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381'000 Gold - in 1 hour:

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So started testing out the new features with 9.71 patch.


In particular, Rear Admiral missions.



The fight was both fun, engaging & somewhat challenging. 


The final payout of approx 381'000 Gold for a 1hr mission I think is pretty good indeed.


A good PvE step in the right direction.

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The only problem is that it was not, in fact, very challenging. It was basically just a bot beatdown where you were never once in any danger.


Which is fine, I guess -- I mean that's the nature of PvE across all games, pretty much -- but 381,000 in one hour with no risk and hardly any challenge is going to cause a lot of inflation once everyone starts doing it.

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Lol I did say 'somewhat challenging'  :P


In any case you have to compare to what we had prior to 9.71. This is better, much better...

Am having fun, making bank actually enjoying PvE.

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Great for gameplay fun, horrible for the (already struggling) ingame economy. With these payouts, how much am I supposed to charge for the increasingly harder to craft ships? 1 million for a basic Bellona? 2 million?


I know that the economy is not the biggest headache for the devs and their roadmap, but increasing the already rampant inflation in NA is not helping :rolleyes:

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