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First post, not trying to be pushy with my first post but I just bought the game and noticed that Essex seems to be built with the British Essex (after capture) plans. Why not the American plans which have cannon on the foredeck and 2 stern chasers?

And why do SOL turn so well? Obviously turning has been sped up for everyone but SOL our far to close to frigates at this point.

Anyway, enjoying the game, learning how to play, I joined the United States since people were saying there were not many people left in that nation.

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26 minutes ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

May be it could be possible to couple gun damage rework (moving from being based on ball diameter to ball weight - so making SOL damage output far higher) to slower turning rate for and in particular SOLs.

Yeah, SOLs should punch much harder and turn much slower, especially 1-2 rates.

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Just now, z4ys said:

Windforce on certain sails is to good

To be sincere.

In general manual sailing speed up too much the turning (not to speak about impossible or suicide - for masts - yard manouvers).

In truth manual sailing should only help a bit the manouver, not being decisive to make a tighter turn.

Still game wise it adds more skill to ship handling, so I can consider it a necessary/positive evil.

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11 minutes ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

To be sincere.

In general manual sailing speed up too much the turning (not to speak about impossible or suicide - for masts - yard manouvers).

In truth manual sailing should only help a bit the manouver, not being decisive to make a tighter turn.

Still game wise it adds more skill to ship handling, so I can consider it a necessary/positive evil.


Edited by z4ys
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2 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

Can you put this into words for people not so good with graphs?

Currently yardmovement is linear always at the same turnspeed.

It should be like that the force required to turn the yards should increase the more they get turned. Turning yards with the wind is easier than against. Crew and sailarea should correlate with the force requirement and therefore with yard turnspeed.

long story short - a more dynamic sailing model regarding yard movement.

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3 hours ago, admin said:

I agree somewhat. 

I think he seen my Christian in a pve battle, it was fully fitted for turning speed with Kiritimati and such and i have to admit its crazy.. but think other SOLs are not that fast at all when its comes to turning.

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