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Ok it was a good patch, But there is still things to fix

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Free ports should have a maximum size of docks, to support ottos idea. I'd like to see clans being able to invest money into free ports to create hubs.

Clans should be able to pay for storing ships. Eg (see below) all clan members get a free outpost here once clan invests in the port.

1) basic level, 5th rates (750,000 cost)

2) lower tier, 4th rates (1.5m cost)

3) mid tier, 3Rd rates (6m cost)

4) top tier, 2nd rates (20m cost)

Clans should also be able to purchase agents which enable missions to be generated in surrounding waters. (for each tier of mission, double the cost of the agent. Top tier costing 100m)

Teleport here should be available but to get this clans must purchase the feature for example 25m but you get no crew after freeport teleporting (as it should be everywhere in my opinion).

Giving clans an area to invest in brings content to clans and grants benefits for being in clans.

*ideas on costs is open to review*


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7 hours ago, Lord Vicious said:

11) BIGGEST ISSUE REVENGE FLEETS, EITHER PUT TP TO NEAREST FRIENDLY PORT  BACK IN OR ALLOW MORE INVISIBILITY OR A SPEED BUFF WHERE YOU CANT ATTACK FOR 1MIN.   OR any small group of pvper are gone in game since they cant afford to go around populated area withouth being tagged and tagged and  counter fleeted over and over.


I agree. I suggest also to use the double circle for tag, or 2 min time. The actual tactics of baits + big fleet behind is ridicolus and no funny.  

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How about a "border town" designation for some Freeports.  I.E. the Freeports that are within say a 50k  distance to two opposing Nations are set to having a "Border" description, which allows docking or teleporting by all, but Freeports beyond that distance can only be docked by trade ships and cannot be teleported.

Is a compromise of letting PvP'ers get to areas of conflict quicker but still allowing Nations to be able to have some sense of security once they have established borders.

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If free town delivery were to return it better be on a NPC shipment leaving that town.  That way players can hit those ships an interdict stuff.   No more magic safe transports.

And if you dont like moving stuff yourself, pay someone to do it for you.

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Yeah, if it's too boring to sail 1hr to a freeport because then the next day you have "nothing to do" while waiting for the PB, then maybe sail in fleet with a smaller ship and do some raiding to pass the time. I dunno, the mechanics support plenty of activities so "give me teleports because I'm bored otherwise" doesn't really hold water IMO. I like the amount of sailing in this sailing game and I think it fits with what the devs have promised since day 1 with the OW. Teleports are, in my view, a leading cause of "nothing to do" in the OW because they keep player ships out of it, and player ships are the best content in the game.

With that said, the suggestion of allowing traders only into freeports smacks of people who want any means possible of having risk-free trade. Free ports are positioned in such a way that they impinge equally on all nations, and they represent an "X" factor... are these waters safe or is there a Pirate / privateer hiding in that free port? Again, player ships are the best content. If you want peaceful trading with no interference from other players, the PVE server is your place.

For those who enjoy PVP, including the completely valid tactic of raiding enemy shipping, the freeports have always been a fundamental component and there's no reason to change that. For the same reason, for balancing and for player population of the OW (to ensure plenty of the best content in the game), teleports to them must not be allowed. There must be risk getting into the freeport just as there must be risk emanating from the freeport.

Edited by Sansón Carrasco
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Some of the best PVP I have had has been long before a port battle, going through a region that is going to have one, picking off those poor fools trying to get stuff out of the region before it falls, or get ships into the region for the port battle defense.  

But again this comes down to some planning.  

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ok so no delivery


but i think everybody agree on all other points :) is minor changes but will improve the game by a lot.

imho tp on neutral city is important, for be used as stage point for pvp, not for facilitate trading..

Edited by Lord Vicious
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11 hours ago, Benedict Ahhnold said:

Yeah, if it's too boring to sail 1hr to a freeport because then the next day you have "nothing to do" while waiting for the PB, then maybe sail in fleet with a smaller ship and do some raiding to pass the time. I dunno, the mechanics support plenty of activities so "give me teleports because I'm bored otherwise" doesn't really hold water IMO. I like the amount of sailing in this sailing game and I think it fits with what the devs have promised since day 1 with the OW. Teleports are, in my view, a leading cause of "nothing to do" in the OW because they keep player ships out of it, and player ships are the best content in the game.

With that said, the suggestion of allowing traders only into freeports smacks of people who want any means possible of having risk-free trade. Free ports are positioned in such a way that they impinge equally on all nations, and they represent an "X" factor... are these waters safe or is there a Pirate / privateer hiding in that free port? Again, player ships are the best content. If you want peaceful trading with no interference from other players, the PVE server is your place.

For those who enjoy PVP, including the completely valid tactic of raiding enemy shipping, the freeports have always been a fundamental component and there's no reason to change that. For the same reason, for balancing and for player population of the OW (to ensure plenty of the best content in the game), teleports to them must not be allowed. There must be risk getting into the freeport just as there must be risk emanating from the freeport.

Clearly you a new,   move an aga fleet 25+ ppl ok? witj fleet perk becouse you bring with you"ganking ship" for do aggression and spend time there

 Lets use george town,cayman brac example since my clan do that recently


1h+ sail up ( agas are slow and wind not always kiss you)

new outpost 100k? 250k? that you going to trash anyway

2) fleet perk that you reset for better pb/pvp perks   50 marks throw away

3) grind boring job for hours

4) if no enemy is in the area nothing to do, so you return back in cutter 1h , for do missions, grind other ships xp/trade

5) you sail back before pb another 1h+

6) change perk again for put fleet perk for bring down the other ship with you unless you wanna do another up and down trip

7) if you not take city, you sail back another 1h+ for return your home.


Now 0 fun in all of this, incredible waste of time, marks, gold.   up and down up and down just for try generate pvp content. 

Imagine do that with a firstrate fleet when the sail become DOUBLE 

Edited by Lord Vicious
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21 hours ago, OneEyedSnake said:

Noooo. I disagree with numero uno. Free ports shouldnt be used to attack a nation all the way across the map, that was always ridiculous. Their current use as outposts for staging only if you sail to and from them is advantage enough. Also being able to teleport to them with the current economy especially is a bad idea. 

Well you could fix the attack across the map by only allowing hostility to be built in regions adjacent yo your own.

    But you should be able to raid and harass at distance without having to sail for hour or more . 

  Sure I am a pirate... But currently large portions of the map are mostly pirate free due to no bases to operate from and still have fun.  But then I have been shouted down every time I suggested ideas for pirates to be pirates

Edited by CaptVonGunn
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This thread follows very similar lines to one I posted in the suggestions area of forums:

feel free to have a read and a comment.


As for suggestions from LV, same as most people I think they all seem good. Apart from deliveries which as a trader myself I don't like. Sailing your ships/goods from port to port is a must for this game as add opportunists for open world pvp. However being able to TP between free ports just your character and not your ships/good is needed in my opinion for exactly the same reason. To promote people to sail in more areas of the map and trade/pvp more.

People really seem to not understand that. yeah TP-ing your ship across the map full of goods or to get back home with no risk, is total BS and should not be brought back but to TP yourself so you can go and do stuff in this game across the map is nothing but a good idea.

As for point 8, about hostility grinding and lack of AI ships to attack for certain regions. That is a problem that needs looking at. Perhaps each region should have a large AI fleet of line ships and smaller ships (think full 25 ships) or several of these fleets but smaller numbers (12-15) that are classed as a kind of "Regional garrison force" which players can then organise to go attack and these provide larger amounts of hostility points if defeated. Would be very simple to implement and effective.

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Strong AI defense fleets that seek and attack the enemy after building 20% hostility in this area would solve many problems. This fleet starts from PB town and have ×1.5 or ×2.0 BR than enemy ships in this region.




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27 minutes ago, C0deX said:

Some areas like salamanca have few or very small fleets. If twenty people then search and find nothing for hours is very boring.

Can split in groups of 2 and just sweep the area.

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27 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

Can split in groups of 2 and just sweep the area.

Not a good idea in hostile waters.


Point 7 - revenge fleet:

As i said in an other thread.

Here people are attacked by 2-12 ships and then the attacker cries over revenge fleets.

The attacker is already enough in the advantage with the new timer.

Fair fights want the fewest. Lonely people and newbies with great superiority in the ground stamping is their favorite play style.

If a trader was attacked in front of a port two hundred years ago and this was seen. Have also helped patrolling ships. And the combat ships have left the Port to catch the attacker when they are ready.

I like open pvp but 5 vs 1 is not a real pvp for me. I hope naval action legends will come soon.

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On 6/26/2017 at 6:02 AM, C0deX said:

Not a good idea in hostile waters.


Point 7 - revenge fleet:

As i said in an other thread.

Here people are attacked by 2-12 ships and then the attacker cries over revenge fleets.

The attacker is already enough in the advantage with the new timer.

Fair fights want the fewest. Lonely people and newbies with great superiority in the ground stamping is their favorite play style.

If a trader was attacked in front of a port two hundred years ago and this was seen. Have also helped patrolling ships. And the combat ships have left the Port to catch the attacker when they are ready.

I like open pvp but 5 vs 1 is not a real pvp for me. I hope naval action legends will come soon.

Maybe have help from patrolling ships... If they are close enough... But it doesn't matter if help is 10 miles away over the horizon . it can't cone help if it doesn't know you need it.

    But in game you get to have 20-30 guys pop out of port at super speed and sail to help you in a matter of minutes... When they should still be deciding to put the sails up if the hide is right to leave port.

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On 6/24/2017 at 3:24 AM, Chug said:

People really seem to not understand that. yeah TP-ing your ship across the map full of goods or to get back home with no risk, is total BS and should not be brought back but to TP yourself so you can go and do stuff in this game across the map is nothing but a good idea.

So you and I agree about "teleport with ships", they are bad and must not be allowed to return to the game in the way they were previously (I would even remove "tow to port" because I am a cruel heartless bastard who doesn't believe that people get stuck with anywhere sufficient frequency to justify this feature's existence, but that's not relevant to the discussion here).

In the past we had unlimited "teleport of captain" (i.e. not ships) between outposts, including those in freeports (currently we only have this between outposts in our nations). Here is the problem with "teleport of captain" to freeport: it allows the slow accumulation of a fleet in enemy waters over the course of a few days' time. When the accumulation is complete, the nation/clan can do a "flash fleet" blitzkrieg lightning strike against whatever their intended target is, with no warning or chance of spotting the invasion fleet, etc. Or they can leave some ganking ships, go en masse on a ganking run through enemy waters then return back to the freeport and teleport home, bringing their ganking ships back later one-by-one when they are much harder to intercept.

So, rather than arguing in favor of teleports (of any variety, be they of captains or of ships) so that you can "do stuff" in other parts of the map, how about just doing stuff in the part of the map where you're at? Or sailing to another location and setting up shop there? @admin has mentioned in the past how you can setup in a freetown like La Navasse and have PVP and pretty much all trade goods available to you within a 30min sail. Why is there this constant "grass is always greener" desire for TPs? It just doesn't add up on the face of the evidence presented.

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8 minutes ago, Benedict Ahhnold said:

So you and I agree about "teleport with ships", they are bad and must not be allowed to return to the game in the way they were previously (I would even remove "tow to port" because I am a cruel heartless bastard who doesn't believe that people get stuck with anywhere sufficient frequency to justify this feature's existence, but that's not relevant to the discussion here).

In the past we had unlimited "teleport of captain" (i.e. not ships) between outposts, including those in freeports (currently we only have this between outposts in our nations). Here is the problem with "teleport of captain" to freeport: it allows the slow accumulation of a fleet in enemy waters over the course of a few days' time. When the accumulation is complete, the nation/clan can do a "flash fleet" blitzkrieg lightning strike against whatever their intended target is, with no warning or chance of spotting the invasion fleet, etc. Or they can leave some ganking ships, go en masse on a ganking run through enemy waters then return back to the freeport and teleport home, bringing their ganking ships back later one-by-one when they are much harder to intercept.

So, rather than arguing in favor of teleports (of any variety, be they of captains or of ships) so that you can "do stuff" in other parts of the map, how about just doing stuff in the part of the map where you're at? Or sailing to another location and setting up shop there? @admin has mentioned in the past how you can setup in a freetown like La Navasse and have PVP and pretty much all trade goods available to you within a 30min sail. Why is there this constant "grass is always greener" desire for TPs? It just doesn't add up on the face of the evidence presented.

Just limit Freeport outposts to 2 ships nothing bigger then a 5th rate or a trader. Not  being able to TP Capitan in and out of freeports means 20 min to maybe 2hours sail in  a basic cutter to and from when you want to do anything else or the enemy has you blockaded in.


   Just put a 3-4 hour cool down on TP to Any Freetown... Just inbound... That way you can go and check the area at any One Freetown every cool down cycle. I would love to do raiding in the far south. But my econ is all in the North... So not fun wasting that much time sailing a cutter

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6 minutes ago, CaptVonGunn said:

Just limit Freeport outposts to 2 ships nothing bigger then a 5th rate or a trader. Not  being able to TP Capitan in and out of freeports means 20 min to maybe 2hours sail in  a basic cutter to and from when you want to do anything else or the enemy has you blockaded in.

   Just put a 3-4 hour cool down on TP to Any Freetown... Just inbound... That way you can go and check the area at any One Freetown every cool down cycle. I would love to do raiding in the far south. But my econ is all in the North... So not fun wasting that much time sailing a cutter

I play Pirates on Global, my econ is near Mortimer and my hunting grounds are... all over the place. I sail my hunting ships to my hunting grounds (sometimes 1.5-2hrs+) and when I've gotten a big enough stock of captured ships and trade goods, I sail them (the capped ships) back to Mortimer and have a big payday (assuming I don't get intercepted or ganked by a fellow pirate, lol).

Even just having a Lynx as your runabout is better than nothing. Put it up for sale at your hunting ground if you want, so you don't have to bring it home if that's not your thing. They're fast, too.. kind of addictive for OW to cruise upwind at 32kts+

Sailing in Basic Cutters = no risk = no excitement = no fun. Don't do it to yourself.

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6 minutes ago, Benedict Ahhnold said:

I play Pirates on Global, my econ is near Mortimer and my hunting grounds are... all over the place. I sail my hunting ships to my hunting grounds (sometimes 1.5-2hrs+) and when I've gotten a big enough stock of captured ships and trade goods, I sail them (the capped ships) back to Mortimer and have a big payday (assuming I don't get intercepted or ganked by a fellow pirate, lol).

Even just having a Lynx as your runabout is better than nothing. Put it up for sale at your hunting ground if you want, so you don't have to bring it home if that's not your thing. They're fast, too.. kind of addictive for OW to cruise upwind at 32kts+

Sailing in Basic Cutters = no risk = no excitement = no fun. Don't do it to yourself.

Yes but everyone doesn't have that kind of extra time. When you logged out in MT and want to look for PVP and it is 30-60 min away depending on location... Being able to say pop into Great Corn and just go hunt for that same time means a lot more fun.... You still have to sail winnings home but that is a different thing and you can always just sell it on tnd Freetown market back to the guy you took it from

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