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Everything posted by Jeheil

  1. Good onya for trying to stimulate some fun. If my times fit, would love to participate.
  2. With only 85 online we still managed to get 17?? of us into a fight tonight all good fun...despite the outcome
  3. The French get an absolute slapping from the Danes and the Rats. The Brits feebly fumble and bumble around as Cartegena falls to those of the black flag. All this and more in this weeks L2tK.
  4. I was crook I(ill yesterday) and sounded far to sorry for myself to even pretend. Back at work now, so should be good, I have all the bits ready, just need to do the recording.
  5. Wowser...huge shift...I have only had a while to digest...but initially...I like it. Takes away nations (which have RL affiliations) and creates a sort of clan based RvR. As I read it Companies can be comprised of players from different clans without having to drop their clan allegience. Now as for solo players...well a) its an MMO...so ya know and b ) its an MMO so ya know.... One thing I am a little confused about.....can Companies include players from different Nations ? Oh and what are the rules for O/W PvP ? Still nation or company v company or ffa ?
  6. Well, after the Pirates gave the Brits and the US a kicking a couple of weeks ago, I feared for some dull times on Global. Thanks to the French and now the Danes, along with the pirates its now on for young n old. Huzzah. (oh and brits get yer thumb out yer bum and lets get into the fight)
  7. How dare you !!...on Global...if was EU we would all be asleep now. Ooops you were asking the Pirate ! Im on Global, he is on EU
  8. I think I have crafted the first WARP ship in Naval Action !! Bug....one our clannies sailing a Bucentaure kept on our screens stopping, going invisible, then re-appearing a good distance ahead of us with a post battle 'cant tag timer', to him, he experienced normal play except he was doing 45knots !! It has been F11'd. Now to work out how I did it....Was it the Star Wood ?
  9. Pirates take New Orleans, the French hit Santa Fe but more suprisingly give the pirates a jolly rogering around the pirate homeland, all this and more in this delayed A Letter to the King.
  10. Tuesday night methinks I should be able to dedicate myself to my REAL REAL LIFE !
  11. This last week has all been rather hectic IRL. Nothing dramatic, just RL hectic (one of the kids birthdays, my wedding anniversary, a family staying with us and I have PTSD from attempting to teach my daughter to drive), as such this weeks L2tK will be delayed one day. Mucho apologies. On the weekend, me n Mrs J went for a cruise on Sydney harbour, in winter, 26c (thats almost 80f in old money...in winter !!!). When Cpt Cook sailed into Sydney Harbour for the first time he commented it was perhaps one of the best most defensible harbours in the world, claiming a 1,000 Sails of the Line could easily be secured within her shores. While we were sipping champers and wondering at how the last 406 years of marriage had gone by so quickly we passed Fort Denison, which I have seen a million times, the touristy thingo on the speakers explained that it was 'special' in that it is of course a Martello Tower....however it was in fact...the last ever Martello tower built !! I of course demanded the captain load Double Shot.
  12. Yes I knew about the Dutch but forgot to mention it, in my defence, about an hour prior to putting quill to paper for these weeks L2tK I was introduced to Japanese Saki Desert Wine.... Sorry to those captains who sold their lives and didn't get a report...I shall try better...or drink less....or even combine the two and drink better, before the nest L2tK.
  13. A black cloud descends over the British, the French use trickery to crush a British Port Battle Fleet AFTER an uncontested battle and peace holds in the Antilles. All this and more in this weeks Letter to the King.
  14. Yeh but it would still show as escaped, and we loaded in pretty quick
  15. This is the 3rd tag (and we are in BG too for this one). We asked the priates they reckoned he had logged off/dc'd a little while ago. First tags we were in regular group and the same behaviour, we went into battle, but were on our own. This last one is just where, his friends arrived
  16. Tagged a santi in OW, sails down, 3 times, each time we enter the battle he is not there, last time, others appear (not the one tagged), it all went downhill from there, seems perhaps to be a bug with folks logging off at sea leaving a ghost ship ??
  17. The Black Flag flies over Jamaica, Port-a-Prince is pillaged, has peace broken out in the Antilles ? and what next for the Frenchies and Dutch...all this and more in this weeks A Letter to the King
  18. Yuppers well played Pirates, cohesion won the day, see ya next time.
  19. I have been getting about 9 a day...did PaP recently (held an already Brit Port) and since then, I think (will confirm tomorrow) that I haven't received any ? Stuck on the same number for 2 days (I am pretty sure, been spending some)...but will confirm tomorrow. Hang on cancel that, I sailed from one port to another and poof...they are there.
  20. I don't comment on these things when not involved. However a captain in a comment on this weeks L2tK claims it was him and it was just being new to PvP. Not saying what's what, just relaying evidence (or claim thereof) : See comments section to below vid. Feel free to stick it in a spoiler thing so as to not clog up the thread admin.
  21. The Brits complete their campaign in the gulf and a tentative peace breaks out with the US, the French and the Danes make peace and then immediately go to war again. And the Pirates bring WAR to Britain
  22. Brits and Pirates plough into the US, France sent packing to the Antilles, the Dutch 'ave a go and the Danes are forced out from the French homeland all this and more in this weeks a L2tK
  23. Great to see the Dutch field a competitive fleet, wind is real bind at that port and certaintly makes it very hard to win. Huzzah to the cloggies and I s'pose well done Frenchies with your defence
  24. The Brits and the Septics declare war, the Pirates go on a Bahama Based STOMPATHON and rather oddly, the French declare war on...errr...well.....FRANCE !?! all this and more in this weeks L2tK
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