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Everything posted by Fizzer

  1. Regular usage of above will prevent what happened to your old card from happening to the new one In all seriousness - video cards wear out, it happens. I'm running a R9 290x at well over factory overclock with a stock cooling setup and no issues with NA. Keep an eye on GPU temps and keep the air flowing and all will be fine.
  2. Labor hours were tight before, now that you can't cap ships that actually give you some useful materials or use them for a few battles, ship supply is going to tighten and ship price will skyrocket. Crafters may stop selling ships on the open market altogether since gold is kind of worthless. If not labor hours, at least getting the scrap materials from the boats you cap would make it worth it.
  3. Another idea - what if the Admiralty could reward your effort with gold OR labor hours? Sounds reasonable - for your service, the admiralty provides some additional indentured servants for your shipyard?
  4. PvP2 - we have non-stop action during North American primetime. True its mainly just US-v-GB-v-Pirate, but we've been having epic PvP and PBs from 6pm-1am eastern. We raid each other's capitals & trade routes, have full deep PBs, all around good fun. With the low pop there are fewer hotspots, but everyone knows where they are and its easy to get involved. 1st rates are exploding nightly and we don't care because resources are cheap. With easy-cap boats going away, its never been a better time to level crafting on a lower pop server and get income from the ships. Message me in game if you want help getting started - same as my forum name. Despite the naysayers, PvP2 is alive and more fun than ever!
  5. And many famous engagements lasted days - whats your point? Please read my second post on the prior page - there are other ways to balance battles and create a proper sense of teams. No timers != free for all.
  6. Exactly, there should be no such thing as deep-strike PvP with no consequences. Having territory should mean something. If you want to deep-strike, organize a sizable fleet to do so. 4 man gank squads should not be able to roam freely in enemy territory picking off lone noobs wandering around. I think some kind of BR limitation to keep the fights relatively fair while providing a bit of home-field advantage would do away with join timers. If the battle happens outside of any reinforcement zone, then the battle can only be joined if the side you wish to join has, say a greater than 10% BR disadvantage. If inside a friendly reinforcement zone, then your side gets, lets say, up to a 15% BR advantage before the battle is closed to new entrants. Just numbers off the top of my head, the details of the mechanic might need some tweaking. It could allow OW battles to grow organically depending on local player activity while still avoiding the "surprise, here's 20 of my friends" situations and doing away with the very artificial feeling timers. Just an idea to consider. I see a lot of people getting frustrated when they try to help out some friends and constantly get in range of the instance 30 seconds after the battle closes. It doesn't promote a natural-feeling or fair open-world PvP experience at all.
  7. There should be no timers. Real naval engagements in these eras took much longer than the current hour and a half time limit - they could be over the course of multiple days. Given the scale of the open world, this actually lines up pretty well. So you want to sail deep into enemy territory with only 6 ships and not have a heck of a time getting out alive? Why do we even have territory at all then? These tiny timers erase any feeling of sovereignty, give the advantage only to highly coordinated squads on voice coms (how realistic is that?), and really reduce the purpose of a faction altogether. No wonder pirates are so popular on PvP1. If we don't have a good reason for sovereignty or help from the national population, why have nations at all? Might as well just be a free for all death match - aka pirates.
  8. PvP2 super laggy as well. Ping fine but bad packet loss or delay of some sort. Client will stop receiving packets for 2 secs or so every 10 secs or so. Catch-up happens, but it made battles too annoying to play with the long pauses in receiving updates from the server and the sudden warping of ships, Cannon fire, etc once the client was able to catch up.
  9. Sounds like a lot of effort for no reason if there will be a reset in a month or two anyway. Might as well stay on PvP2, farm my 20k xp or so a day and PvP when I want. Global chat in PvP2 is great anymore - people are calling out each other for fights and announcing PB plans. Really getting awesome battles going while we wait out this whole server transfer shenanigans. You peeps that transferred already are really missing out.
  10. My guess is keep playing wherever you have the most stuff because its very doubtful they'll let people combine assets.
  11. What's the point of starting over and slowing your xp progress when we will likely start over again anyway? Life is good on PvP2 now, silly clans that liked playing politics have left and now there's a free for all of resources and PvP privateering. Crafting and rank XP is coming faster than ever. I hope the pop stays low until the wipe, those that stayed will be way ahead of the game
  12. You can add US clan Partisan Group to the list [PRTZN]. 20 members at current. IGNs: CO - Fizzer XO - Chung TS: partisangroup.gamersvoip.net
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