decision makers and I, as a player, must make a decision after many of the changes - do I love the game or do I simply love the idea of the game. Some players are exceptionally good no matter the changes made to the game. Others are only good as long as some mechanics stay.

I'll echo admin on this, in the end 90% of us are mere average whilel we like to think ourselves as adept, and some even pros. And we pound our chests calling rank, hours spent, and spew bile in chats just to prove we are "cool and pro". Meanwhile the really efficient players are out there playing the game, adjusting and winning even with loki ships against meta ships. And I can only awe and try to learn from them and undertand that it doesn't necessarily starts nor ends with what "vast majority of players" think important.

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17 hours ago, Mannow said:

You are correct. Some people like to sternrake, some people like to mast snipe, some people like to board. wanna know what the common factor is? They all like PvP. Not everyone drinks from the same cup, but EVERYONE on the war server expects PvP.

I know at least two clans, in two different nations, that play the game only for trading. They don't like any of the options you mentioned. 

Their only target in game in to amass million after million, to become billionaire or multi-billionaire as ultimate target.

The are much more diversity in the PVP server than PVP & RVR.

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On 7/19/2020 at 1:52 AM, Urchin said:

Well for the PVP server to work it needs to maintain a high number of players,  PVE doesn't.  

well i am active on the pvp server and have not done pvp activities for over 2 months now ...and still sailing 0.o (perhaps i was looking in the wrong places)

so i see no reason why people on the pve server should not merge with the pvp server ...

its all not that bad to be on the pvp server as a pve player  \o/

its possible and doable for any pve captain ...


i think development should really consider a merge of some kind ( if it is possible )


of course they are my thoughts it does not mean i am right...


Edited by Thonys
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8 hours ago, Thonys said:

well i am active on the pvp server and have not done pvp activities for over 2 months now ...and still sailing 0.o (perhaps i was looking in the wrong places)

so i see no reason why people on the pve server should not merge with the pvp server ...

its all not that bad to be on the pvp server as a pve player  \o/

its possible and doable for any pve captain ...


i think development should really consider a merge of some kind ( if it is possible )


of course they are my thoughts it does not mean i am right...


Can't we just leave them in peace??


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2 hours ago, Genevieve Malfleurs said:

Can't we just leave them in peace??


sure .

also i think  the more the merrier and have fun together 

but it was just a thought. now it looks like they sail in the east indies. almost in china


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