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Sinking time + loot

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Please consider increasing the looting timer after the ship is sunk with the new sailing characteristics and profiles. In a big PvP fight you can't always plan ahead for the looting and with some ships it is almost impossible to loot now, if the sinking ship is upwind but the remaining repairs from enemies are essential to stay out at sea and in the fight. I also think it is more realistic if the ship takes longer to sink. Please consider this and thank you.

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I really do not understand why ships sink so quickly in this game. Also they always sink the same :) What about letting them lean different sides, let us at least loot the barrels, cargo floating around.

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Not played in a while. last time i played it was part of the end battle report.


Now i get no loot at all, the new control, leeway etc is making it impossible. I suggest a change is made, i.e. floating loot or a larger area to loot from around the ship that's sinking.  


currently the system is unworkable for the more casual player that doesn't play well with others :P no smaller ships to nip around looting for me. 


And before anybody says yeah but that is why you need friends etc etc. consider this, most new players will fall into this trap.


1. they will not know there is actually loot at all, unless well read and who reads these days :P

2. they are new and wont have any friends to help with looting, and they always rush to the bigger ships.

3. they always die/sink down wind, even the more experienced players can struggle to get the loot, what chance does a new player have.


Oh i could probably go on for ages, but you get the idea. something needs to change to make it a little more user friendly. 


Just remember when a simulation starts to become more like a job than fun, it starts to lose players. the current loot system and simulation of leeway etc make this more frustrating than you could imagine for me and i consider myself a decent player. wouldn't like to think the impression it would give to new players. unless there is an improvement soon that gives players more than 90ish seconds and the need to be within 10m (maybe more but cant say for sure)  of the wreck to loot it. I'm afraid i will be leaving again.


Balance -  realism vs players satisfaction. think of it like the force, there needs to be balance, currently simulation is too strong and the satisfaction is dying. 

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42 minutes ago, Gungy said:

I'm afraid i will be leaving again.

Seriously?! Over loot?

If you're shooting at a ship you can see when it's about to sink. Just slow down as your victim slows down and drop sails when he sinks.

New guys shouldn't hit fleets but rather single ships.

It sounds like you want an easy way of getting all loot when you hit on OW fleets in your big and slow ship.

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no its over it been a sign of things to come... 



And its not that I want all loot always, but currently no loot ever isn't great.


All i would like is a chance greater than it currently allows.


something to make it more obvious loot exists would be great.  and then a mechanic that makes getting loot more possible, hell id settle for increase in the range for the loot window to say 50m from the wreck instead of the current 10 it feels like. im not asking for it to be handed out like the old days. but making it almost impossible as it currently is, isn't great either.

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When one single player can loot 500 NPC ships to find 1 specific drop it means it is not even, remotely, a difficult thing, now is it ?

Given there's tons of drops everywhere, i'd say it is not 1 player, but plenty.

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Really, i'd like to see how, if you are in a large ship and the enemy sinks down wind/ Which is what they always seem to do. I struggle to get even close to the wreck, let alone close enough before it sinks. 


when im maybe 70m from the sinking ship and i cant get close enough to loot it before it sink it's kinda soul destroying. Yeah i could probably loot all day long in a cutter, but i want to fight larger ships. reduce chance in smaller ships a lot, and just make the loot window range scale with the ship size. let's be fair and make the range 2 or 3 times the ships length. i dont think that is unreasonable. 

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