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Yet another map: Naval Action map

Felix Victor

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Thanks for this job, which is still "self" running now.

A useful tool, very friendly, which costed you a lot of job and involvement.

Cheers and see you maybe!


Edited by Aquillas
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  • 4 weeks later...

Good day . I f you ever decide to check the effect of the NA update of 15 may 23 in NA-MAP

I notice the following:  
1- the ship table is not available : although I can see that the BR in the utility ship compare has been updated with data from 16th may 2023
2- since some time ago "rare wood such as  ( african oak, African  Teak Danzic Oak )   are dropping in port in the same maner as regular wood ( live oak , white oak , teak...)  but they do not appears in NA MAP in the port info "drops" nor doing search
thanks in advance if you ever decide to take the time to fix those 🙂

best regards

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The PB calculator generator is generating sheets with the old BR limits for the ports even though the map itself is displaying the new ones. Anyone know where i can find the new BR limits for ports in a Table or a fixed calculator?


Edited by Remergy
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/11/2023 at 2:07 PM, Remergy said:

The PB calculator generator is generating sheets with the old BR limits for the ports even though the map itself is displaying the new ones. Anyone know where i can find the new BR limits for ports in a Table or a fixed calculator?


Fixed. Thanks for the report.

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On 9/16/2023 at 9:10 PM, KaB said:

Hello, I was checking Pirate Frigate and Surprise Blueprint and noticed Hemp amount is inaccurate for both.

Thanks for the report. Could you please tell me exactly: what data do you expect (from in-game data) and what data the map shows. For example: game shows hemp needed for PFrig 200, Surprise 350, whereas the map shows 150 and 245.

As I am not playing the game anymore, it is hard for me to fix bugs without detailed reports.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Felix Victor .  look like your server is  down indeed : info for Caraibe server
checking at reboot time + 2hrs  and still data is from yesterday iron ore in Deshaie yesterday sunday  was 79 on na map and 86 in port (with tax)   . While current in port Monday is 111.

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On 10/21/2023 at 12:54 PM, Danny the DOg said:

Hello, from couple of days there are no new indications in "show good availability", we still have informations from last week...



On 10/23/2023 at 2:10 PM, DeStAug said:

Hello Felix Victor .  look like your server is  down indeed : info for Caraibe server
checking at reboot time + 2hrs  and still data is from yesterday iron ore in Deshaie yesterday sunday  was 79 on na map and 86 in port (with tax)   . While current in port Monday is 111.

Thanks for the reports. The map updating was broken. Fixed...

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  • 1 month later...

Apologies to bother, i am a new player, i dont know if this is even a still active thread and if not where to signal not up to date information, but in the ship compare feature the number of guns on ship is incorrect, as an example the 3rd rate Implacable is stated to have 90 guns while in game it has 98, the DLC 3rd rate is stated to have 82 guns, in game it has 88, if there is a discord for the map i'd appreciate a link and thank you for your work on the map tool as it is a extremely useful tool for a new player like me

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@Felix Victor


First of all, thank you very much for your website. It was very useful for someone like me who is new to this game.
I have two questions for you:
1. Is "Show Trades" broken? Because the same data has been written for days.
2. I have at least a little knowledge of how to set up a website. Can I create a site like "Show Trades" but that refreshes every hour? Is there an API suitable for this?
English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are any spelling mistakes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello Felix ,
Thanks for updating Na-Map 
Note that  apparently the table showing all the ships by ranks seems  broken 
( this is valid for the 3 servers) 
best regards


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On 3/1/2024 at 5:15 PM, DeStAug said:

Note that  apparently the table showing all the ships by ranks seems  broken

The Duke of Kent sneaked into API data but her data is not complete... fixed

Could you perhaps compare the ship speeds to in-game data? If the map speeds are not correct, maybe you could provide in-game base speeds for a few ships? Two of the slowest and fastest ships and four in the middle should be enough.

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using NA-Map  "ship compare",  I have checked the base speed of few ships  and the bonus given by all the woods from NA-map. 
With out  perk, amelioration, book, port bonus  etc...     

The results was correct with in game actual  speed. 
For info : 
I was interested in relative % increase compare to base to simplify selection in function of criteria such as 
Structure & Side( combined for  Total Hit point )  , Thickness , Speed  and crew .

This is valid for all ships   
all the % below comes from data from NA-map "ship compare"   and not extracted from the API 
( i had mostly focus on extracting  trade information (items and Shop data ) but nothing yet on ship spec where i rely on NA-Map 🙂 

Can see below the max Tot Hit Point is with Locust (s) 8% + White oak (s) 35% but resulting speed 0% +(-4%) 
this can be compensated with perk sail trim max 5% , port bonus Sailing max  2.5% . amelioration max 2%



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Note on  broadside damage.
The broadside damage based solely on caliber/weight   is only valid for medium Gun :
Some stat based on a Santissima Broadside.

Medium = weight( 0%)  < Long +3.4% < Blomefield +8% < Navy + 24% 
Basis for % is medium gun. 


Edited by DeStAug
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