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PvP1 Sweden at war with the Dutch

Admiral Jacob Bagge

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Some of the comments by players in the Dutch Nation put in here are completely out of order.


Get a grip. Seriously.


At least show as much fighting spirit as you show whining spirit.


Salute to all players from both nations of the conflict that keep their fun and play the game in good spirit.


And on that note to any swedish players thinking of posting - please also cut back on the salt, bad for blood pressure and all of that...  We have had lots of great fights with the dutch, so lets keep it clean and have fun.


Edited by Zpliff
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My very respectful greetings go to Aegir, an enemy with good skills and always brave behaviour. Thank you for many great fights up from Mercury to 3rd Rate, i enjoyed every single combat.

Sidenote: unfortunately my Consti sank right in the bay of Willemsted while i tried to reach the capital saving money not using repair kit after our battle. A newbie dutch player dragged me into battle against a swedish AI Brig, i sank in seconds after battle startet. This shows how close our fight has been. Always goood winds at home in the north

Cheers n Horrido!

Edited by Horrido28
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I demand tribunal for that Swedish captain!


He refused to surrender , he burned his ship and his crews. I tried my best to save as much as I could but I failed :(

RIP 500 Swedish souls

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This thread has been opened up again. Now let's continue to keep it civil. Looking forward to Hethwil's next logbook entry!






Thank you.


I am sure you will not like it.



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I'd like <salute> the Dutch for a very good fight in the Las Aves PB (25 vs 25), they've fought like lions.


At this point i urge everybody to show respect for the enemy. It makes everything more enjoyable.

This game has mechanics that might annoy people, but do not forget that this game is still in alpha development.


Thank you for acknowledging this fact and lets de-salt this thread somewhat in future.





Snappy Salute Sveno,


we had some good battles together the last days, and even i was the last man sailing against you, i enjoyed it 




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I should have sunk your privateer today in the early morning... I knew it.

Crossed my mind that I would be intercepted and was ready to disengage at will :)

Was only on logistics run moving all ships to the new freebooter havens and was the very last run.

Getting up for office was mere six hours away :)

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Well i am glad i didn't waste a pb-slot for cumana as ordered and got some awesome pvp instead :D


did in the meanwhile anybody saw our glorious Mainfleet anywhere near Cumana or are they still on their way?  :P

Edited by Termagoon
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The weather in northern germany is just too good today to fight a war. :rolleyes:


Edit: Oh btw Tretton, can I ask for permission to anchor at Fort Zoutman to get all my coal out of there and pay my workers the salaries please?

Edited by Johan
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Crossed my mind that I would be intercepted and was ready to disengage at will :)

Was only on logistics run moving all ships to the new freebooter havens and was the very last run.

Getting up for office was mere six hours away :)




I thought you tried to intercept me and a few bigger ships were waiting behind you for the reasons where I was coming from xD

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First day of April Year of Our Saviour Two Thousand and Sixteen

At the Lodge “Wild Wet Wench”, free port Coquibacoa


Last official letter as captain under the patronage of the United Provinces of the West Indies,

To the Commander of the Irregular Fleet and Master Quartermaster for the Nation Privateers and to whom it may concern, most especially all the esteemed captains and admirals of the Fleet, Dutch Antilles Squadron and Associates.


Grave news arrived from Europe this morning and despite the situation on the colonies requiring my services I must be honest to my crew, them who have faithfully followed me through it all.


Without the continued support from my investors, which shall remain anonymous hoping for a return of grace, it will be impossible to continue funding a privateering company in the Antilles and Colonies. This support was vital for the supplying of crews and ships but in return the investment had to be returned three times in resources, prizes and, whenever possible, captured documents and information about the other European powers presence in the Caribbean.


For a while all went downwind, loot and prizes aplenty and our Investors even dared to make a move into the politics scene providing enough support for several rulings of laws to ease the lifeline support from Europe to the Colonies, the now extinct Progressive Party. Let us say that with the recent events in France and the ever threatening rise of the liberal constitutionalism republican ideas all Absolut power from the crown fell onto the possible enemies, or imaginary enemies, of the Prince and associates.


Our Investors salvaged as much as they could but send me the order to return all ships from the privateer fleet immediately upon closure of their representation offices at Fort Zoutman and Willemstad.

Thankfully, and I risk a dagger in the back for putting this into a official letter, the continuous war between the United Provinces and the Sweden Colonies provided me and my crew means of keeping ships for ourselves that otherwise would be prized and sold to cover the due payments to my investors.


As such, and with precious help from some new associates that work on the fringes of colonial power society, we been able to keep five vessels of the fleet, but not before returning another five to our investors in Europe, being the one which hurt us the most to see departing the Aardwolf King. To be noted that before we let her go some of my faithful crew exchanged the 12 pounders of the gun deck for sixes. We will be using those twelves on our own modified frigate and replace the top guns, transforming it into a more interesting vessel, a privateer frigate.


News of this must have traveled fast in the colonies for at the very first shake run of the Hyena, a beautiful sloop of war that has served us extremely well in the past and was docked for repairs for a while, we were attacked by three captains flying the United Provinces colours. Two of them were unknown and did not respond to any attempts to communicate. One of them was put to the water. The other was successfully disengaged after a good fight in the eastern shallows approach to Las Aves which the crew voted as not worthy to pursue given it was a warship and would yield nothing worth.


Another captain intercepted us and, despite our attempts to get a good wind on their ship, showed good handling of the ship and wind always reversing upwind and keeping us under the guns. We had to extend the contact and eventually disengage.


The crew decided, and I approved, of returning to our new homebase. After a long and uneventful sail we came upon a trader. The crew was at a loss of what to do, as was I. This was completely new. Not waging a privateer war but fighting for our own subsistence with taking prizes, whatever nation.


Pirates… how I hate that word. Freebooterz serves us better.


Hethwill Eskeath

Freebooter Captain
The Hyena of Coquibacoa

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Your services and those of your brave crew were quintessential to the Dutch efforts in the Caribbean area, Captain Hethwill Eskeath. Exemplary to us all. Politics can be devastating to any investment and I am sorry that you were pushed into your position by these unfortunate events.


For what it is worth, I am honour bound to defend the Dutch interests in the area, but I do sincerely hope that our paths will only cross on the rum-filled tables of "Schoonen Stormwolke"-Inn raising our mug for old times sake!


Fair seas to you and your crew, captain.

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On a more on topic notice.


Coordinated forces conveyed and ordered by the Dutch Consortium, also codenamed "Operation The Flying Dutchman", have made it possible to set numerous brave Dutch captains of its affiliated Dutch Carribean Admiralties to sail on a grand scale offensive strike against Swedish occupied Ports and forces near the Venezuelan Coast this very morning.


The combined efforts is part of a larger and elaborate strategic planning of the combined clans in the Dutch Consortium for a counter-offensive against recent Swedish aggression towards Dutch interests in the area. Leaders of the PFK, DKF, RL, CMd, RICE, CAP, LIONS, DIWC, DAS, numerous Dutch independent Captains and other participant brave Dutch clans, are pleased on the progress and results of the operation so far.


As operations are still in full swing, it is advised to trader vessels to stay clear of the area, or double your crow's nests lookouts and scan actively for Swedish corsair sails.

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