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Everything posted by Jeheil

  1. The Eastern Alliance goes to town on the US, the Brits take Trinidad, Costa del Fuego is hit 3 times in 7 days, dupegate, British rifts and much much more in this weeks A Letter to the King.
  2. I watched the video for Islamabad and it wasn't 6-7 ships, I sympathise with those on the wrong end of nightflips, I have said this many times. They were nightflips, but the Danes are kicking off in mid-afternoon Euro time so the Western Alliance can't get their manes on and every man and his dog hit the US outside their primary, I thought we had kinda recognised its all a free-for-all until the game has alternatives put in. The US contested on Haiti and Cuba in primetime.
  3. In this the FIFTIETH episode of a Letter to the King we see the US thrive, the Eastern Alliance rebuff wave after wave of attacks and much much more in what was probably the most biffo seen in a week since the new Port Mechanics
  4. Could some kind soul put a summary of todays biffo's in and any screenies out there. I had to work work so could only sneaky twitch snipe in meetings. Thanks Amplify and Babay for the streams. PS I like this thread lets keep other melarkie out of it, I would be for it being moderated and non-relevant stuff just deleted.
  5. The Eastern Alliance Strikes Back, turmoil amongst the Brits, Danes go a stomping and Islamabad DOESN'T change hands for the first time in two months. All this and more in this weeks A Letter to the King
  6. So firstly wow what a PB, there will always be many things and stuff that take a battle from 970+ from one side to a win to the other...but wowser what a PB. I have actually up until this PB been impressed with LV's demeanor in chat, on national TS he has been both funny, lampooned himself a fair bit, copped and worn some flack and on occasion played up to his persona. But overall he has been very much an asset to the brits. I don't care if you like or dislike him (I am no fan of biggotry) but he is an excellent commander and it is NOT just about shouting or being brash. He is an inciteful gamer and a good one. Commanding is a long way from being easy. Indeed my next vid (indeed I hoped a series of them) was going to be with "commanders of the fleet" starting with LV. This behaviour has somewhat soured that appetite. I am saddened and somewhat angry at the overt finger pointing. It is as important in defeat as it is in victory to be gracious, now whether technically it is one persons fault or another, it should not result in abusive and derisive behavior. It not only tarnishes the fun of the game but it splits our nation and our relationship with allies we DEPEND on. I know most of the names who sailed with the Brits (indeed all of them) and have had lots of fun with pretty much all of of them. I know some of them to be great at certain aspects and less so than others, I believe the majority of them to be better sailors than I. So I really don't like the finger pointing and anatomical breakdown of a single captains failure. Especially when that captain has served the alliance brilliantly time after time...and is GREAT FUN to play with. So come on. Behave. Finally, well done Dane/Frenchy/Span/Sweedie gits, great win, I expect we will be back.
  7. The Spanish are back, the US take a whooping, the Danes regain in Haiti as do the rats, Raids are a coming as is the new patch...all this and more in this weeks A Letter to the King
  8. This idea is very exciting, I have many of the questions already posted so won't ask again. But I do like the notion and it will give us in different TZ's some good fun too. Very much looking forward to it.
  9. This at the very least seems better than the current system. Using a curve, most one on one engagements will be possible, whereas a large group of ships will need a BR much closer to their own BR to engage. I would imagine the curve would be something like this Total Target BR is 600. You need 150 (same as current) Total Target BR is 2000 you need 800 (25% more than current) Total Target BR is 6000 (a 4th rate fleet) you need 4000 (60% more than current) Total Target BR is 12000 (a 1st rate fleet) you need 10000 (or maybe even 12000). (75% more than current) So no longer can the equivalent of 6-7 1st pull in 25 1sts. This seems good. Is the circle any smaller by the way ? the current circle covers about a 1/3rd of the new world ? Really the only whole left by this is 1st-3rds screening 4th rate battles. Well it just means the 'attack' screen needs to be similarly comprised. Combined with 3 dura 1st rate change on test bed and this will be less of a problem.
  10. Thanks man, much appreciated, the Dev's spoke for a little while about 'screener' rewards a la the PvP events. I reckon that would be ace. Let us not forget, the greatest battles of the age of sail were screening !! The Spanish Armarda at the beginning of the age and Trafalgar at the end of it.
  11. Some superb tactical battles this week, Orinoco finally falls and the poor citizens of Islamabad put away their Spanish flags and get their USA flags out for the 6th time in 7 weeks. All this and more in this weeks A Letter to the King.
  12. Superb commanding at Orinoco and very high general fleet intelligence by the brits, wind was good, full fleet made it in....and boom boom chakka chakka...right Caracs now and that part of the map is nice n tidy
  13. I don't see it as winning or losing so much, its about getting a good fun fight. Euro position "I want a contested fight in my prime time. I don't want to wake up at 2am to defend a port" Non-Euro-position "I want a contested fight in my prime time. I don't want to wake up at 2am to defend a port" You see the difference !!! We got wolloped in one of our only THREE Aussie timezone PB's in the last 4 months by an undermaned fleet of combined allies. The loss didn't bother me at all. We had great fun...and I am talking about the whole Aussie fleet that got mostly killed !
  14. Not at all, I simply say, forget the past as far as stuff and things (they did this) melarkie. I know what I think I know as to who did what, but that simply isn't the topic, the topic is game-fun-sustainability. How do WE all get access to fun without having one side get the hump and walk off.
  15. Global servers are good IMO To lessen/make content for all TZ's consider the following : Incentivise players to join smaller nations : +20% exp, gold for smallest, scaled to -20% for largest (obviously its dynamic) Irrespective of hostility/admiral points to instigate a PB allow the defender to set a 4-6 hour window that the attacker can 2 days in advance pick a starting time If won the port stays on that time window. Each week thereafter, if it is held by the defender, they can slide the window 'one window' to another TZ Make it possible to build up port defences by doing community 'trade' imports Make it possible to denigrade a port by raiding it or any of its 'satelite' ports (within region), raids would reduce defences (happen at any TZ, use AI if no players come) and would goose up the local economy for 48 hours or some such Other general bits n bobs Give us clan management stuff (the normal) Make upgrades have 'lives' like officers Allow Clan v Clan Pirate biffo Introduce micro-transaction ($2-3) for sail decals, ship names to appear on your ship etc Fix the boarding game (and make lag tolerent) Improve RoE so when in a 'port battle' area you need 75% of the tagging BR and even consider tags to only be done from groups and the group leader More 'trading' missions related to local port needs Massively improved small battles (even as a almost seperate game within a game, think WoW arena). Allow Port Battle/Small Battle/Duel 'spectator mode'
  16. Lol such wonderful madness in that re-enactment
  17. Hope you realise such threats of agreeing with me will earn me a flogging...
  18. I have come to the shocking position where I agree with Kloot !! on pretty much the only way we can happily enjoy killing each other. I am losing sleep at this realisation. See from about 14.25 onwards (if you can't be bothered with my pre-amblatory dribllings)
  19. Screaming at Screening, Bored by Boarding and Flipping Angry at NightFlipping. All this and more in this weeks Naval Action.
  20. I tackle this head on, with a bit of a "sorry" to the Danes in this weeks L2tK (stay tuned). I also think 2 was not an acceptable offer to the US as it basically said you can't attack apart from 2 days a week. Not heard of an offer for 4.
  21. I think that the obvious is that the two sides be known as the "goodies" and the "baddies"
  22. And that is the question. Lets forget past transgressions, it adds no help to the answer. The US feel aggrieved the Danes dispute this, tbh, it doesn't matter. Lets look at the situation. At Euro Peak 600+ players (which incidentally is UP on pre-christmas) At US Peak 300sh players (daft o'clock Euro time). At sad-bastard Aussie peak 200ish players (AM/Noon Euro time). Now lets PRETEND the dev's two patches from now release 'THE MAGIC PATCH' which creates a fix that allows the US and saddo-Aussies to have some fun without @#$@#$ off the Euro's (about as likely as the USA getting the Aussie Prime Ministers', not Presidents btw name right). In the meantime we are left with what is simply an intractable problem. If players based in the US or Oceanic timezones create a port battle it will not be between dinner and bed time for the Europeans. It will be at some other time. So what shall we do until either we have LOTS more numbers (about as likely as the Brits getting a good Brexit deal) or a magic patch (known as the Trumble patch) to fix things. Well IMO we can do one of four things : 1) we can go around and around in circles, throwing poo at each other 'monkey style' about how the other side are meanies and deserve a slapping, or other side are meanies and we aren't playing any more (consider this to be known as the 'do as we are now option') 2) we can agree some 'days/times' that the Aussies/US can attack without causing the Euro's to spit the dummy and remember that nations can only have 2 ports set up in any 48hr period (consider this the 'Gentleman's Option') 3) We can all get Teddy tough and accept PB's whenever from whoever until the Dev's (in at least 2 months probably more, give us alternatives) and not worry too much about our pixel ports (now this is the 'Risky' Option because 'caring' about ports is what makes us logon !!...and if we can't defend em people might just give up). 4) Swap the US with either the Danes or French in the current alliance (and Savanah or Wilmington) until a patch comes out, we shall call this the "Shelby" option, this is a great idea which sadly probably has too much monkey poo stuck to it to ever happen. In happy la la dream world I would like option 2 or 4), we are currently executing option 1) and may well end up with option 3)
  23. I wake up on the weekend at 6am to play. So believe me I sympathise with you. I wish there were PB's in my TZ (and a player base to make it fun). So are battles after 10am Euro time ok ? After midnight is your cut-off when is your cut in ?
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