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National Hull Re-paints

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I'm noticing that all nations use common ships and I'm wondering if we could do hull re-paints to separate the nations. This would help in battle so you could recognize a nations ship not by type but by hull paint. Traditionally British ships had a yellow gun stripe and oak hull, American ships had a black hull and white gun stripe, french had their own etc.  


A different color hull for different nations would be great to give the nations their own personality. Maybe later in the game?



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Paint schemes for ships in the age of sail was... erratic at best. 


Using very loose dates.


1500s-1600s decorating a ship was left more or less exclusively to the captain of the ship and his discretionary funds and self expense.


1700s nations would issue paint to captains to use as they desired. Usually no more then two colors. Green and Yellow, Red and Black, etc. And additional tones were bought at the captain's expense.


1800s Many nations adopted the Nelson Chequer utilizing a black/deep blue hull and white/cream/yellow varnished wood stripes over the gunports.


Hence why the Constitution, Essex, Trincomalee, etc all look so similar. 

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If they ever decide to implement paint or flags that we can pick for customisation they will have to be a set pattern or have to be turned in and then added to game in mini patches otherwise peolle who have pcs to old to run games will suffer from massive lag.

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There shouldn't be nationally-exclusive paint schemes, just a few to choose from for each ship. Black and white, yellow ochre at the very least.


Hopefully third party texture artists can help at some point.

 Bonhomme Blue. :lol:

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I surely hope they don't decide to let you change sail color or do something that is not with the real look of the ships. This will cheapen the game and you eventually get the pink sails with large penis's on them.... not good for game immersion.  Just traditional paint changes would be great, but nothing like black sails with skulls or pink unicorn rainbow sails...

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Historically sails were rarely painted except for spur of the moment jabs like "Remember the Little Belt" painting a sail makes it stiff, harder to handle, and prone to tearing. Anything permanent would be a piece of dyed cloth sewn to the sail so it could be removed and put on new canvas when needed since dyeing cloth was expensive and impractical to do on a ship. 

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Ship customization is on dev list I believe. When will this be introduced remains a mystery. This can include Figureheads, Hull paint, Sail colors, Flags, Banners etc..

Aye just NO sail color !!! I dont wanna see purple, black, green, light blue or orange sails! i see enough in Potbs and is very annoying . and hull coloring accepted only when is historycal accurate.



Edited by hiclipucli
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I'd like to see subtly different colors for sailcloth. Really just varying levels of wear and tear, perhaps with some sails being tar-stained in the appropriate areas.


And tanned sails for small vessels would look nice,


That would be nice linen, hemp, and cotton canvas are slightly different colors as well. 

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Any Brit who would see a Pink and White Victory sail around would probably go into seizure. You can't change the colours on famous ships, or it wouldn't be that famous ship anymore. Sure on a 3rd rate, a frigate, etc... these "undefined" ships would be cool. As long as it is a bit historicly correct.


Would much rather have costum ship names, an OW spyglass, and a flag to identify the nation instead of it showing up by clicking on it.

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I'd personally like a system where the main hull colors of the ship are nation specific and the detail and mast colors could be either player or clan specific. It would make identifying ships in battle easier and give players some welcome customization option over the looks of the ships.

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